
Chapter 472: The team is not easy to bring

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If Chu Yu's current strength is divided according to race, there are human races and demon races. Among them, the main strength of the human race is on the one hand the younger generation on earth today.

It's also very interesting to say, most of the young generations of Tianjiao on earth today couldn't look down on Chu Yu at the beginning.

A small door and a small family, but a little handsome. Having said that, there are many handsome men and beautiful women in the realm. Chu Yu is really not bad.

What really convinced them of Chu Yu was Chu Yu's time-honored record.

Fighting power can't be fake, the strong is the strong. It can't be concealed by a shady scene.

Whether they were the arrogant Nantianmen Shengzi Bai Sharen, or the arrogant truth-seeking Saint Li Fengmang, these people admired the strong, all from the heart.

When they realized the gap between them and Chu Yu, they quickly changed from loss, envy, jealousy to admiration, and even some fanaticism.

Young people, after all, there are fewer flowers in the bones. There is still a **** chamber.

On the other hand, Moon Shadow, the ancient saints of the earth, spent many years to cultivate this army of descendants of the earth with Du Yu as the general.

The strength of this legion is very strong, and the number is large, there are millions of people!

This is an accumulation of tens of thousands of years!

It is no weaker than the power of a top power in the mirror world.

Chu Yu also had to admire Yueying's ability of their group.

In the environment where wolves looked around, such a terrible force was established.

Although the number of saints in this legion is very small, the number of emperors and gods account for the vast majority!

And each one has gone through battles!

To say that they are practitioners is better to say that they are heroes killed on the battlefield.

The Terran Corps also has the Song Dynasty Royal Family and Ziyun Academy, which together amount to over one million people!

The power of the demon clan, on this side of the earth, is mainly here in Zhao Mantian, everyone thieves and Lao Huang.

Zhao Mantian's demon legionaries, after years of development, have reached millions.

Everyone, the demon legion led by the thief and Lao Huang, also has a million people.

The state is uneven, and the organization and discipline are not worse than that of the Human Race.

The army under the demon holy snow is equally huge!

There are almost three million.

Cultivation is better than Zhao Mantian, everyone, thieves, and Lao Huang.

However, this group of demon soldiers and demon generals are even less organized and disciplined.

Chu Yu didn't even dare to let them appear in the secular world of the earth, otherwise he would have to produce great chaos.

This is a very powerful force, but how to use them requires brainstorming.

Counting it down, the number of demon clan adds up to more than 5 million, and the number of warriors of the human clan is more than 2 million.

In the past, this was a terrorist force that I dare not even think about.

If you can twist this force into a rope, it is no exaggeration to say that even if there is no group of saints around you, such a force is enough to even out most of the powerful forces.

But it's really not that easy to really bring these forces together.

This point, no matter whether it is Yao Shengxue or Zhao Mantian, or everyone, thieves and old Huang, they are very clear.

Especially how Chu Yu will control and distribute is also a matter of concern to many people.

Minghui and Song Qing's suggestions were purely considered on Chu Yu's side.

They don't want Chu Yu to have such a powerful force, because the internal chaos is wasted.

Now that the internal worries on the earth are unsettled, external difficulties may come at any time.

If this force cannot be completely integrated in a short time, Chu Yu's future prospects are equally worrying.

Chu Yu also understood this, so he directly interrupted the banquet.

All people will be directly migrated into this god-gold city.

Said it is a city, it is actually like a continent!

This city is too big!

At that time, it was hidden under Pluto, occupying almost one third of the size of the entire planet!

It is a mobile fortress made by Zhou Xu, a group of people who spent an endless time collecting various rare **** gold in the universe!

Not only does it have a strong defense capability, but this city has a top ecosystem.

All kinds of top-level medicinal materials, food ingredients ... have a complete set of biological chain.

In other words, even if hundreds of millions of people live in this city at the same time, it can be maintained for a long time in a completely closed state.

It can be said that the accident that Pluto made Zhou Xu hate and angry the most, perhaps not his fiancee was robbed.

But the city is lost!

It can only be said that Chu Yu, who activated the last hair, was too horrible at the time. If Zhou Xu did not leave, he would definitely die.

However, this feud has been completely settled, and it is impossible to resolve it.

Of course, Chu Yu did not want to resolve it in the past.

This time, Chu Yu moved the entire family into this god-gold city.

Today, unlike in the past, many Qiu families can't find him, they will put their ideas on the head of his family.

This time, if there is no Lin Shi desperately guarding, if they do not return in time, I am afraid that the Chu family has been in great trouble.

At first Chu Tianyu and others had some doubts. After all, giving up a family that has been in business for many years must be emotionally unhappy. But after seeing the prosperity in that giant city, they decided to resolutely choose to move.

In contrast, the small family business of the Chu family is really not even a drop in the sea.

Later, Chu Yu took Lin Shi's parents again.

He had thought of taking Lin Shi's family into the giant city regardless of previous suspicions, but the Lin family was reluctant to give up the industry on the earth.

And those people are not really optimistic about Chu Yu's future.

The fact that Chu Yu had a terrible power was not exposed.

If others are unwilling, Chu Yu will not force anything.

Compared with the Lin family, the fat man did not hesitate to move the entire robbery into the giant city.

