Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 213 The old man is the most powerful guy (2 updates)

Inside the room, Han Zhan remained motionless, his expression unpredictable.

Outside the house, Song Ci's opera spirit possessed him and began to improvise. She folded her arms and mocked in an arrogant and sarcastic manner: "Han Zhenhua! Open the door! If you have the ability to find the mistress, but if you don't have the ability to open the door, right?"

Han Zhan could only open the door and stared at Song Ci with black lines on his head.

Song Ci was performing vigorously when the door was suddenly opened from the inside, and a puff of water vapor rushed towards Song Ci. Song Ci closed her mouth, raised her head, and saw Han Zhan who had just taken a shower with water drops still rolling on his body.

Staring at the sexy old man in front of her, Song Ci smiled until her eyes were crooked. She shouted softly with a charming voice: "Zhenhua, let me in."

Han Zhenhua grabbed Song Ci's arm and pulled her into the house. As soon as the door was closed, Han Zhan said fiercely to Song Ci: "Shut up, don't call this name in the future!"

Song Ci quickly made a motion to close the zipper in front of her mouth. "Okay, I won't shout anymore."

Song Ci, who promised not to call him by his name anymore, changed Han Zhan's WeChat note and phone number from Han Sanpang to Han Zhenhua that night.

Because of this name, Song Ci was happy for several days and took the opportunity to call Han Zhan Zhenhua in private.

It was already late at night when Han Zhan returned home from get off work.

Because the villa in the middle of the mountain is relatively remote, Han Zhan worked overtime until late at night, and the driver also had to stay up late. The road was winding, and Song Ci was worried about dangers on the way home. She couldn't sleep peacefully until Han Zhan came home every night.

That night, Han Zhan got off the car. Seeing that the driver was also tired, he said, "A Song, you can stay on the first floor tonight and don't go back." A Song saw that the time was past twelve o'clock. , now I’m driving back, and it’s a little too late to get home.

Asong nodded and responded: "Then I will disturb the madam and the old man for one night."

Han Zhan walked in front, and Asong followed behind. They entered the house one after the other. Seeing that Song Ci was still asleep, Han Zhan was worried that Song Ci would call him Zhenhua in front of his subordinates, but he saw Song Ci quickly put down the book, covered his mouth, and walked quickly to the toilet.

Han Zhan was stunned for a moment, understanding that Song Ci might have morning sickness. He dropped his suit jacket and followed Song Ci into the toilet.

Song Ci closed the door.

As soon as Han Zhan approached the toilet door, he heard Song Ci vomiting inside.

Han Zhan opened the door and saw Song Ci kneeling beside the toilet. After vomiting, she was tearful and rosy. This was Song Ci's first vomiting after becoming pregnant, and she couldn't stop it once she vomited.

Han Zhan felt sorry for her and asked her, "Are you okay?"

Song Ci nodded and said, "It's okay."

"I'll get you a glass of water."

Han Zhan poured cold water for Song Ci to rinse her mouth, and then poured her half a cup of warm lemonade. After drinking lemonade, Song Ci felt better. Fearing that she would vomit again, Song Ci quickly went upstairs and lay down on the bed.

Han Zhan washed up quickly, and when he came to the bed again, Song Ci was already asleep.

Han Zhan then fell asleep with peace of mind.

However, yesterday's morning sickness was only the first warning. Starting the next morning, Song Ci began to vomit wildly. How bad was the vomiting? I would vomit almost every ten minutes, even if I didn't eat or drink.

Han Aoyu tried his best to prepare some light dishes for her. Song Ci used to love eating pickled peppers and diced radish, and Han Aoyu made another jar of them for her. Song Ci ate two pieces and vomited after a while.

When Han Zhan returned home, he saw Song Ci lying sickly on the sofa with a clean trash can at his feet. Only then did he realize that Song Ci had vomited dozens of times today.

"Is this normal?" Han Zhan, who became a father for the first time, turned his attention to Han Aoyu.

Han Aoyu thought for a while and said, "It's not normal. When your mother and your grandmother were pregnant, they vomited the most violently, more than ten times a day. Unlike Girl Song, she vomited yellow water every time she vomited."

Han Zhan was worried, so he stayed at home the next morning and called an old obstetrician to come over. It was an elegant old lady. It is said that it was this mother-in-law who delivered Han Zhan's baby.

Just half an hour after her mother-in-law arrived at Han's house, Song Ci vomited three times, and couldn't stop vomiting every time.

Seeing this, the old woman said to Han Aoyu: "Girl Song's condition is called severe vomiting of pregnancy. If it doesn't get better, it will cause electrolyte imbalance and malnutrition. You can observe it for two days. If you still vomit like this, send her to hospital." Go to the hospital for hospitalization and supplement nutrition and electrolytes."

