"As far as I know, no matter which law the federation has, there is no requirement that night watchmen must obey orders when they take leave, right?"

Zhao Xuefeng's eyes condensed slightly, looked at Jiang Yun, and said with a smile: "Are you questioning the words of this governor?"

"Of course." Jiang Yun met his gaze without fear and looked at him.

Zhao Xuefeng sneered: "Then I want to ask, what is your reason for taking leave?"

"Federal law stipulates that you cannot take leave unless necessary!"

"My girlfriend has a baby, is that reason enough?" Jiang Yun replied without thinking.

"Enough, of course enough!" Zhao Xuefeng was still smiling.

The next moment, he changed his words, propped his hands on the table, and stared into Jiang Yun's eyes: "Then what is the reason for you to beat your colleague just now?" "

He has already killed Jiang Yun!

If this guy does not accept the previous charges, then create a charge for him!

The night watchman department has just been integrated, and Zhao Xuefeng must come up with a typical model to knock those scattered night watchmen!

This is not only for their own career, but also for the Zhao family to gain a foothold in the entire extraordinary game!

And the Jiang Yun in front of him is the typical one he wants to stand!

By punishing him, achieve the purpose of deterring all the night watchmen!

The person who went to call Jiang Yun was originally his subordinate.

As a person of the Federal Superhuman Bureau.

Never show that attitude towards your colleagues at work.

His purpose was to provoke Jiang Yun and force him to make a move!

And if he can still endure it?

Hehe~ If he can endure such an insult, Jiang Yun doesn't have the courage to stop coming when he hears the order.

Even if he could really endure it, Zhao Xuefeng still had other means.

In short, Jiang Yun must be punished!

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's face was still indifferent.

He looked at Zhao Xuefeng, who looked proud, and suddenly smiled.

"You're so good at jumping."

"People who jump like you generally don't live long."

Zhao Xuefeng raised his eyebrows: "Can I see that you are threatening me?"

"I don't know if I can live long, but you, I definitely won't live long."

He had no interest in talking to Jiang Yunduo again, and shouted directly towards the door: "Come!"

His words fell, and two people walked in immediately outside the door.

"Jiang Yun, the night watchman, who did not abide by federal law, beat his colleagues during his work, and now he is dismissed from all his duties, sent to prison, and tried at a later date!" Zhao Xuefeng said sharply.


The two stood left and right beside Jiang Yun and motioned for him to go with them.

The personnel of the Federal Transcendent Bureau will not be escorted even if they are tried, which is the last dignity left to them by the Transcendent Bureau.

"Soon, you will come to beg me."

Jiang Yun looked at Zhao Xuefeng, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "However, I won't give you that opportunity."

With that, he turned and walked out.

He didn't choose to do it here, and that wouldn't be a wise move.

Even if Jiang Yun now has the strength to surpass the entire Linjiang City.

But this is the place of the extraordinary game after all, and doing it here means fighting the extraordinary game.

At that time, it will not be a matter of Linjiang City.

If it is big, the Federation will never sit idly by, and the king-level powerhouse is likely to end.

What's more, he had other plans.

The prison of the Transcendent Bureau seems to hold a lot of evil god believers, as well as some transcendent people who have committed crimes.

I don't know where to get the materials, so I may have an unexpected harvest if I go around!


Zhao Xuefeng looked at Jiang Yun's departing back and let out a disdainful sneer: "Dream!" In

the office area, the night watchmen poked their heads out one after another, looking at Jiang Yun who was escorted in the corridor, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Song Yuqing's face was even more puzzled, not knowing what Jiang Yun was doing.

With his strength, he could completely press Zhao Xuefeng to the ground and rub it.

Why was he obediently sent to prison?

The prison of the Transcendent Bureau is located underground in the headquarters of the Transcendent Bureau.

There are three floors of prison, and the first floor houses some ordinary transcendent criminals.

The second layer is for evil god believers, while the third layer is for criminals who have committed great crimes or whose strength is above the Hui Yue level!

Jiang Yun was escorted all the way to the second layer.

It is usually used to detain cultists, but some federal officials who have changed their intentions are also imprisoned here.

"Yo, new guys coming?"

"This guy even has a Night's Watch voucher? Or the night watchman?

"Hehe~ interesting~ I didn't expect to see the people of the extraordinary bureau locked up with us people."

"Boy, are you going to pick up soap?"

As soon as Jiang Yun was detained, there was a sound of chains in the other cells, and one by one, the evil god believers in prison uniforms poked their heads out of the small window at the door and let out a strange laugh of "hehe".

"All TM give me honesty, who says more, labor and management will cut off your tongues now!"

A jailer shouted viciously, frightening a group of cult believers into silence.

Frightening those cult believers away, the jailer confiscated Jiang Yun's night watchman voucher and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Dude, if you need anything, you can always call us."

They knew what Jiang Yun had come in for, so their attitude towards him was different from those criminals.

After the jailer finished speaking, he closed the door and walked out.

The prison of the Transcendent Bureau is isolated from energy, and the criminals inside must not escape.

However, this protection is naturally the same as Jiang Yun.

After all, a cell can block energy, but it can't block space.

Jiang Yun sat on the prison bed and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Going to prison for the first time in my life, this feeling is quite novel.


A voice interrupted this brief silence.

"Hey, hey, hey~"

In the cell next to him, an evil god believer saw the jailer leaving, and immediately ran over, laughing strangely through the wall.

"Boy, are you the night watchman?"

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to him, but the evil god believers chattered: "You have done so much for the Federation, in the end, aren't you the same as us evil god believers?" What is the picture?

"You know what? I was about to succeed, and obviously the sacrifice was about to succeed! It's because of you Night's Watch that my plan has failed!

"Hahaha, you deserve it, justice? In the end, it is not the end of going to prison!

"I tell you, if it weren't for this wall, labor and management would have to unload you in pieces, so as to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

He seemed to be crazy, and his mouth kept laughing and cursing.


His laughter stopped abruptly.

"Now that I'm here, do you want to do it?"

The evil god believer froze, his head turned mechanically, and Jiang Yun's smiling face appeared in front of him.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, he lowered his head, and a large hole appeared in his chest.

Looking at Jiang Yun's hand again, a hot heart was still beating vigorously...

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