Yes, the whole door!

Together with the stolen mountain gate, I moved into it!

Among the robbers, there are still several ancient saints who all support the fat man's choice.

Speaking of it, from the beginning, the door was very optimistic about Chu Yu.

Chu Yu always knew what was hidden underground in the Chu family in the north, so after all the people in his family entered the giant city, he directly exerted his great power and moved the mountains and houses of the Chu family in the whole north. Entered the Shenjin Giant City.

Here in the north, leaving a large flat ground.

He did not rush to find something deep in the earth, but returned to the giant city made of **** gold, driving this city that was sealed to the palm of the palm, flying directly out of the earth and into outer space.

Subsequently, the defense was launched.

This city, like the moon, appears as a satellite in the outer space orbit of the earth.

For such a huge city that appeared in an instant, the whole earth became a sensation at once.

Everyone is exploring the origin of this city.

"Aliens are calling again?"

"Mom look at it ... there is a city in the sky!"

"Gosh, which ancient martial art was born? It's terrible!"

"A city is almost catching up with a star. This handwriting ... is like a miracle!"

Almost the entire earth, all eyes are focused on this city.

The young arrogants who entered the city also passed some news back in time.

"Is the emperor!"

"That is the Divine City of the Emperor!"

"Is it Chu Yu? How did he develop to this level all at once? It's really incredible!"

Regardless of the surprises of those on the earth, Chu Yu opened his first journey of integration of his power in the Shenjin Giant City.

not easy.

In fact, the upper class is still a good solution, whether it is Yao Shengxue or Zhao Mantian, or even the unruly Du Yu ... as long as they are given enough respect, under the current state, it is enough.

There must be some other thoughts deep inside.

Even thieves and Lao Huang, partners who had close relationship with Chu Yu from the beginning, at this time, it is inevitable to have some other ideas.

This is inevitable.

But they all showed restraint.

This is a test for Chu Yu!

No one can help him in this matter.

Anyone else ’s suggestion may be subjective.

Even Xu Xiaoxian dared not intervene in this kind of thing.

Because it is related to the future of the entire organization.

On the largest plain of the Great Golden City.

Millions of demon gathered.

Under Du Yu's army, this army is different from the rest.

Discipline is strict and awe-inspiring!

At first glance, it is the kind of regular army with fierce battles.

The royal family of the Song Kingdom also has a large army of no less than one million people, and the students of the earth bloodline of the Ziyun Academy have already passed the million.

They are equally disciplined, but they are obviously not as good as Du Yu's army in terms of cultivation and combat effectiveness.

The army of demon clan under Zhao Mantian is the third best disciplined army.

Although the realm is uneven, it can be uniform.

It seems that they only accept Zhao Mantian's assignment.

The army led by Lao Huang and the thieves is a little bit worse, and even some very weak creatures are mixed in.

And discipline ... cough, there is really no discipline at all.

Anyway, a bit shameful.

Everyone's thieves are so thick, they feel a little embarrassed.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm.

He whispered to Lao Huang privately, how can he exercise strict discipline as soon as possible, so that the army they control becomes a truly combatable force.

The most unbearable is the army of the demon Shengxue.

There are more than three million demon clan, big demon demon even demon king.

They're so angry, they're reckless, they look around ... very badly.

Although forced to gather here, but looking at the cold eyes of those big monsters, it seems that they may be able to pounce on other people around at any time.

Yao Shengxue frowned slightly, and said helplessly to Chu Yu and others: "Since the endless years, they have never been treated like soldiers. They are used to it and want to reverse it in a short time ... I am afraid it will not be easy. "

At this time, even the big demon under the demon Shengxue shouted.

"What do you tell us to come here? It's so boring! Are you just watching a group of clowns performing?"

Who is the clown?

Naturally, it was Chu Yu who was standing on the illusionary platform.

Yao Shengxue's face turned red, and she felt embarrassed. She wanted to scold, but was stopped by Chu Yu.

Chu Yu looked at the big demon with a smile: "From now on, you will be an upright regular army, no rules are necessary."

"Hahaha, little fart boy, don't think that my king has some friendship with you, we have to listen to you, it's a joke! Why do you set rules for us?"

"That's right, what are you counting? Why should we set rules?"

"My family king Renhou, does not mean that we people are cheating! Boy, if you want to conquer us, you have to show some real skills!"

A group of big demon under the demon Shengxue instantly clamored.

Du Yu, who was standing on the high platform, slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed with disdain.


Doll leader!

In the depths of Zhao Mantian's eyes, there was a flash of heat, and he said: If I came to control, there must be a way to call this group of big demon.

Both Lao Huang and the thieves showed a touch of worry.

They are afraid that they are the least ambitious, and they are pushed to this position by the times, and they have more in their hearts. They naturally hope that their brother Chu Yu will be good.

A group of ancient saints silently watched silently.

Including Black Dragon and Qu Ni, they are silent.

The Chu family was worried and looked away.

Xu Xiaoxian was expressionless and wondered what she was thinking.

Minghui and Song Qing laughed.

Those other young arrogants on earth have complex eyes and different minds.

I don't know what I was thinking.

For a time, everyone's eyes focused on Chu Yu.

Want to see how he dealt with the matter before him.

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