Han Aoyu didn't understand this either, so he asked, "Isn't it said that pregnant women cannot take medicine?"

"Mr. Han, don't worry, this treatment has no effect on the fetus. My granddaughter was pregnant last year, and she was in the same situation. She went to the hospital for a few days and was fine again. Didn't she just give birth to a girl two months ago? Well, the child is growing up really well now."

Hearing this, Han Aoyu felt relieved.

Han Zhan will have a charity speech in Shunchen tomorrow. The already scheduled schedule cannot be changed. He spent half a day at home with Song Ci the next day. After lunch, Han Zhan took a private plane to Shunchen.

On the plane, Han Zhan asked his assistant: "A pregnant woman vomits very violently, what should I do? Is there any way to relieve morning sickness?"

The male assistant who is male and single is very confused.

He said in embarrassment: "I don't know about this either. When my mother was pregnant with me, it was said that it tasted delicious. By the way, isn't Mr. Li's wife pregnant? Mr. Han can ask him."

Han Zhan's expression was a little unhappy, "I asked." Su Beibei from Li Li's family is a woman who is said to be as easy to get pregnant as laying an egg. She can really eat and drink, and the fetus is less than six months old. I gained more than ten pounds.

Han Zhan felt particularly sorry for her when he thought that his porcelain treasure was losing flesh every day and there was not much flesh left on her face.

After Han Zhan landed in Shunchen, he had lunch with the organizer. A charity speech was held at two o'clock in the afternoon. After the speech, Han Zhan sat in the audience and took out his mobile phone, and saw Li Li sharing a Weibo link with him.

There is an amazing title on the link——

[The first socialite Song Ci is suspected of being pregnant. She is hospitalized alone to have a baby but does not see her husband? It seems that being a rich woman is not easy either]

Han Zhan:?

His first reaction when he saw this title was: Song Ci is hospitalized?

The second reaction is: what the fuck! Journalists just love to spread rumors.

Han Zhan opened the connection and saw that the news reporter was the 'New Daily' website. He made a mental note for the other party before clicking on the report and reading it carefully.

It turned out that Song Ci went to the hospital for treatment at noon today, and only Long Yu and Han Aoyu were with her when she went there. The reporter did not take a picture of Han Zhan, so he started to spread rumors that Song Ci and Han Zhan's marriage had a relationship change, and that it was not easy to be a rich wife.

The business tycoon on the stage was still giving a convincing speech, while Han Zhan in the audience was posting on Weibo with squinted eyes.

A few seconds later, Han Han Han Han Zhan V updated a Weibo post.

Han Han Han Han Zhan V: [The brain is a good thing, don’t leave it alone until it gets rusty. As a member of the media, you should be well-founded when speaking, and spread rumors when you open your mouth. Who gave you the privilege? If you spread rumors and cause trouble, report it to @New Daily. 】

Han Zhan said he was suing, but within a few minutes, a screenshot of the document was posted on Zeus International's official Weibo. On the screenshot, it is clearly a rights protection letter filed by Zeus International Legal Department against New Daily for defaming Han Zhan and his wife, causing damage to their reputation.

As soon as Han Zhan posted on Weibo, the company immediately issued a rights protection letter. The efficiency of this work is staggering. After Han Zhan himself saw this rights protection letter, he was deeply satisfied with his subordinates in the Legal Department and decided to increase their wages.

Ever since Big Brother Han's identity was revealed, a wave of fans of Big Brother Han have appeared on Weibo. Seeing this, all the fans were gloating and left messages on Han Zhan’s Weibo——

First floor: [Spreading rumors is fun for a while, but then the crematorium, New Daily, it’s time! 】

Second floor: [I, the Korean president, have the highest score! 】

Third floor: [Congratulations to Mr. Han on becoming a father, should I give out red envelopes? 】

Fourth floor: [New Daily: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I being accused? 】

As another person involved, Song Ci was also reading melons on Weibo with her mobile phone. After reading this, I just want to say that paparazzi are everywhere. She had just been hospitalized today, and reporters knew the news, and even a dog's nose was so sharp.

Han Aoyu planned to stay with Song Ci in the hospital and go back at night. Seeing Song Ci reading Weibo, Han Aoyu also put on his reading glasses and opened Weibo to read. He hasn't looked at Weibo for many days. He recently fell in love with TikTok.

Opening Weibo, Han Aoyu saw the Weibo post posted by his grandson Han Zhan an hour ago.

The New Daily had deleted the rumor-mongering Weibo post, and Han Aoyu understood what had happened before through other people's screenshots.

