
Chapter 797: Bandit Nest

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Qiu Dahan was like an angry little daughter-in-law, and her head was dragged in front of her, with no prestige. He could even feel the strange vision of his little brothers looking at him.

But this guy is really terrible!

If ... if there are more resources, I can break through to Shangxian, then I can definitely rub him on the ground with ease!

I think that picture is very happy.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

He had tested his talents when he was very young. According to his talents, he can only reach the peak of Darrow.

Here at Eternal God Realm, all means are clever and close to the extreme.

Almost a person is born and tested all indicators once, and he can basically know his final achievement.

This is good, but very bad!

For example, Qiu Dahan is a man who is doomed to have no high achievements in his life.

Can't become immortal, in such a place as Eternal God Realm, we can only be the lowest person.

The ascending channel is particularly narrow, almost equal to none.

Unless, he can meet a top noble!

Then take him to fly.

The question is, is there any nobleman who would be willing to bring a stubborn man?

Wouldn't it be good to have a brilliant girl at that time?

At the thought of this, Qiu Dahan was deeply depressed.

However, in the flashlight, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

One, compared to his current situation, is a bold and dangerous idea.

So that this thought came out in his life, even he was a little scared. But couldn't help thinking.

Because he has a faint feeling, this seems ... to him, a great opportunity!

This little one is indeed like a little devil.

Ferocious and powerful.

But no matter how powerful he is, after all, he is just an eternal level creature.

This level is the lowest level of existence in Eternal Realm.

Under normal circumstances, it is far worse than Qiuhan Han.

Just look at the little brothers who followed him, and one by one, they are all very miserable.

There is absolutely no consciousness of the existence of the eternal hall level.

So, whether it is strong or weak, compare with whom.

An ordinary person with no hands can still step on a nest of ants.

So, once you encounter a creature on the upper level, this little devil ... hehehe!

Qiu Dahan read the meditation mantra silently, not wanting the little demon to feel his inner fluctuations.

Chu Yu gave him a strange look and said lightly: "You listen well, if you dare to count me, then, I promise, before the enemy's knife falls on me ... Hacked to death. "

Qiu Dahan shuddered, suddenly thinking of his tragic experience of being beaten seven times.

Although the cracked bones of the body have healed, the pain ... but it has not disappeared.

damn it!

What a demon!

Why would a person like him live intact in this world?

Isn't such an arrogant little bit supposed to have been killed?

Qiu Dahan brought the four Chu Yu back with grievances.

After reading their cottage, Chu Yu was somewhat speechless.

Tattered, there is no decent house.

Even if this is Eternal God Realm, even if the laws of heaven and earth here suppress the practitioners indefinitely.

But as a group of eternal, Da Luo-level creatures, don't you even build a house?

Eternal-level practitioners, with dozens of steps, possess powerful power. Although Taoist magical powers can't exert their original power here, they are also magical after all!

"You guys, live in such a place?" Chu Yu asked frowningly.

Qiu Dahan looked at Chu Yu strangely, and said that the bottom creatures such as eternity and Da Luo can't live in this kind of place. Do you still want to live in a palace?

"If we go back to adults, we will live here. That building ..." Dao Qiu pointed to a crooked stone house: "It's a villain's palace, it's already the best here ..."


What is this palace-like thing like a latrine?

Chu Yu looked at Qiu Dahan diagonally: "You can't build a house?"

"Building a house? What's the purpose of building a house?" Daoqiang Han looked at Chu Yu strangely.

He thinks this person is really strange, why can't he even know common sense?

"We are not afraid of cold, not hungry, not afraid of death ... wherever we can, we can rest and ask for a house to do? Only those big men above the fairy age will pay attention to this?" Qiu Beard looked at Chu Yu: "We don't needs."

"No, from now on, need." Chu Yu said.

What do you mean?

What did he want to say?

Finished, he really coveted me as the owner of the village ...

Qiu Dahanton was in love.

At this time, I heard Chu Yu say: "Now, I will give you a list of materials, you go out and get me back."

"This ..." Ten thousand unwilling in the heart of the big bearded Han, and secretly decided in his heart, when there is a chance, these people must be sold!

Even if there is no benefit, it must be sold!

Too much, and even dared to grab his throne.

Chu Yu simply ignored the rich inner drama of the master of the Great Han Dynasty, and directly made a list for him to prepare the materials.

