Live Broadcast: My Leisure Country Life

149 Endangered giant tortoise, touch porcelain online

The bottom of the Jiujiang River.

The slow flow of water is like the girl's gentle hands caressing Chen Tian's body.

Chen Tian was wandering in the river, his eyes swept across the surrounding blue water and the messy aquatic plants, and after confirming again and again that there was nothing to gain, he slowly moved his body to the shore with the purple bamboo cage.

The purple bamboo cage that gave the greatest expectations was empty, which made Chen Tian never expect that he could not understand where the problem was.

Is it because there is no bait - the reason?

Chen Tian shook his head, this kind of problem can only be tried next time-experiment.

"Chen Tian, ​​this way.

When Chen Tian swam up to the surface, the little doctor waved to him from a distance.

Through the lens of the underwater drone, he also knew that the trap was empty, but to him, it didn't matter whether it was empty or not, as long as he took the trap and went back to eat.

"Come." Chen Tian grabbed the purple bamboo cage and quickly swam to the small Chinese medicine practitioner on the shore.

Halfway through the swim, Chen Tian suddenly stopped, and his eyes narrowed slightly to look at the bushes on the shore, which had just moved.

"Little Chinese doctor, don't move, there is something behind you.

"Huh?! Chen Tian, ​​don't scare me..."

After being shouted by Chen Tian, ​​the little doctor was scared to cry. He unconsciously remembered the last time he went to the deep mountains with Chen Tian, ​​and when he turned around, he encountered the highly poisonous silver ring snake.

Woohoo.., is it another viper this time?

"Chen Tian, ​​ah, is it... a snake?"

"I heard a voice from behind, it seemed to be approaching me...

"I'm going... Chen Tian, ​​what the hell is it, should I run away...

Hearing the stomping sound of grass blades unceasingly resounding behind him, the little doctor's face stiffened, and he wanted to look back but did not dare to look back, for fear that when he turned around, he would see a large bloody snake mouth.


When the little doctor was struggling, he found that the voice behind him was getting closer and closer, and the sound soon reached him.

Damn it! Come on! Die or die!

The little doctor turned his neck stiffly, and looked to the side resignedly.

Coincidentally, the nearly two-meter-long blue-black object that came to him also turned its head and looked at him strangely. Those dark eyes revealed a hint of spirituality.


What? It's not like a snake, it's a.. turtle?

After finding out that it was not a snake, the little doctor was relieved and relieved.

As long as it's not a snake, what is there to be afraid of tortoises...

Well, no, is the turtle so big?!

The little doctor suddenly reacted, staring wide-eyed at the giant tortoise that appeared beside him.

This tortoise has a blue-black body, thick limbs, and the huge black tortoise shell on its back is like a huge shield.

It's almost two meters long!

Holy crap! How can there be such a big turtle here?!

When the little doctor's face was full of surprises, the blue-black tortoise next to him ignored the little doctor and turned his attention to the river again.

At this time, Chen Tian in the river was also a little confused. He had already recognized the turtle on the river bank through the identification technique.

Gala tortoise,

A huge tortoise with a very long lifespan, 180 years old in front of him.

The key is that this Gala tortoise is a world-class protected creature, the kind that is on the verge of extinction!

"Fuck! What a big turtle!"

"Is this a turtle? It's almost 2 meters long! 99

"God, what kind of tortoise is this, the little encyclopedia expert? Come out and explain.

"This is the Gala giant tortoise! ​​A world class conservation animal!

"Fuck? World-class?!"

"Yes, world-class! This kind of turtle has never appeared in the empire before, how could it appear in the anchor's hometown?!

"I'm going! This turtle is awesome!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw the Gala tortoise. The nearly two-meter-long body of the Gala tortoise is very eye-catching!

And the titles of world-class protected creatures and endangered species have pushed everyone's enthusiasm to a peak.

The live broadcast room was instantly boiling, and everyone was constantly babbling! 666! The barrage came to vent their excitement, and more viewers recorded and screenshots of the live broadcast and sent them to major websites.

For a while, news spread on the Internet that the endangered giant tortoise was found in the Douyuyi live broadcast room, and tap water viewers from various websites and platforms poured into the Chen Tian live broadcast room.

"Fuck, there really is such a big tortoise! ​​Netizens are honestly not deceiving me.

"Is this an endangered species? It does look unique, it's the first time I've seen a turtle this size."

"I'm going, this turtle is almost two meters long, isn't it, it's wild?

"This is the first time a newcomer is here, may I ask if my kneeling posture is correct?

"Meng Xinjia arrived, anchor, familiar with me!"

·For flowers·

The live broadcast room was very lively, and new people poured into the live broadcast room constantly. Chen Tian's fans' attention and gifts increased.

680W! 700W! 750W!  …


Chen Tian's fan following quickly broke through 8 million, and it is still growing!

More and more people poured into the live broadcast room, and even many small anchors stopped live broadcast, pulling their fans to join in the fun.

A full screen of snow-white barrage floated past, and super rockets continued to lift off, making the live broadcast room more lively, like a carnival.

At this time, Chen Tian did not notice the strangeness in the live broadcast room, he was swimming quickly towards the river bank in the water.

Is this tortoise waiting for me?

For some reason, Chen Tian had a strange feeling that the tortoise seemed to be waiting for him on the shore.

Shaking his head, Chen Tian shook off the strange thoughts in his mind and swam to the shore quickly.

Soon, Chen Tian came ashore.

And the tortoise also walked towards Chen Tian with slow steps.

"Hey, Chen Tian, ​​do you know this tortoise?" Seeing the tortoise walking towards Chen Tian, ​​the little doctor said in amazement, he just discovered that the tortoise seemed to be waiting on the shore.

"Hey.. I don't know, I don't know what's going on." Chen Tian looked suspiciously at the tortoise approaching.


A move after the tortoise approached Chen Tian completely stunned.

And the millions of online viewers in the live broadcast room were equally shocked that their jaws could not be closed.

I saw that after the tortoise approached Chen Tian, ​​one head got into the purple bamboo cage in Chen Tian's hands!

Chen Tian: "???"

Small TCM: "???"

Everyone: "???"

"What's the situation?! Is this turtle stupid? Why did it get into the cage with its head?

"Is there a great encyclopedia, come and explain!"

"This...I don't know what's going on!"

When people are confused,

Chen Tian looked down at the tortoise whose head was resting comfortably in his trap, and there were 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Your uncle's!

As a world-class protected creature, can you be a little self-aware?!

It is against the law to arrest you, do you know that?!

Come up and get into my trap, you are touching porcelain, don't you know! Enter,

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