The old man was quite angry.

No, he can't let others misunderstand him like this. He has to explain a few words.

So, the old man turned on the handwriting mode of the keyboard and wrote word by word: [The unscrupulous media spread rumors that my grandson's wife is in the hospital, and there is no one to accompany her. Han Zhan was on a business trip and couldn't come. My old man personally sent Song Yatou to the hospital and is still with her in the hospital. Please remove the word ‘alone’ @New Daily. 】

After posting on Weibo, the old man still felt uneasy, so he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of himself glaring angrily at the camera. He also took a photo of Song Ci and posted them on Weibo together.

Song Ci didn't even know what her grandpa was doing behind his back. By the time she saw her grandpa's Weibo, Weibo had already exploded.

Because someone recognized Han Aoyu's identity after seeing his selfie!

Because Han Aoyu read the New Daily, he admitted that he was Han Zhan's grandfather. For these reasons, his Weibo was quickly discovered. There were more and more commenters, and gradually it attracted the attention of some military enthusiasts.

Anyone who often watches military documentaries is familiar with Han Aoyu’s face. Although this old man has retired for many years, his iron-blooded legend is still alive in the world!

After recognizing Han Aoyu's identity, the little guys made screaming chicken sounds directly on Han Aoyu's Weibo——

Ye Ge: [Ahhhhh! Old man! Is it Mr. Han? Oh my god! In my lifetime, I can actually find Mr. Han’s Weibo. Oh my god, I actually left a message for Mr. Han. 】

The world is big and I have the biggest heart: [Good boy, old man, you actually know how to use Weibo? 】

Green pigment: [Worship! This is truly the most powerful guy! 】

These people's comments successfully attracted the attention of the melon-eating crowd, and everyone was asking who Mr. Han was. Those military fans were unwilling to explain who Mr. Han was, so they were asked to search for Han Aoyu on Baidu.

Netizens searched for Han Aoyu. After searching, their hearts beat faster.

Colado: [This is a real boss. 】

Yaoyao: [What kind of good fortune is Song Ci? Her sister is a boss, her husband is a boss, and her grandfather is still the most powerful boss! 】

Synchronicity Jun: [Song Ci is the heroine who is favored by the group! ! 】

Sophie Marceau: [Only people like Han Zhan can be considered the true sons of generals. Looking at Han Zhan, I think of XX. Real generals are often low-key, humble and cultivated people. 】

Han Aoyu's vest has been stripped off, but he himself doesn't know it. He is still scrolling on Douyin, occasionally laughing happily.

Song Ci thought for a while and decided not to remind Han Aoyu.

Forget it, as long as the old man is happy. -

Du Xueyan has been rehearsing dances in the dance studio recently.

She was about to undergo surgery on her throat, so the company decided to hold a farewell concert for her before she was hospitalized. This concert is the last in Du Xueyan's singing career and will become her swan song.

The company and Du Xueyan herself both valued this concert.

In order to bring out her most perfect and wonderful self on the stage, Du Xueyan has been rehearsing dances in the dance studio these days, working hard and dedicated.

Gu Shengyao suddenly pushed the door open and called to Du Xueyan: "Xueyan, all the costumes for the concert have been sent over. You go and try them on."


Du Xueyan followed Gu Shengyao to the fashion stylist. On the way, Gu Shengyao asked her, "Have you checked Weibo today?"

Du Xueyan has been practicing dance since she got up in the morning and has no time to read Weibo. "What's wrong? Is there another scandal?" There seems to be big news on Weibo every day.

Gu Shengyao shook his head and said, "Song Ci is pregnant." Du Xueyan would know about this sooner or later, and Gu Shengyao did not hide it from her.

Du Xueyan stopped, said oh, and continued walking forward.

Gu Shengyao's eyes were very deep. He looked at Du Xueyan and asked her, "What do you think?"

Du Xueyan glanced at Gu Shengyao and suddenly said, "You told me this on purpose, just to see me disheartened and give up completely, right?"

Gu Shengyao nodded calmly. "yes."

Du Xueyan was speechless.

Before pushing the door to enter the locker room, Du Xueyan suddenly turned around and said to Gu Shengyao: "Gu Shengyao, don't worry, I won't do anything wrong. Han Zhan will never look back. Even if I want to look back, he won’t accept me if I shamelessly approach him."

Han Zhan is the most qualified predecessor.

Gu Shengyao was a little surprised. In this world, there are countless men who miss Du Xueyan. She is a girl, a siren, and a charm that men cannot resist. "Can he really reject you? Why don't I believe it?"

Du Xueyan suddenly pulled Gu Shengyao into the room.