There are only two main ingredients, boulders and ancient trees!

These materials are almost everywhere in this kind of place.

Qiu Dahan got the first response from the bill of materials, and even felt that the little devil was just pastime him.

But he still ordered to go on, and at the same time, he was thinking deep in his heart: It is nothing wrong to be aggrieved by the big one! When I look back, I will sell a few of them, maybe I can still hold a big thick leg with a fairy! When the time comes, it is time for my destiny to change!

Think about his parents who have left for some years. Isn't that the case?

Forget it, don't want that pair of cruel people!

After a lot of hard work, he finally gave birth to the interests, and finally chose the interests, leaving him the burden.

Qiu Dahan commanded the younger brothers to work, sitting on a boulder and thinking of ways to look away.

How to get rid of this little devil?

He did not think about letting others send letters to Heifengzhai.

But as a result, sincerity is somewhat insufficient. And once discovered by the little devil, he was unlucky.

He would n’t use that method unless it was a last resort.

Chu Yu quickly designed a piece of architectural drawings, which made the lively Jiang Zilian amazed.

"Are you even in this city?"

She asked in surprise.

Chu Yu also looked at Jiang Zilian with some surprise: "Your cultivation years are not too short? Long time, sometimes there is time to learn ..."

Jiang Zilian's mouth twitched, embarrassed and said: "I, all my time, are practicing."

Gee, Chu Yu glanced at her, really a cultivation mania!

"Don't you?" Jiang Zilian asked Chu Yu when she looked at Chu Yu's speechless eyes.

Chu Yu shook his head: "I am not, I rarely practice."


"When I never asked!" Jiang Zilian rushed away angrily.

Chu Yu glanced helplessly at Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian: "Why don't everyone want to listen to the truth."

"Just talk about it." Xu Xiaoxian gave him a blank look.

Lin Shize said: "You want to settle here temporarily?"

Chu Yu nodded and said: "Before thoroughly understanding some things in this world, we are not suitable for wandering around. I think it's pretty good here."

Beautiful mountains and clear waters, folk customs ... Cough, where there are only thieves, where are the folk customs?

But for Chu Yu, this thief is not enough for him to stop his teeth, and in front of him, he can only be honest.

"I think that guy is holding bad ideas in his heart." Lin Shi glanced at the big bear sitting on the boulder, and said softly: "You forgot that there is a Heifengzhai?"

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Yes, it sounds like Heifeng Village seems to be a truly terrible place. Maybe there is Shangxian there."

Chu Yu nodded: "I know, I want to try."

Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian suddenly widened their eyes, looking at Chu Yu inconceivably.

The two of them didn't know much about Chu Yu's Jiang Zilian, and almost immediately heard the meaning of Chu Yu's words.

"No, this is too dangerous." Lin Shi objected first.

Xu Xiaoxian, who has always been bold and arrogant, also stood on Lin Shi's side this time.

She looked at Chu Yu seriously: "I know you suffocate, in fact, we are not adapted. Originally, we have all become the masters of one side of the world, one sentence can calm down a war, one eye can countless souls Shivering ... When I got here, I became the lowest creature. The huge gap makes me want to return to the world of thousands of times. "

Xu Xiaoxian sighed: "Although I don't want to decline one day or even face death. But this eternal **** realm is not an ideal perfect world!"

"But no matter what, we are all here."

She took one of Chu Yu's hands and said softly: "This is an eternal world, life is eternal, we ... there is time and opportunity. There is no need to take this risk."

Lin Shi said: "Xianxian is right, we have time, there is no need to take risks."

Chu Yu smiled and said, "Relax, I won't take the initiative to do anything."

Lin Shi frowned: "That's not necessary here ..."

Chu Yu glanced at Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, and said softly, "There is something in this place."

In this way, the two women understood at once.

For this kind of thing, Chu Yu has never been aimless.

Over the years, he has never let people down in this respect.

He said there is something here, then there must be!

Moreover, this group of thieves did not know!

At this time, both women became calm.

A few days later, a piece of building was raised here!

Although it is impossible to talk about the magnificence, it looks magnificent.

Those responsible for the work are naturally these thieves.

Looking at their masterpieces over the past few days, their eyes are a little long.

Because they never thought that people like their status could one day live in the palace?

Several bandits even burst into tears with excitement.

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