
Chapter 803: About Xiao Zhen

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Xiao Ling'er's eyes showed a touch of sadness and said softly: "Don't think about it, I don't mean anything else. That's it. Since you can fly up from that world, then, in that world, you must be A very special person, me, I want to talk to you and inquire about the individual. "

"What?" Chu Die was a little embarrassed.

Follow me, ask someone?

How does this feel like entering the city and investing in relatives without finding the address, and then asking if anyone has seen ...

But the question is, are you ... reverse?

Eternal God Realm, an imperial princess in an undead world, carefully, come and ask me personally?

In Chu Die's heart, there was a feeling of laughter.

However, she cannot express this emotion.

Otherwise, a little disrespect to others.

After all, it seems that Xiao Ling'er is serious.

"I'm a little surprised." Chu Die looked at Xiao Ling'er very frankly: "How can you ask me someone?"

"Well, he's there!" Xiao Linger's face was affirmed, and there was a touch of sadness in his tone.

"Yes, then you talk about, what does he look like?"

Chu Die said.

She didn't ask what that person's name was, because in her view, the people Xiao Linger knew had appeared in the lower realm, so, in all likelihood, it was reincarnation.

Since it is reincarnation, will the name be the same?

Is it basically impossible?

"He, it's called Xiao Zhen, it's mine, boyfriend, what he looks ..." Xiao Ling'er said, and many portraits appeared in the void.

Among the portraits is a young man, handsome and handsome, wearing all kinds of gorgeous clothes.

It looks very noble!

In almost every portrait, the young man's face was full of smiles.

Looking at the very sunlight.

Chu Die was a little dumbfounded.

Xiao Zhen?

Xiao Zhen!

She knows!

She almost knows everything about Chu Yu!

Moreover, her avatar is one of the zodiac signs of that universe.

It is the supreme deity of that universe!

How could it not be known that Xiao Zhen, who restarted the earth's cultivation civilization?

He restarted the earth cultivation civilization, and released Chu Yu, Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi, a group of practitioners with excellent talents ...

Even, the last time she wanted to take away the things left by her ancestors from Chu Yu, she used Xiao Zhen exclusively in the super illusion.

Some pranksters even associate Pangu with Xiao Zhen.

That Xiao Zhen, especially mysterious!

In the past years, after he restarted the cultivation civilization of the earth, people completely disappeared.

As if the meaning of his existence is to restart the cultivation civilization on the ancient and mysterious planet of the earth.

After doing that, he disappeared.

Disappeared without a trace!

Even Chu Die's realm was extremely deep, but he never found that person.

Therefore, when she created Chu Yu, a large-scale fantasy calculation, Xiao Zhen's image was also based on the image left on the earth's Internet.

Now, a dynasty princess who is respected by the eternal **** realm, came to ask himself, do you know this person?

This is a bit too ridiculous, right?

Watching Chu Die look dull.

Xiao Ling'er suddenly came over, grabbed her hand, and asked anxiously: "You, have you seen him, right? You know him! Tell me quickly, where is he? Where is he now?"

Chu Die's face suddenly showed a painful color.

This Xiao Ling'er's realm is too high!

Although she didn't mean it, Chu Die suddenly felt her hands hurt with such a catch.

"Sister, calm down!"

Xiao Xuan'er, who has always been like a little ass, suddenly shouted loudly: "Calm down!"

Although her voice is not particularly loud, it contains a mysterious voice of the road.

Xiao Linger's body shook slightly. Immediately, the whole person recovered and looked at Chu Die, whose face was full of pain. His face suddenly showed a deep apology.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean it, you, are you okay?"

Chu Die twitched her lips and said with a strong smile: "It's fine."

At this time, Xiao Ling'er's eyes suddenly burst into tears, and a sad emotion slowly radiated from her.

The blue sky above the head was almost instantly covered with black.

A large number of dark clouds appeared as if out of thin air, rolling and rolling.

Between heaven and earth, there is a strong, disturbing breath.

"Sister, calm down." Xiao Xuan'er spoke again.

The dark clouds in the sky were scattered.


Xiao Linger took a deep breath and then smiled strongly: "I'm sorry ... I will try my best to control my emotions."

Chu Die was shocked in her heart. She thought Xiao Ling'er should also be a practitioner in the fairyland.

But now, her realm seems to be more than that.

It may be a true fairy!

It seemed that the magic power between her and Xiao Xuan'er seemed to be equal, but in fact, Chu Die could see that Xiao Xuan'er was almost out of his means, and then the dark clouds of the sky were scattered.

And Xiao Ling'er is simply unconscious!