Gu Shengyao was pressed against the wall by Du Xueyan. Du Xueyan stood on tiptoes, put her head close to Gu Shengyao's face, opened her mouth and bit Gu Shengyao's earlobe.

Gu Shengyao's reaction was obvious, and his eyes became dark.

Just as he was about to reach out to hug Du Xueyan, Du Xueyan pushed him away ruthlessly.

Du Xueyan took a step back and looked at Gu Shengyao indifferently. She said, "Look, you will be obsessed with me, but he won't. When he looked at me, his eyes were upright and cold, just like looking at the road. It's like a stone."

Gu Shengyao sorted out his chaotic mind and said nothing.

Du Xueyan turned on the light in the dressing room and turned around to try on clothes. At this time, Gu Shengyao suddenly said hoarsely: "If your mother hadn't been in urgent need of money for a kidney transplant, Xueyan, would you still have chosen to follow me?"

Du Xueyan stopped.

She didn't look back, nor did she answer Gu Shengyao's question head-on. Instead, she said evasively, "There are no ifs." Those things had already happened, those choices had been made, so what ifs were left.

Du Xueyan reached out and took down a dress from the hanger. She took off her dance training clothes directly in front of Gu Shengyao.

As soon as Du Xueyan put the dress on outside her body, Gu Shengyao walked over and bent down to help her zip up the back.

When the zipper sounded, Du Xueyan heard Gu Shengyao say from behind: "Xueyan, did you know that Han Zhan's grandfather is Han Aoyu."

Du Xueyan asked blankly: "Han Aoyu? Is his identity very special?" The image of Grandpa Han Zhan flashed in Du Xueyan's mind.

Gu Shengyao informed Du Xueyan about Han Aoyu's identity.

After hearing this, Du Xueyan looked a little stunned.

She said nothing.

Gu Shengyao suddenly hugged her waist, rested his chin on Du Xueyan's shoulder, and said seductively in her ear: "Xueyan, you have been in love for so many years, but he has never confessed his family background to you. Your mother is ill. He didn't even help you when you were like that again."

"Xue Yan, his love for you is nothing more than this."

Du Xueyan was shaking all over.

Han Aoyu

She vaguely remembered that Han Zhan had also mentioned Han Aoyu to her. About nine years ago, Han Zhan's grandmother passed away. Han Zhan took leave from the army and came back to attend his grandmother's funeral.

After the funeral, Han Zhan had to rush back to the army, so he took a plane and hurried to Wangdong City to meet Du Xueyan.

As soon as he saw her, Han Zhan hugged her tightly and told her in a choked voice: "Xueyan, I have no parents anymore. I was raised by my grandparents. Now, I don't even have a grandmother anymore."

Du Xueyan remembered how she answered Han Zhan. She said, "Han Zhan, you still have me, and I will love you."

Han Zhan only stayed in Wangdong City for half an hour before taking a plane to the southwest. Before leaving, he suddenly said to Du Xueyan: "Xueyan, my grandpa is Han Aoyu. He is very powerful. When I come back next time, I will take you to meet him."

Taking Du Xueyan to see her grandpa means bringing her daughter-in-law home. Du Xueyan was also looking forward to it at that time, but she did not expect that the next time they met, Han Zhan would be injured and broke his finger.

Du Xueyan also met Han Zhan's grandfather, who was in the hospital ward where Han Zhan was injured.

His grandfather was sitting on a chair wearing a plain gray shirt and baggy trousers, his head lowered and his eyes red. Perhaps because he received the news that his grandson was injured, the old man was so anxious that he took the high-speed train from Shunchen City to Wangdong City without changing his clothes.

When Du Xueyan saw Han Aoyu, Han Aoyu was still wearing a pair of Jiefang yellow rubber shoes on his feet, which were still stained with mud from the farmland.

Du Xueyan's mother suffered from uremia in 2008, and uremia patients need to undergo kidney dialysis regularly. Du Xueyan remembers clearly that at that time, uremia was not considered a serious illness and was not included in the medical insurance. It was only included in the national medical insurance in 2013.

After treating my mother for many years, all the family's savings were spent on her.

In 2012, Du Xueyan's mother became increasingly weak and faced the risk of death if she did not receive a kidney transplant.

A kidney transplant costs a lot of money.

When Du Xueyan saw Grandpa Han Zhan dressed like a simple farmer in the hospital, her heart dropped.

She needs money, a lot of money!

She must get ahead, earn more money, and make her life better!

And Han Zhan, who had broken his finger, couldn't give her everything she needed!

Today I updated more than 10,000 words. I have been recommending high-quality products these days, and it has been like this for three consecutive days.

On the last day of the month, monthly passes will be given away, so don’t waste them.

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