Generally, college students will choose to take a driver's license during the summer vacation, so that the free time is long, and if you do not retake the exam smoothly all the way, you can basically get a driver's license during a summer vacation.

It's just that there are too many people who test for driver's licenses during the summer vacation, plus the hot weather, the experience is very bad.

Therefore, those who have ideas will choose to take the exam when they go to school.

Of course, it is best to have a driving school close to the school, so it is more convenient to run back and forth to practice the car.

Except for holidays and Sundays, you can also run to practice for a while when there are few classes.

That's what Wei Hanzhong thought.

On the way, the two chatted without a ride.

After arriving at the DMV, one went to take pictures for a physical examination.

The medical examination of the driver's license is still very simple and fast.

After the physical examination was completed, they took the physical examination form to the driving school closer to the school and paid for registration.

Wei Hanzhong asked curiously, "Can you drive?" "

It will be a little," Xu Muge said modestly.

He has professional-level driving skills comparable to that of a professional racing driver.

If his level can only be regarded as a little, then no one in this world dares to say that he knows how to drive.

Wei Hanzhong said: "I haven't touched the steering wheel before, I hope to get the certificate before the winter vacation." "

Normally, it takes about two months to get a driver's license, but that's based on having enough time to practice.

They still have to go to class like this, of course, they can't come every day.

It's normal to get it before the winter break.

"It should be fine," Xu Muge just wanted to get it as soon as possible and not delay himself too much time.

After signing up, they met the coach, and the coach said a few words.

Subject 1, the two of them should be able to take the test together, but the time to get a driver's license is estimated to be much worse.

After leaving the driving school, they went back to school together.

Had dinner.

Xu Muge returned to the bedroom and opened his live broadcast room as usual.

After the audience arrived, Xu Muge was ready to read a few emails first, give everyone some spiritual arsenic, and earn some points by the way.

The first victim was quickly found.

"Hello Brother Mu, I'm also a freshman like you, and I watch you live every day."

"Suddenly very confused, I don't know what to do, I don't like my current major, I don't have a little goal and direction, I don't know whether to work hard or lie flat, can Brother Mu say something realistic to motivate me, even if it's chicken soup."

After Xu Muge finished reading it, he drank his saliva.

He's too good at this.

"It's good if you don't have a goal, after all, if you have it, you may not be able to achieve it, it's better not to have it."

Points +135

"It's okay if you don't like your major, even if you like it, if you graduate successfully, you may not be able to find a job, and the salary and treatment may not be good if you find a job."

Points +268

"Even if the salary is good, you will definitely often work overtime and stay up late, and you will not have time to fall in love and enjoy life, what is the meaning of such a life."

+357 points

: "But you still have to work hard, so that you know that you really can't do it, not because you're too lazy."

Points + 240

Xu Muge did not continue, because a person can provide up to a thousand points in an hour.

Besides, you can't earn his points.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed crazy.

"Hahahaha, the first time I saw the initiative to find Brother Mu to let the crit hit."

"Every sentence pierced my heart, and I cried too."

"This person's situation is exactly the same as mine, so Brother Mu's words seem to be saying to me."

"Brother Mu be careful, don't call people depressed."

During this time, Xu Muge basically had a spiritual arsenic session every day, and most people liked it.

Xu Muge also likes it, after all, he can earn points.

After deleting the email, he continued to click on the next one.

"Hello Brother Mu, in fact, I shouldn't call you Brother Mu, after all, I'm almost thirty years old, but I just call it like everyone."

"I am married, the child is more than two years old, but I find that I still seem to be immature enough, often angry because of a little thing, not rational enough and not calm enough, I don't know what is going on, I hope you and everyone help me analyze and analyze."

After Xu Muge finished reading it, he rubbed his chin.

Brow frowned slightly.

"Is there a possibility that you have matured, but when you mature, you are what you are now?"

+666 points


The person who sent this email was in the live broadcast room, and he was quite happy to see Xu Muge reading his email.

But when Xu Muge said this, he was stunned.

If struck by lightning.

The hit don't know what to say.

Looking at the barrage again, it was all 666, and he felt that the clown was actually myself.

Xu Muge's email reading link Lou Zhanlei they also liked it, they were all listening to it at this time, but they didn't appear in front of the camera.

The one just now was okay, and everyone laughed after listening to this.

One day, the iron-eating beast starved to death because Xu Muge took away the bamboo shoots on the mountain.

Xu Muge continued to click on the next one, holding his chin and reading it.

"Hello anchor, I'm thirty-two, I'm still single, and my relatives and friends at home have been urging me, let me quickly find a partner to marry."

"This gives me a headache, in fact, I feel that single life is very good, enjoy the state of single life, I am thinking, whether to continue to enjoy single life, or compromise, find someone to step into the grave of marriage to get married and have children."

In recent years, the marriage rate has become lower and lower, but the divorce rate has been increasing, and more and more people are single.

There are quite a few people like him.

But there are certain differences.

Xu Muge said slowly: "I feel that you may not understand that when you want to find a girlfriend you can find at any time, and even have a few spare tires with good conditions in all aspects, you still choose to be single, which is called enjoying a single life."

"And in your case, the probability is because you can't find a suitable partner, so you have to be single, what kind of family is this called enjoying single life?"

Points +1000


This time, Lou Zhanlei did not hold back, and laughed directly.

The live broadcast room is also full of 233 screens.


"I really served, Brother Mu can find a very clear angle every time to give the fans a fatal blow, and my scalp is numb when I show it."

"Is this an anchor that I can watch for free?"

"I can imagine that all the words used to describe Xiu are so pale and weak on you."

"I am the nine-life cat, I just died of laughter again, and now there are only six lives left."

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