Chapter 128 Go, where to catch the sea on a small day!!

At the same time, at the port.

The captain of the coast guard also broadcast the phone of the Nanhai Scientific Research Institute in the distance.

“Dean, have you read the news?”

“Well, the old man paid attention to it early this time, but even so, the old man was shocked by what the child did.”

“I just installed a tug device for him, but I didn’t expect this kid to be able to do it to this extent.”

On the side of the Nanhai Research Institute, the eyes of a white-haired old man were also full of all kinds of surprise.

Originally, when installing the tugboat device this time, the white-haired old man thought that Qi Mo would stop for a while.

As a result, I didn’t expect that what Qi Mo did was still shocking and incomprehensible.

Add you a tugboat device, that’s what you are here to do?!

“Ahem, Lord Dean, this also shows that Mr. Qi Mo is indeed a gifted person.”

“Do you have any thoughts on the current modification of the ship?”

“You go and ask that kid about this question, as long as it is in line with the things on the fishing boat, it doesn’t matter if it is installed.”

The president of the South China Sea Research Institute said that with Qi Mo’s luck, even if it was just ordinary fishing boat equipment, he could still play with a flower.

“However, what really surprised the old man was the help of the Nanhai Archaeological Institute.”

“That group of old guys actually took a step ahead of the old man and gave Qi Mo the status of honorary elder. Forehead. ”

“Those old things, don’t you know that Qi Mo, this kid, is the person the old man first fancy.”


Hearing this, the captain of the coast guard, who was on the phone, also expressed his helplessness.

After all, the spit of those old people between the people of virtue and prestige, he was not suitable to interject in the first place.

“In short, if there is a maintenance upgrade about the Xuanxi ship, just ask Mengtian Yi’s child’s opinion.”

“Our research institute will give you whatever you need.”

“By the way, there is also the White Eagle Country operation ship that was abducted by Qi Mo, it seems to be the latest model of the White Eagle Country’s Fukini.”

“Transfer that ship to the scientific research institute, the White Eagle Country will send a gift, we naturally have to receive it well!”

“Mr. Tozimo’s suit, this time our research on ships at sea can progress for at least another year.”

Meanwhile, the South Sea Biological Museum is here.

Qi Mo also took Han Qianqian’s small hand, and gave priority to experiencing the atmosphere of the crowds here.

And Han Qianqian seems to treat this kind of thing as a date, and her pretty face is always red and fluttering, looking extremely beautiful.

But fortunately, Qi Mo and Han Qianqian were dressed up with masks, and no one recognized them.

Moreover, most of the people who came here also came for the exhibition of the dragon fossils.

Because they had an invitation in their hands, Qi Mo and they also stood in the best position of the exhibition stand, looking at the huge and complete Canglong words in front of them.

“It’s spectacular.”

In Qi Mo’s eyes, a complete dragon spliced together by hundreds of fossil bones was also quietly placed on the display shelf.

Even now that only fossilized bones remain, you can feel how huge this prehistoric creature once was.

Han Qianqian also made an exclamation because of this.

By the way, she also dragged Qi Mo’s arm with one hand, wondering if the fossil of the dragon was still fished out by her and Qi Mo.

At this moment, her mood was also extremely excited.

In this way, after wandering around the South China Sea Museum for a while, Qi Mo also withdrew his arm from Han Qianqian’s arms, which was almost like warm jade.

Then he also spoke.

“It’s not early, we should go back.”

“Tomorrow, we will continue to go to sea.”


Han Qianqian also nodded, looking at Qi Mo’s handsome smile, some words were also held in her heart.

But I thought that tomorrow in the future, or even for a longer period of time, I would be happy to live with Qi Mo fishing on the sea.

So Han Qianqian also smiled.

“Rest well, Captain Qi Mo.”


Qi Mo felt that at that moment just now, Han Qianqian’s appearance was also extremely cute.

But he didn’t think much of it.

Anyway, we can see each other every day, so that daily life will continue and continue.

Therefore, Qi Mo also adjusted his emotions and returned to his home.

At night, Qi Mo, who was sorting out his dinner, also heard the sound of someone knocking on the door, and after opening the door, a strange man dressed like a man in black also appeared in front of Qi Mo…

“Excuse me, are you here to give away the bonus?”

Looking at the black-clothed strange man carrying the black suitcase-like thing in his hand, Qi Mo also felt very puzzled.

How does this look like a person dressed in the underworld.

After asking, the black-clothed strange man also nodded, and then handed the suitcase to Qi Mo.

After opening it, it was indeed a bonus sent by the Navy Bureau, and even a pennant sent by the Navy Bureau.

Seeing this scene, Qi Mo also turned his head to look at the black-clothed man who gave him a bonus at the door.

“I said, you should be from the Navy Bureau.”

“Do you have to dress like this?”

“The above ordered, try to hide your whereabouts as much as possible, don’t cause trouble to you, Mr. Qi Mo.”

Ah this…

Qi Mo looked at the black dress in front of him, and said in his heart that it is fortunate that you came to my house at night, otherwise your dress would be more attractive!

However, after sending away the people of the Navy Bureau, Qi Mo also checked the bonus first

The amount of the bonus is also very high, directly as high as tens of millions.

Qi Mo estimated that the Navy Bureau was also wondering why some fishermen would search for the latest model of the White Eagle Country operation ship and come back.

But in terms of bonuses, naturally if you can give more, you will give more!

And Qi Mo also took out the pennant, and on the crimson pennant, the big golden characters were also particularly dazzling.

“It is not my wish to be a marquis, but I hope that Hai Boping.”

“Is this a direct borrowing of General Qi’s words left?”

“But if you use it today, it can be regarded as in line with the reality.”

Qi Mo felt that the people of the Navy Bureau had already calculated this.

After all, I only fished up a search for Daming’s warship today.

Put away the prize money and the pennant.

Then I also lay comfortably in bed for the night.

When I got up early the next morning, Jimo also went to the location of the port.

On the way there, Qi Mo was also thinking in his heart, today he was going to that place to catch the sea.

“Before, the sea on the other side of the Rising Sun seemed to have opened a piece of the open sea.”

“It’s better to go somewhere to catch the sea today.”

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