Life Copy Game

Chapter 182: The people are the country (end of copy/big chapter, please subscribe, collect, and vot

Jessie stared blankly at the screen playing colorful advertisements, and everyone around her also stared blankly at the screen.

K's speech was not long, only three or four minutes.

But after tonight, K will definitely become the biggest hot spot in Chenxi City and even the entire federation.

Whether people listened to his speech or not, whether they agreed with his point of view or not.

Everyone will talk about him, everyone will pay attention to him, and debate around his actions, his speeches, and he will become the focus of the entire federation.

Jess opened her bracelet and tried to search for information about this 'K'.

But as soon as she opened the browser, a pop-up advertisement popped up.

[Inno TV has been authorized by Mr. K to report live the case announced by Mr. K about the Avis Machinery Factory. You can also visit our official website to watch the live broadcast and search for 'Inno Media' in any search engine 'You can jump directly to our web page. ]

[Click to enter the official website of Inno Media]

Obviously, this is an advertisement placed by Inno Media.

Jessie clicked in without hesitation.

The live broadcast room is already full, and people continue to enter the live broadcast room.

A beautiful host was telling the story of 'Joy' in detail.

His parents were dead, his lawsuit failed, he was alone, and he was threatened and forced by gang members.

Originally, many people were asking "Who is K" as soon as they came in, but after hearing what happened to this young man, they gradually fell silent.

Jess also fell silent. The memory chip Joey gave her did not mention his own experience.

She exited the page and wanted to give Joey a call.

But the moment the call was about to be dialed, she slowly put down her hand.

Ever since his parents' accident, Joey never took a call from Jess.

The cool wind blew through the girl's hair. Jess was silent for a moment. She took out the business card of Inno Media given to him by Essenwell from her pocket, found the number on it and dialed it.

The phone says busy. Obviously, there are a lot of people calling this number right now.

Jess didn't give up, leaning against the glass wall of the store and waiting quietly.

After half an hour, the call was finally answered.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Um... are you recruiting interns? I am Joey's classmate... the same Joey mentioned in your report. I used to work at Morningside Daily."

Jess lowered her head and asked softly, "I want to join you to participate in the investigation of what K said, and I can do it for free."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

After a while, a tough voice rang from the phone, "Sorry, we have no plans to accept student internships now."


Jie Qian was stunned for a moment, then her expression dimmed and her tone of voice slowed down slightly.

"However," the other end of the phone suddenly changed the subject, "We welcome anyone with the same ambitions to join us. We have a student organization. Their work may not be that complicated, but it is not that dangerous either. Are you willing to join? ?”

Jess was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Okay!"


Friday, November 5th.

After last night's turmoil, Avis Power Group's stock plunged 10% at the opening, and finally closed with a 15% drop, and a large number of short sellers entered the market.

Demonstrations to boycott Avis Group products began in Chenxi City.

The video of K's speech spread to the entire federation through the Internet.


November 6th, Saturday.

K's speech was blocked, and the official website of Inno Media was attacked many times.

But the video of K’s speech is still spreading along some underground networks.

The Chenxi City Police announced that they will launch an investigation into the case of "the mysterious person code-named K illegally intruding into public display equipment."

Avis Group refused to admit its mistake and said that what ‘K’ and Inno Media said were ‘falsehoods’.


Sunday, November 7th.

K's speech continued to ferment, and large-scale demonstrations to boycott Avis Group products were launched in various places.

Chenxi Mayor Wente was accused of accepting a large amount of political donations from the Anvis Group and sheltering the illegal activities of the Anvis Group.

On the same day, an investigation team organized by the Chenxi Municipal Government entered the Avis Machinery Factory to conduct an investigation.


Monday, November 8th.

Avis Group's stock continued to fall, with hundreds of billions of market value evaporated.

The city council decided to vote on Mayor Winter’s second impeachment case on November 11.

A wave of boycotts of Avis Group products was launched across the federation. The President of the Federation stated that the Avis Group incident would be strictly investigated, and Avis Group factories in many places were suspended.


Tuesday, November 9th.

As the Avis Group incident spread, what Mayor Wente had done before was once again revealed, and a large-scale demonstration against Mayor Wente took place throughout Chenxi City.


Wednesday, November 10th.

Chenxi City Mayor Wente announced his resignation and announced his withdrawal from the next Chenxi City mayoral election.

Wente became the first mayor in the history of Chenxi City to resign due to scandal.

After Vint resigned, Deputy Mayor Evanson took over as mayor.

After several days of continuous decline, Avis Group announced a trading suspension.

The board of directors of Avis Group issued an apology statement for the recent turmoil.


Thursday, November 11th.

Vice Mayor Evanson was sworn in and became the 133rd mayor of Chenxi City.

On the day of his inauguration, Evanson announced that he would pardon former Mayor Vint for all crimes, and terminate the investigation of Vint's crimes such as "treason," "election manipulation," and "raising exotic animals."


Monday, November 15th.

Investigation teams from various cities have successively released investigation reports, and most of Avis's factories have been forced to close because they did not meet safety standards.