She didn't want to make such a big movement, just because her emotions were out of control.

Chu Die smiled bitterly in his heart: When can he do this?

"Sister, it has been so many years. Is your heart knot so deep? You promised me to control your emotions. I took her to see you." Said to Xiao Ling'er.

"It's my fault, my fault." Xiao Ling'er also blamed herself, and then worriedly said: "Will it not attract the attention of others?"

Xiao Xuan'er rolled his eyes: "What about you? But rest assured, here are all my people. But if anyone outside is staring at you, I don't know."

Xiao Ling'er smiled: "Relax, I also ran out of it secretly, no one knew that I was with you. I thought I was retreating in Daze."

Facing these two sisters, Chu Die was somewhat speechless.

From their words, a large amount of information can be heard.

Moreover, Xiao Liao, the little loli, has always behaved innocently in front of her, like the little loli in a kindergarten. But in fact, her IQ is definitely much higher than expected!

At least, she can communicate with an adult dynasty princess like Xiao Ling'er in terms of IQ equality.

Xiao Xuan'er turned his head to look at Chu Die and said, "Sister Die'er, let my sister calm down for a while, let's go to see the fish first ..."

Chu Die: "..."

She glanced at the pond, and at that moment, a pool of fish ran away in a flash.

"All come out and come out, a group of cowards!"

Xiao Xuan'er took Chu Die's hand and walked along the bridge made of Shenmu to the middle of the pond. He sat on the wooden bench under the pavilion and said loudly.


Splashes in the water.

A group of colorful fish all came out.

A pair of fish eyes stared at the two women.

Chu Die's mouth twitched.

These fish are wise ... powerful ... creatures!

"You dance for me." Xiao Xuan'er said.

Then, the colorful fishes danced happily in the water.

Not to mention, it's quite interesting.

Especially, thinking about the realm of this group of fish, um, is even more interesting.

After a while, Xiao Ling'er walked along the covered bridge and waved his hand at the school of fish.

The group of fish disappeared all at once.

Xiao Xuan'er bulged his mouth and glanced at his sister: "Are you all right?"

"Well, it's all right!"



Xiao Xuan'er then said: "Well, Sister Die'er, you tell her, she should calm down."

He couldn't help mumbling, "You must calm down, I like this place, don't tear it down again."

This tone, especially the kind of little adults.

Xiao Linger's face was calm, and he blushed: "No."

Chu Die glanced at Xiao Ling'er and Xiao Xuan'er sisters, and then said, "I do know this person, but he is particularly mysterious ..."

The following time, she told the Xiao family sisters about Xiao Zhen she knew.

Then, he took out Xiao Zhen's picture from his mind and quickly drew it into a portrait.

Xiao Zhen when he was young, and these portraits given by Xiao Ling'er, are indeed exactly the same!

Even the sunny smile on his face is the same!

"Sister Die'er, you actually painted so well!" Xiao Xuan'er lay on the portrait, startled, "No, you have to teach me how to draw!"

"Uh ..." Chu Die was a little embarrassed.

A bunch of circles and sticks appeared in my mind.

Xiao Ling'er looked at the portraits blankly, and when she heard her sister's words, Xiu Mei frowned slightly and said, "Xuan'er, you shouldn't embarrass others."

Xiao Xuan'er: "..."

She grieved and said: "But people like painting very much!"

Chu Die smiled and said: "Anyway, time is too much ..."

Xiao Linger glanced at Chu Die: "You don't know, according to the algorithm of Eternal God Realm, she has learned painting for more than 10,000 years."

Chu Die: "..."

forget it.

After being interrupted by Xiao Xuan'er, the strong sadness in Xiao Linger's body also faded a lot.

But she couldn't help but reach out and gently stroked the portrait of Xiao Zhen, who had grown old.

Mumbled: "It turns out that he is old ... it will look like this."

Chu Die is actually very curious, but from beginning to end, she never asked a word.

This matter is not only immensely involved, but also ... very likely, it has already involved the fundamental relationship between the eternal **** realm and the lower realm!

Although, she has always wanted to thoroughly understand this matter, although, her ultimate wish is to completely change all this.

But she did not want to use Xiao Xuan'er to obtain this information.

At least, she would not take the initiative to ask.

Xiao Xuan'er was still immersed in the grief that he couldn't learn to paint. He sat there, with his hands dragging his face, pouting: "Everyone will get old, let alone say, he looks old, yet It's pretty pleasing. On the contrary, it looks like a young man. It's not very pleasing. I know smirk all day long, so silly. "

"No, let's say your brother-in-law!" Xiao Ling'er frowned.

Chu Die was dumbfounded.

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