
Where do I come from as a believer?

"System, explain."

"When the host is revealed to people, if any living beings see you as a faith, in the form of an evil god, you will get a believer!"

"And when this believer sees you as the only faith, it will be promoted to your fanatic, there is a connection of the power of faith, you can feel its prayers, and you can descend your will on it!"

"My fanatic? Then come! "


Chu Wei was born in Linjiang City.

Eight-year-old, she originally had a happy family.

But on her eighth birthday, cultists broke into the house and arrested the family.

In that iron cage, she was hungry for two days.

On the first day, Dad was carried away and Mom cried all day.

The next day, her mother was also carried away, and Chu Wei was scared.

The children in the cage next to them all said that they had been taken to sacrifice and were dead!

That day, Chu Wei cried.

At night, she was carried to the altar with the others.

She realized that she might be dying.

She is not afraid, and even has some expectations, maybe she can meet her parents in another world.

The children around them were crying, they were afraid of death.

The first round of sacrifices soon began, Chu Wei was not selected, she watched as the people in those altars were drawn into human trunks.

However, at this moment, a figure wearing a mask suddenly broke into her line of sight.

He has a blue-haired doll on his shoulder.

In an instant, he killed all the evil god believers, and also killed the summoned evil god dependents.

Chu Wei plucked up the courage to speak to him: "Are you here to kill us?"

He turned back to Chu Wei and asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?" "

Don't be afraid!" Chu Wei replied loudly.

"What about your mother?"

Chu Wei was silent because they said that her mother was dead, and she was very sad.

A warm hand touched her head, and her voice was so gentle: "Don't be sad, she just went to another world to decorate a new home for you first, just as she came first in this life." At

that moment, a light shone in Chu Wei's heart!

A spark of faith burned in her young heart.

Later, the people from the Transcendent Bureau came and rescued everyone.

They were all thanking the people of the Extraordinary Bureau, but the figure wearing the mask always appeared in Chu Wei's mind.

Only he is his only salvation.

According to the federal arrangement for children who have lost their families, they will be adopted by people in the city or other cities, and those who have not been adopted will go to orphanages.

Chu Wei was fancyed by a couple in the next city, and they took her to another city.

Here, Chu Wei has a new life.

It's just that she never has a smile on her face, cold, and occasionally looks at the sky in a daze.

In my mind, the figure wearing the mask became more and more majestic.

She was so obsessed, that was the only light she had to live.

Until one day, she suddenly heard a voice.

"Supreme God!"

Chu Wei knew her faith for the first time!

The city is no better than Linjiang, and evil god believers are even more proliferated.

Every night, Chu Wei, who was lying by the window, could always see the black shadow flashing on the side of the road.

And on this day, the evil god believers broke into her new home again and arrested all of them!

In the stronghold of the cult, the abandoned underground garage was filled with iron cages.

The cages were mostly empty, with only a few holding ordinary people who had been captured.

Chu Wei and her adoptive parents were locked up in one of the cages.

"It's over, it's over, we're going to die!"

"Why haven't the people from the Transcendent Bureau come yet? Help me! "

There were cries and cries for help everywhere, despair filled the crowd, and panic and fear appeared on everyone's faces.

Chu Wei's parents protected her in their arms, she looked at them, Chu Wei didn't want them to die.

Suddenly, a voice in her head told her, "Call God's true name, and God will come to His will!"

Chu Wei closed her eyes, crossed her hands, and prayed silently: "The supreme god..." When praying,

a light suddenly appeared in her mind!

In that light, a boundless figure walked towards him...

The city of Morun is adjacent to the river.

The two cities are separated by more than a hundred kilometers, not far away.

Tonight's extraordinary bureau in Moren City is a bit busy.

Because they got a very important news, tonight a stronghold of a certain cult will perform a sacrifice ceremony!

"Someone disappeared again?"

"Have you decided on the location?"

"Okay, okay, we'll send someone right away!"

In the Transcendent Bureau, the operator received a whistleblower call.

A transcendent bureau officer standing on the side heard this, and immediately walked out, taking more than ten of his team members and setting off directly.

Chen Siyu, the governor of the Investigation Department of the Transcendent Bureau, has been working in the Transcendent Bureau for five years.

She also graduated from the Extraordinary Bureau, but chose to become a Extraordinary Bureau officer after graduation.

Her parents also died at the hands of evil god believers, so she hated evil god believers especially much!

"Lord Governor, which cult disciple are we doing this time?"

On the way, a team member asked Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu frowned and spoke, "This time it's not an evil god believer, but a stronghold of the evil god group, all cheer me up!" "

The stronghold of the Evil God Order?"

Hearing this, the eyes of those team members widened.

One of the team members hesitated a little and said, "Lord Governor, can we take the stronghold of the Evil God Sect just by relying on us people?" Would you like to apply for support?

"Why, don't you believe in my strength?" Chen Siyu glanced at him and said.

The team member immediately froze, and then hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, Lord Governor's strength is obvious to all, who in our investigation department doesn't know?" I'm just worried that something will happen..."

"Instead of worrying about those, it's better to arrive quickly, so you can save a few more people!" Chen Siyu snorted coldly.

Soon, the group arrived at the target location.

However, they did not blindly rush in, but hid outside, observing the surrounding environment.

At the door of the underground parking lot, there is a cult cultist who looks out for the wind, and he has the emblem of an evil god order embroidered on his chest.

Seeing that sign, Chen Siyu's eyes suddenly became solemn.

"The stronghold of the Xiborn Evil God Sect, this is trouble..." If

it is the stronghold of other Evil God Sects, Chen Siyu does not say that it can be taken one hundred percent, and there is still a ninety percent certainty.

However, for the people of the Upper Siburne Evil God Sect, her grasp was a little lower.

This cult of evil gods has a special means to make itself aberrant before dying!

After being deformed into monsters, their strength will increase a lot.

In this case, the difficulty of rescue has increased exponentially.

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