Get up early to go to class and go out of the bedroom door.

Xu Muge waved her arms.

"Come on guys!"

"Let's go ahead!

"Go go go go!"

Points +1000

Points +1000

Points +1000

This is what they said when they went out yesterday before their date.

The one who said that is proud and ambitious.

Xu Muge said this, it is one of the ways of yin and yang strangeness, just repeat what they said before.

So Xu Muge ran in front, and they chased behind.

I came to the classroom happily.

This is the only class today that must be in the classroom. After Xu Muge finished the class, he left the school and went to the studio.

Keep making movies.

The overall progress of the film exceeded Xu Muge's budget.

First of all, the two leading actors are very good, many scenes are passed through, very few ng.

Secondly, Xu Muge is very familiar with movies. When shooting, he followed the steps step by step, lacking the link of exploring and thinking.

Finally, this is a film in the form of a pseudo-documentary.

It was originally expected to be finished in half a month to a month.

It’s only been ten days since the shoot, and it’s already in the final stage.

One last shot.

The original has three endings.

Xu Muge directly chose the most ruthless ending.

The female lead was dragged downstairs, and the male lead went to check.

Then the male protagonist seemed to have been hit by something, and suddenly flew back from the door and hit the camera.

The hostess came over from the door and stood in front of the camera with a weird and gloomy smile.

The filming of this episode is finished today, and the ghost recording is finished.

Xu Muge looked at Zhan Bo and said, "Come on, it's your turn to fly."


Lu Zhanbo is stupid, shouldn't this action be done by a stand-in? Director, have you overestimated my ability?

“Just kidding, the substitute will be here soon,” Xu Muge said.

Lu Zhanbo breathed a sigh of relief.

The male protagonist flew upside down to the camera, which should have been done by a professional stand-in.

It's not that I'm afraid of Lu Zhanbo's injury, it's mainly a professional substitute to do it faster and easier.

Let Lu Zhanbo fly unprofessional, and take several more pictures, which is a waste of time.

In case of injury, it is still a work-related injury, and the loss outweighs the gain.

After the avatar flew, it was time for Tang Youyou to get on.


As soon as Tang Youyou finished laughing, Xu Muge called to stop.

"The smile is a little softer. You can imagine yourself as a bad person who only has evil in his heart, with a hint of gloom."

Tang Youyou nodded in understanding.

"I understand the director, let's do it again."

It was much better this time.

Because her smile is very important in this scene, Xu Muge's requirements are a little higher.

Let her take ten consecutive shots, and finally chose the most satisfying one.

"Okay, the two are done, and the movie is over."

Lu Zhanbo and Tang Youyou breathed a sigh of relief.

Basically every actor is like this after filming a scene, and he feels relieved.

In addition, this time it was a horror thriller movie that they had not tried before, so it was very different.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a good meal," Xu Muge said.

This is the case with most movies.

They packed up, Xu Muge drove the car and parked in front of a Shaxian snack shop.

Lu Zhanbo Tang Youyou: "???"

Is this what you mean by a good meal? This is great!

"Don't think about it, I just stopped to send a message," Xu Muge said.

Having said that, he started the car and continued on without taking out his mobile phone.

You're a real drip!

In the end, Xu Muge took them to find a good-quality restaurant and ate a banquet.

After that, the editing of the movie will be done. After the editing is completed, it will be sent for review.

"Fortunately, there is not such a strict review system for horror films in this world, otherwise this film will not be released."

"But looking back, I still have to find a way to send it to a foreign release. This type of film is also very popular in foreign countries, and the box office may be better than that in China."

The editing work is also very fast. After all, Xu Muge has watched the full version three times.

Xu Muge came to the company with the edited movie and invited Cheng Wenpeng to come over.

Cheng Wenpeng was very surprised to learn that Xu Muge invited him to come over to watch a movie.

"It's only been a few days, so you're ready to shoot?"

From the look on his face, you can tell that he doubts the quality of the movie.

Don't talk about him, it's the same for anyone.

After all, the investment is only tens of thousands in addition to the actor's remuneration. Can a movie that took ten days be a good movie?

"You'll find out."

Xu Muge turned on the projector in the conference room and closed the windows and lights.

Peng Cheng is the first person in the world to see this movie.

He originally thought of giving Xu Muge face.

Unexpectedly, just ten minutes into the movie, he knew he was wrong.

He was a little flustered while watching the movie.

If it wasn't broad daylight and Xu Muge wasn't there, he just left and didn't dare to watch it any longer.

The atmosphere of this movie is too good, too real.

Forcibly restrained the inner fear, Cheng Wen Peng finished the movie.

When Xu Muge opened the curtains and turned on the lights.

Cheng Wenpeng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he had gained a new life.

His palms and foreheads were full of sweat, cold sweat.

Xu Muge pointed at his feet and said, "Why did you pee?"

"Where is it?" Cheng Wenpeng hurriedly got up, looked carefully, and found nothing.

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He knew he was being tricked.

Cheng Wenpeng said speechlessly: "This movie really exceeded my expectations. As a horror film, it was very successful. It can be released in theaters or even abroad."

He thought that Xu Muge was too amateur and had little funds. It was just a whim. It was good that the film he made could be broadcast on video sites as a big online movie.

I didn't expect him to be so powerful, not only made a finished film, but also made it so quickly and successfully.

Maybe this is genius, and ordinary people can't understand it at all.

"The announcement of the movie will be handed over to your company," Xu Muge said.

Peng Cheng nodded, "I can also help with the review. When are you going to release it?"

Xu Muge looked at the calendar.

"If everything goes well, it's best to release it on the first day of the new year."

Cheng Wenpeng looked at Xu Muge with a question mark on his face and a look of you're teasing me.

"You let the audience watch horror movies on the first day of the new year. Who gave you the courage? Liang Ruixue?"

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