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After Sato Kaede took his 2 Pokémons out of Beedrill’s hive, they were unimpeded along the way. In the past few days, Sato Kaede and the 2 Pokémons in his hands have conquered most of the Wild Pokémon in the nearby forest. Now, in front of them, I dare not make any trouble.

After spending more than ten minutes, at around 4 pm, Sato Kaede and the others also successfully returned to the temporary residence under the big tree, and then quickly returned to the hidden tree house on the big tree.

Just returning to the tree house, Sato Kaede impatiently took out the Black backpack from the Beedrill hive, and then took out all the contents one after another.

This Black backpack is just an ordinary backpack like the small backpack at the beginning of the mission, and there are 6 Poké Balls, a card sealed by Black paper and a letter inside.

At first glance, these 6 Poké Balls are not made in-house by Team Rocket, but are made entirely by hand, that is, the kind of Poké Ball made purely by hand by traditional Poké Ball craftsmen using cones. (Example is the steel Master of Johto Azalea Town)

This kind of handmade Poké Ball is better in terms of performance, personalization and even confidentiality than the Poké Balls purchased on the market. Of course, the price of this handmade Poké Ball is generally lower. It's not cheap, but this Poké Ball is very popular among high-level trainers and powerful people.

The 6 Poké Balls are all the same in appearance, they are white under the basket, and a golden star is engraved on the blue shell.

For these six artificially made Poké Balls, Sato Kaede paid at least a little attention and put them aside, and then focused on the card that was sealed by the Black paper.

When Sato Kaede tore the Black paper on the card and saw the true face of the card, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

The true face of this card will actually be an Alliance ID card, and the picture on the upper right corner of the ID card is what Sato Kaede looks like today. That is to say, this is an Alliance ID card belonging to Sato Kaede.

"Oh my God, Team Rocket really possesses great magical power. This ID card is real, not a fake made in the black market." Looked at the Alliance ID card in his hand, and then looked back. After clicking on a Poké Ball pattern on the back of the ID card that can appear through a small amount of light, Sato Kaede said with a slightly moved face.

In fact, when Sato Kaede knew that he was a dark household, he wanted to apply for a legal Alliance ID card, but unfortunately, such a pauper with no background simply did not get a chance to appeal, even if he Bringing the certificate issued by the village chief of his own country, it still has no effect at all.

As a result, after unable to obtain the Alliance ID card in a proper way, Sato Kaede decided to go to the black market to find someone to create one, but the ID card anti-counterfeiting capability produced by Alliance is definitely at the level of the Pokemon world cream of the crop.

Those forged in the black market are fine for the residents of the countryside, but if you enter some towns and cities where Officer Jenny enforces the law, these fake ID cards are useless cards and a reminder. Once found to have a fake ID, he will be wanted immediately and go to jail.

The ID card that appeared in front of Sato Kaede now is obviously genuine. The Poké Ball pattern that will be reflected on the back is the best proof. According to the people who made fake ID cards in the black market of Pewter City, This anti-counterfeiting technology is currently only in the hands of Alliance. (All in all, this ID card is really right.)

"Unfortunately, what is the use of giving me this ID card now? I'm on the thief ship of Team Rocket now. If I want to get off, this ID card given to me by Team Rocket is a powerful constraint." After a short while, Sato Kaede's original surprise slowly turned into a helpless smile at this time, he thought secretly.

If you want to know with your toes, Team Rocket can now give him an Alliance ID card that belongs to him. That means Team Rocket has fully grasped his identity in his hands. Even if he rebels in the future, he is impossible to rely on. As Sato Kaede, he went to join Alliance.

Of course, now that Sato Kaede has this Alliance ID card, he can live just and honorable in the sun. He can freely go in and out of any place ruled by the Alliance, without having to hide from the Alliance police and fear them. I searched my ID.

It’s a pity that even if Sato Kaede thinks about this now, he still can’t be happy. This Alliance ID is just a coat to cover up his identity as a member of Team Rocket. He is still essentially a member of Team Rocket. Members of Team Rocket who are regarded as villains.

After a deep sigh, Sato Kaede also put aside this Alliance ID card that was once significant to him, and then focused on the last item in the Black backpack.

Sato Kaede tore open the envelope, took out the letter inside, and then began to read the text carefully. In the heart, after comparing the handwriting on the mission map with the handwriting on the letter at this time, Sato Kaede recognized it immediately So this is the handwriting of the same person.

After Sato Kaede read the contents of the letter carefully, his face suddenly became as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. At the same time, a huge doubt appeared in his heart, because the contents of the letter were a bit too sudden, making him Some are puzzled, some even can't believe it.

The general content of the letter is as follows: the field trial mission is completed, and now he has a new mission, that is, he finds a way to go to La Rus City in the Hoenn Region, and then asks him to have 25 days before the Rookie match. There was a 10-game winning streak in the Battle Tower there.

"What the hell is going on? It's not like finding all the quest items to complete the field trial quest? Why suddenly the content of the quest changed again, and I was asked to go to a place as far away as Fengyuan by myself. To win 10 consecutive victories in the world-famous Battle Tower in the city of Larousse, this is too worthy of me. I am just a Rookie who has just won Pokémon for less than a month. It's a lie." Look. After finishing the content of the letter, Sato Kaede has 10000 fuck your mother running wildly in his heart at this time.

Larousse is an island city located in the Hoenn Region (it is the city in Deoxys, the visitor to the theater version of Split). It is a technologically advanced city, and the most famous place is Battle Tower.

The Battle Tower in La Roulas is world-famous. This is a world-class stage where Trainers can show their strength. Compared with the Alliance competitions held by the Pokémon Alliance in various regions, the level here is higher.

Trainers from all over the world will choose to come to this Battle Tower in order to enhance their strength and gain a huge reputation. They will choose to compete in this Battle Tower to win fame and fortune with a continuous winning streak. The Battle of Larousse City Tower, its status is equivalent to the Sky Stadium in the hunter world. (Do not spray on your own)

Now, as a Rookie Trainer who has just debuted for less than a month, Sato Kaede has arranged such an extremely difficult task for him, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

While Sato Kaede was ranting about the content of the letter, on the peak of a hill near the Viridian Forest, Sophia smiled at Gengar, who had just returned, and praised her.

"You are barely qualified in the wild survival trial. Then your opponent will not be Wild Pokémon without much wisdom. Your opponent will be much better than Wild Pokémon cunning in the future." Sophia looked at Chang in the distance. Pan Forest, thought secretly.

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