Live Broadcast: My Leisurely Life As An Emperor in Daqin!

269. This f*ck is a beast! [1] Please complete the order!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Little stars lit up in Li Yao's eyes.

'Domineering, domineering!

"I thought that Brother Zheng would join forces with Donghu! 99

"Me too, hahaha!

"Brother Zheng is mighty!"

"What about Jianguo? You don't even have a family!

"If this were to be replaced by another emperor, I might be frightened into marriage with a relative!

"His Majesty!"

When a group of people appeared,

The long-awaited Wang Jian and others!

Quickly get up!

They also want to know what was discussed in detail this time!!

"How did the test go?"

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Jian and others, but ignored them.

Instead, he turned his eyes to Li Si and Wei Liao.


Li Yao heard the words,

Suddenly shivered!



Did you just forget about this?


"There's one last match left!

Li Si bowed his hands,

Respectfully reply.

During the time when His Majesty had just left, he had undergone two tests in succession, but the results disappointed him very much. No one could pass this test!


Such is the will of God!!

"His Majesty!"

Li Yao is about to cry!

She missed it!!!

"If the national teacher can pass the last game!

"I will fulfill the previous covenant with the national teacher!"

Ying Zheng glanced at Li Yao and spoke lightly.

"I thank you, Your Majesty!

Li Yao instantly handed over excitedly,

There are words from your majesty,

Then she has to give this third match no matter what, to make up for the few matches she missed before!

Li Si and Wei Liao looked at each other,

A knowing smile.

this last game,

They can guarantee that no one can live it!

"Students are in place!"

Meng Yi spoke loudly, looking at the parchment handed over by Li Si, the corner of his mouth twitched!


Such a quiz!

This f*ck, can people come up with it?

Persuade Li Si to be a good person!!!

in the field,

Even Wang Jian and the others were now sitting in the exam room again!


They just brought back two more zero eggs!

Now let's pass this last question!

"The last question of this exam!

"Students please!"

"Recite the Book of Songs without omission!"9

Meng Yi had just finished speaking,

The exam room exploded in an instant!

I grass,

this f*ck,

The question is a beast!


Memorize the Book of Poetry without missing a word?

This f*ck's!!!

What a beast!

Xun Kuang shook his head and sighed, a little helpless!


To memorize the Book of Songs, maybe one or two of Jixia's students can do it!


This word is not omitted to recite the Book of Songs backwards,


That's 10,000 Cao f*ck!!

Li Yao was stunned!


This Lis,

I don't want Bilian so much, I can even think of this kind of exam question!

"F*ck, this kind of test question is simply perverted!"

"Isn't it? F*ck, you have to recite the Book of Songs backwards!"

"Li Si is stunned because he wants to repay his debts!"

"I want to see, how many people can answer it!"

"Yeah, who can answer this stupid question!

"This is too much, too much for Bilian, such a question!"


"Students please answer!

Meng Yi stood on the high platform with his hands on his back,

I sighed in my heart,

speak my heart,

this topic,

Excessive indeed!

Who in the world can answer?

"Guer et al still call themselves famous in the world on weekdays, but they act like this at critical moments?"

"Hahaha, what's so difficult about this?"

"I come!

While everyone was frowning,

A rough voice sounded,

Everyone turned to look,

only see,

Wang Jian put his hands on his hips, laughed loudly, and his eyes were full of contempt!

this topic,

to him,

It's just a quiz!

"just you?

You Jixia celebrities were dissatisfied and looked at Wang Jian with doubts!

Just this reckless man who doesn't know two baskets of big characters,

Can you recite the Book of Poetry?

how does this look,

It all feels so weird!

"just me!

Wang Jian akimbo laughed, full of confidence.


Many Jixia celebrities were really stunned by Wang Jian's attitude!


Is it,

Is this person really the kind of hidden person?

Was just pretending to tease him earlier?


No matter how you look at it, it feels a little different!

"Then ask the old general to answer!"

Meng Yi stretched out his hand and looked at Wang Jian.

Many candidates in the audience also pointed their ears quickly.

Listen carefully.


Wang Jian with his hands on his back,

speak loudly,

finished reading,

The audience was stunned!

He looked straight at Wang Jian.


Is this the end?

Is this his recitation of the Book of Songs?


It made you memorize the text, but did not make you memorize the title of the book!

Who can't be recited by name!!!

"Hahaha, is this the end?"

"This is the back??'

"f*ck, just stunned me!

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect it to be like this!

"F*ck, I was also stunned, this f*ck!

"Grass, this Book of Songs has been recited backwards!""


"It's in vain to call yourself noble on weekdays!

"But so much! 35

Wang Jian carried his hands on his back, full of pride,


this time,

His title is back!

Never thought it would be so easy!


Meng Yi spoke loudly and gave Wang Jian a disqualification!


"Isn't this old man memorizing the Book of Songs?"

Wang Jian was a little unconvinced,


Under the watchful eyes of all,

Meng Yi is actually cheating, he must ask your majesty to come down and judge!

"Re-evaluate the definition again below!"

"The Book of Songs that you are reciting this time is the content of the Book of Songs, not the title of the Book of Songs!

Meng Yi looked at Li Xin and others who were eager to try,

Again aloud to reiterate!.

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