Life Copy Game

Chapter 164: Avis Group’s ‘Apology’

Huimei Communications is a small shop owned by Roger, the underground doctor whom Ridgit met back then.

He Ao dragged his suitcase and walked into the small shop.

There was no one in the shop in the front room, so He Ao walked through the small door skillfully and walked into the private clinic in the back room.


Roger squatted next to a corpse with a faint gray glow, and asked casually while tinkering with something.

"Well," He Ao squatted down, put the suitcase down, opened the zipper, and revealed the body with the chest penetrated inside, "new one."


He Ao could clearly feel that Roger was silent for a moment. He stood up and looked at He Ao.

"Do you think it's too late for me to call the police?"

"It's time, I was acting in self-defense," He Ao shrugged. "Even if I go to court, they won't convict me."

Roger glanced at He Ao and then at the two bloody corpses.

His face was all, 'Do you think I'm going to believe your nonsense? ’ expression.

But he still squatted down, opened the assassin's wound in the suitcase and took a look, "Another D-level?"

He put down his hand and stood up, "I haven't seen a D-class person here for ten years, and you killed two of them overnight. Are you here to collect cabbage?"

"I might have better luck."

He Ao reached out and pulled out the assassin's body.

"Don't put them around. These blood stains are hard to clean. Put them on the autopsy table over there."

Roger saw him moving the body carelessly and said quickly.

He Ao smiled and took the body over.

"This talent sequence is most likely talent sequence 56: Assassin."

"I shouldn't have saved that old guy in the first place, but one or two troubles came my way. First it was the old man, who was okay and only bought some things from me, and then you, who actually started moving corpses to me. , as if I like these corpses very much,"

Roger turned around and looked at Slanka's body. While he skillfully picked up the scalpel on the side and continued the dissection, he said, "If I go to jail one day, it will definitely be your kid's fault."

"It's not good to be in prison," He Ao laid out the body. "Those who can enter are all talented people. Don't you have endless good materials? As long as you obtain their consent, the procedure is legal."

"Ah, that makes sense," Roger nodded in rare agreement, "Why didn't I think of that before?"

Then he looked at He Ao and said, "You're such a good boy. Think about it. When you die, let me cut open your brain and take a look."

He Ao thought carefully and said, "I may not be able to leave the whole body."


Roger nodded.

Neither man saw anything wrong with the topic.

"So can Sri Lanka's talent sequence be completely extracted?"

He Ao walked behind Roger and looked at Slanka's body.

"Different talent sequences require the use of different extraordinary materials to assist in extraction. The higher the level, the longer the extraction time." Roger stopped. "This guy's talent sequence should be talent sequence 40: Magician. It is estimated to be this afternoon. Only then can it be extracted.”

"What about that one?"

Ho pointed to the assassin who was put aside.

"You already know his talent sequence, so it will be easier." Roger raised his head and glanced at the assassin's body, "Let's do it tomorrow morning."

"Okay," He Ao tightened his mask and picked up the dagger beside him, "Then I will come find you tomorrow morning."

According to the laws of Middle-earth, it was illegal for Roger to conduct an autopsy on a corpse without permission.

But China has this law, but the Federation does not.

However, there is another federal law that makes it illegal not to cremate the body within three days of death.

Violators of this law may even be convicted and sentenced to community labor or imprisonment in serious cases.

Moreover, this law has a special corpse management office, which is very strictly enforced. Its supervision is only slightly weaker than the tax collection force of the tax bureau, so even those gang members in the Aston area who are randomly fighting will not mess up. Throw the body.

He Ao glanced at Roger who was immersed in it beside him, took two steps back, and started to pack his things.

Roger does indeed have the ability to extract talent sequences as Austria thought.

This somewhat paranoid and crazy underground doctor may not be as simple as he seems.

In fact, Vianna once demonstrated her ability to extract talent sequences in front of He Ao, but He Ao did not go to her.

First, Vianna may not necessarily have the ability to extract other talent sequences. Her understanding of the Witch Church and the Witch Church's talent sequences does not necessarily mean that she also has the same understanding of other talent sequences.

Second, and the most important thing is that Vianna is still too young. If He Ao shows her the dagger and butcher pistol, she will definitely ask about her relationship with Roy, and even pursue him.

This is not what He Ao wants to see. His time is extremely limited.

Relatively speaking, Roger is more reserved and deep.

From the last time He Ao borrowed a dagger to buy extraordinary materials from Roger, it can be seen that Roger did not ask any questions. He only recognized Regit's dagger.

Having this sword is equivalent to getting a pass, and you can ask for his help at a certain price.

Roger never asked why, he just followed the agreement and completed his part.

Of course, Roger is not emotionless.

After all, anyone who shows up with this sword will receive his help.


He Ao walked out of the clinic with his suitcase and bought a basic schoolbag from a roadside stall. Then he found an alley and took out the clothes hidden in his combat uniform and put them on.

Then he put the cloak away and put it in his bag, and the dagger inside his jacket.

The clouds in the sky gradually blocked the bright sunshine.

He Ao went back home, put his suitcase inside, took off his combat uniform and charged it, and then went to the bathroom to clean all the more conspicuous blood stains on his body.

When everything was done, he poured a handful of water on his face.

The cold tap water wetted some of He Ao's hair strands, causing them to stick to his forehead, while the cold water flowed down his angular cheeks.

He Ao put his hands on the sink and looked at the pale, sick and somewhat crazy young man in the mirror.

"Joy, out for lunch."

A gentle cry came from outside the door.

He Ao supported his body and walked out.

In his field of vision, a somewhat wealthy middle-aged woman was placing a prepared sandwich on the table.

She is not very good-looking. Time has left deep and shallow wrinkles on her face. Her hands are covered with thick calluses, which are the traces of long-term hard work.

She turned her head and looked at He Ao, who was standing at the door of the bathroom, holding on to the threshold, and gave a gentle smile.

The clouds dispersed, and the sunlight poured into this small living room, passing through the illusory body of the middle-aged woman.

Eventually it all fell away.

These are just visions of Joey's memory.

He Ao stretched himself out, walked to the refrigerator, and took out a cold bread and a ham.

He wrapped the bread and ham casually together, chewed them with big mouthfuls, and looked at the light shining on the earth in the sky.

The shadow of the dark cloud rested at his feet.

If the two 300,000 yuan received by Joey's parents, a total of 600,000 yuan in compensation, were death benefits from the accident insurance compulsorily purchased under Christos's "Hazardous Position Accident Insurance Act."

Does that mean that Avis Machinery Factory did not take the initiative to take out even a single coin for this accident?

They never expressed an apology and never paid any compensation.

No, they still paid some money.

Ho Ao took a bite of bread.

They paid for Joey's legal team to fight him in court.

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