Since then, each city has announced its investigation into the Avis Group’s bribery cases against city government officials, and the FBI has announced the opening of investigations into multiple cross-city cases involving the Avis Group.


Monday, November 22nd.

Several senior executives and board members of Avis Group were arrested on suspicion of 'bribery', 'murder', 'forgery' and 'sexual assault'.

Since then, Avis Group announced that the group was "poorly operating and unable to pay or repay most of its accounts payable and debts" and applied for bankruptcy reorganization with the Federal Bankruptcy Court.


Tuesday, November 30th.

Nord Financial and Insurance Group announced the merger and acquisition of Avis Power Group and its subsidiaries.

A spokesman for the Nord Group said that after the merger, some of the non-performing assets of the Avis Group will be sold and some of the trademarks of the Avis Group will no longer be used.


Wednesday, December 1st.

Nolde Building·Board Meeting Room

People in neat suits sat in this huge conference room.

Among them were white-haired old men, and some strong middle-aged men.

This office is relatively narrow, and it feels a little crowded with so many people sitting down.

The original board meeting room was not here, but in a spacious room with an excellent view on the top floor of the Nolde Building. However, that meeting room was completely destroyed in the last evil summoning incident and is still being rebuilt.

Therefore, the highest authority of the Nord Consortium can only hold meetings here for the time being.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on a white-haired old man sitting at the head of the conference table.

"Mr. Pierpont," a middle-aged man with a thin face who was close to the old man said slowly.

"The Chenxi City mayoral election will begin on the 20th. After Wente steps down, we have no one who can suppress Christos."

The white-haired old man was leaning slightly on his chair, closing his eyes to rest. After hearing the man's question, he opened his eyes slightly, glanced at everyone sitting in the conference room, and said slowly,

"Originally, you were not afraid of this young boy and wanted to support him against Wente. Why are you suddenly afraid now?"

Not all of the people sitting here are individual shareholders of the Nolde Group, there are also representatives from other consortiums that hold shares in the Nolde Group.

This sentence is an allusion to those who secretly helped Christos.

Everyone fell into silence and did not speak.

They originally regarded Christos as a tame beast in a cage, dangerous but controllable.

But what happened at the Anvis Group showed that this beast was not only capable of breaking out of its cage, but it could also kill a trainer who was standing nearby watching the show.

"Don't be anxious," the slowly aging voice sounded again, "You are not as old as me. You still have a lot of time. Don't be anxious until everything is decided. You must understand, what is a country? What is a country? Home?"

Pierpont narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The conglomerate is the state."


Inno Media Building

"Information obtained from the police," the silver-haired man with a ponytail walked over to Christos with a cup of coffee.

"The playing card on Keely's body is the King of Diamonds, and the dead intelligence chief's playing card is the King of Hearts.

Spades, diamonds, hearts, and clubs. Spades are swords, representing justice, diamonds are diamonds, representing wealth, hearts are thinking, representing emotions, and clubs are scepters, representing authority.

Justice is given to you, wealth is given to Keely, emotions are given to the intelligence chief who killed his parents, and the authority should belong to the congressman whose house was blown up.

His behavior made me feel like he was performing some kind of evil ritual. "

"It's also possible that a few cards were randomly thrown around, leaving the 'footprints' of K."

Christos shook his head and smiled, then he looked out the window and fell into a brief thought.

The reason why this time it was able to spread so widely and have such an explosive effect was that it overthrew a large consortium worth hundreds of billions in just one month.

In addition to the precise layout and communication channels they designed in advance, the most critical thing is that Avis Group is standing on a lawn full of mines.

If there is only one landmine buried in a lawn, then detonating that mine will only blow up that bit of lawn.

But if there are dense mines buried under the lawn, no matter which mine is detonated, the entire lawn will be blown up.

Like a domino being toppled, as the first piece falls, all the other pieces will slowly fall.

In fact, the Avis Group was not overthrown by them, but by the consortium itself.

Every perverse act of the consortium has planted a landmine full of anger in people's hearts. This landmine is usually invisible, but it is not absent. It is hidden in people's hearts until it reaches a certain critical point and is detonated. , burn everything.

The Avis Group was just the first object burned by the angry flames.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seer looked at Christos who was deep in thought.

“Speeches from the last campaign speech before the election.”

Christos stretched and said softly.

"Any ideas?"

Seer took a sip of coffee.

"I have some ideas."

Christos sat in front of the computer and opened the document editor.

The silver-haired man walked next to him and looked at the empty document interface, "So, what theme are you planning for this speech?"

Christos looked at the blank document, lost in thought.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but he could never grasp the key.

He stopped, shook his head, and moved around to find inspiration, but suddenly he found the 'King of Spades' placed next to the computer.

At the Nolde Sky Theater, the man's silent rhetorical question slowly echoed in his mind,

‘Who can represent the Federation? ’.

"Who can represent the Federation?"

He read softly.


Watching him think about the problem, Seer, who was about to leave, stopped and looked at Christos in confusion.

However, Christos did not respond to him, but quickly sat back down and typed the first line on the computer.

The title of his final campaign speech:

[The people are the country]

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