Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 224 Wishing to win the heart of one person

Beijing, the headquarters of the Huaguo Poetry Association.

Han Zhong smiled and said, "As expected, everyone's response to this question is a bit big."

Bai Yi said: "That's for sure. The love story between Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru has been talked about by people for thousands of years. Many people have also tried to rewrite this poem by Zhuo Wenjun, but everyone always feels it It is a pity that the poems written are not the poems of Zhuo Wenjun. Now, we use it as the test question for this round, and everyone's interest is naturally very strong. "

Liu Yuan also said: "Not only netizens are interested, but the famous artists, including some people who study history, are probably also very interested. It's just that we shouldn't expect too much, the poems of this ** should not be too brilliant. ."

Han Zhong nodded and said: "No one has been able to write this poem for thousands of years. Of course we don't expect them to write any good poems within half an hour. We just treat it as a topic, a It's just a difficult question."

Bai Yi smiled and said, "That said, I'm looking forward to it. Especially that kid, I don't know what kind of answer he can give in the face of such a question?"

Han Zhong also smiled and said, "I'm also looking forward to it. But don't expect too much. After all, he is still very young, and it is almost impossible to write this poem well."


Beijing, a residential area.

"Want to write a poem for Zhuo Wenjun? Interesting." Yi Tian, ​​a professor of history at Beijing University, also developed a strong interest in this question.

He likes history, studies history, and is naturally very familiar with the stories of Zhuo Wenjun and Sima Xiangru, which have been passed down for thousands of years. I also feel very sorry that the poem written by Zhuo Wenjun in the story was not recorded in history.

He has carefully studied relevant documents, including official history, unofficial history, folklore, etc., trying to find clues about this poem, but he found nothing.

Of course, it is very likely that the poem does not exist at all, and naturally there will be no record of it. The statement that Zhuo Wenjun once wrote this poem is also processed into the legend of later generations.

But in any case, without this poem, it is a very big regret for this story that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Now, the Huaguo Poetry Association has taken this as the topic of the competition. This made Yi Tian intrigued, although he did not believe how good poetry could be written by the eight contestants. But he was curious what poems the contestants would write.

Like Yi Tian, ​​professors and teachers from many universities across the country, especially teachers from history and literature departments, have shown unprecedented interest in this round of competition.

Of course, they're basically just curious and not very hopeful about the outcome. Because, it may not be difficult to write a good poem, but from Zhuo Wenjun's point of view, to supplement the poem in this story, and to be recognized by everyone, it is not a difficult problem, but a fundamental problem. impossible.

Otherwise, the poems written by many poets for thousands of years will not always be unacceptable and accepted by people.

It can be said that all over the country, whether it is celebrities or ordinary netizens, they are just holding a curious attitude and waiting for the final result.


It's just that everyone doesn't know that there is a person who did not belong to this world originally, and is also participating in this poetry meeting.

The world where this person originally lived also has such a beautiful story, and it is more complete than the story of this world. The poem that made Sima Xiangru change his mind and made the world regret for thousands of years was also passed down along with that beautiful story in the world where this person originally lived.

The poem is called "Baitou Yin".

Now, it is being typed on the computer word by word by Li Fan.

As white as the snow on the mountains, as bright as the moon among the clouds.

Wen Jun has two intentions, so he came to decide against each other.

Today's drinking party, tomorrow's ditch water head.

On the imperial ditch, the ditch water flows from east to west.

Desolately desolate again desolately, there is no need to cry in marriage.

I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated.

Why are the bamboo poles curled, and the fishtails curled!

A man is very arrogant, so why use money and swords!

This original authentic poem will soon meet the world, and it will make countless people in this world ecstatic!


Half an hour passed quickly, and the time came to seven o'clock in the evening. Countless people waiting in front of the computer can't wait to start reading poem after poem.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan commented while watching.

Han Zhong said: "Not bad, not bad. As expected of the author of the top 8, just looking at the poetry itself is still very good."

Bai Yi said: "The poem is good, but it's just a little fussing, it seems empty, without emotion, and there is basically no sense of substitution. Yan Mu and Fei Yang's poems are better, but I still feel that this can't be the poem written by Zhuo Wenjun at all. ."

Han Zhong continued: "This poem is really not easy to write. Fortunately, we have already prepared it in our hearts. Forget the background of its creation and simply appreciate the poem."

Bai Yi smiled bitterly and said, "That's the only way. It's just that many people should still be disappointed. Maybe we shouldn't ask this question, so that everyone won't be disappointed."

Han Zhong sighed: "Maybe. Hey, why are we all talking? Why doesn't Lao Liu say a word?"

Only then did Han Zhong and Bai Yi realize that Liu Yuan didn't say a word since his work came out. This is really strange, Lao Liu is not a person who likes silence.

The two looked in the direction of Liu Yuan's seat at the same time, only to see Liu Yuan staring at the computer screen motionless, as if intoxicated by some kind of incident.

The two men were puzzled for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly turned their eyes back to the computer screen. According to their previous habit, they put Li Fan's works at the end to appreciate them, and they haven't seen Li Fan's works yet.

There is only one reason why Liu Yuan is so fascinated at this time. That is to see a poem that can fascinate him, and this poem can only be Li Fan's.

Han Zhong and Bai Yi opened Li Fan's poem, and after a while, an incredible look of surprise appeared on their faces.

Soon, like Liu Yuan, he was fascinated by this poem.


Beijing, a residential area.

"Oh? It's out already, then let me take a look." Yi Tian rubbed his neck with his hands, took a sip of tea, and then started to look at the entries.

"Alas! Sure enough. Just as I thought, these poems are good poems alone. But no matter how you look at them, they don't seem to be written by Zhuo Wenjun. I want to completely imitate Zhuo Wenjun's heart at that time and write this poem. A poem is really impossible."

Yi Tian looked down one by one, and couldn't say he was disappointed. He is an expert in history, and he knows the difficulty of writing this poem. It is impossible for these young poets to complete the things that so many people in history have not done.

Just suddenly, his eyes froze suddenly, and his face was full of incredible expressions. His hands trembled slightly.

"This, this..."


(To be continued.)

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