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Regarding Sabrina's impolite departure, the 8 Alliance members in military uniforms were also a little helpless. Although they were a little angry, Sabrina was still very grateful.

After all, if it hadn't been for Sabrina's timely action, the strength of oneself would almost forcibly stabilize the entire building that was about to fall, avoiding the further expansion of the accident and giving Alliance's rescue operations a basis for action.

Otherwise, the casualties of this accident will definitely be much more, and it is not the situation where most people are just seriously injured today.

In the explosion accident this time, with the exception of Boss whereabouts unknown, only three people in the restaurant who were very close to the explosion were killed. Most of the rest were seriously injured.

However, relying on Pokemon World Peak's medical technology, these severely injured patients will have no problem surviving as long as they have a breath. Since the accident at this time is Alliance's fault, Alliance will also pay for the medical expenses out of pocket.

On the other hand, after these Alliance members agreed that the item and Boss Boss were blown up together and chose to leave, in a secluded alley two hundred meters away from the restaurant, Boss Boss, Boss, was looking respectful. Gradually handed the white backpack in her hand to Sabrina.


"Come out, Bellossom, use Grassy Terrain to treat them." Looking at the severely injured patients who were crying in front of them, Sato Kaede sighed, and then released Bellossom, letting her start using Grassy Terrain to endure these severely. Seriously injured patient with great pain.

Although these Alliance members have nothing to do with him, and even from his current status, he still has a hostile relationship with these people, but without these people, this World would indeed become more chaotic.

From a certain perspective, it was the hard work of these people that allowed them, who are very selfish, to live well. Now helping them is taken as a kind of reward in disguise.

"Flower~~" Hearing Sato Kaede's command, Bellossom nodded, immediately began an elegant dance on the spot, and a relaxed and joyful floral fragrance also appeared. All the seriously injured patients who smelled this floral fragrance suddenly felt The stinging nerves eased a lot.

At the same moment, with Bellossom as the center, in the area within five meters, a grass condensed by Grass Type energy appeared on the Ground. After a while, a grassy lawn appeared.

And all the seriously injured patients on this vigorous lawn began to light up a burst of dark-green rays of light. Under this burst of dark-green rays of light, their injuries began to improve rapidly.

Ten seconds later, Bellossom, who was panting and hu hu, ended Grassy Terrain this time, and the injuries of the severely injured nearby patients also changed from severe injuries to minor injuries, and their pale face is now a little more ruddy.

I have to say that Bellossom's treatment effect is quite powerful. This move Grassy Terrain directly removed more than a dozen seriously injured patients from the mortal danger, and the treatment staff on the side were also amazed by Bellossom's excellent treatment ability.

At the same time, Sato Kaede and Bellossom received a lot of thanks for the successful rescue of a large number of severely injured patients, and at the same time they became hot and hot in the severely injured area.

However, Bellossom's treatment of more than a dozen severely injured patients at one time is obviously very difficult. After three consecutive full-fledged use of Grassy Terrain, Bellossom is as tired as those of Nurse Joy's Chansey and must take a break.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Sato is still a Pokémon medical trainer. Thanks to your Bellossom action, many people are now out of the mortal danger." In the Pokémon Center near the station, Sayo with a bandage on Sato Kaede said with a smile.

Because she is not very good at fighting, Sayo got out of the battle after participating in the paddling action of the siege of the gangsters. However, because she is relatively 8 hexagrams, she did not leave the scene immediately, but chose to be not far away. Wait and see.

When the explosion happened, she was also affected a little bit, and she also showed signs of color. Of course, compared to the severely injured patients, her injury is simply nothing. If you bandage a little, it will be fine, and then join In the rescue team.

"Where do I count on the Pokémon Medical Trainer, it's just because I have Bellossom, a Pokémon with healing powers in my hand. As for medical knowledge, I don't know anything about it. Now it's pretty good without helping me." Sato Kaede Hearing this, waved his hand and said.

"Well, when I was helping to bandage the wounds of the wounded, I could see clearly. The severely injured patients are in a very urgent situation. If you don't have Mr. Sato to help, I'm afraid I will wait until the medical staff from other Pokémon centers come over. There are many that can't survive, I believe they are very grateful to you, Mr. Sato." Hearing such a humble answer from Sato Kaede, Sayo said quickly.

Now the time has come to 1:1 in the morning. The accident happened too suddenly. Sato Kaede’s dinner was interrupted before halfway through the accident. Now that the accident came to an end, he, who had stomach rumbling with hunger, made up his dinner at the Pokémon Center. On, and this time also happened to meet Sayo.

Sato Kaede couldn't stand Sayo's warm invitation, so the two of them ate together.

The two were already exhausted, so they said goodbye after a quick dinner, and then returned to their room in the center of Pokémon to rest.

"I will get such a huge surprise. I am not considered a double agent now. Not only do I have the status of a Team Rocket soldier, but I also now have the status of an Alliance non-primary trainer. It's really strange." In the small room, Sato Kaede was lying on the bed, looking at the brand new Alliance ID card in his hand, thought secretly.

The Alliance ID card in Sato Kaede's hand at this time is almost exactly the same as his previous Alliance ID card, except for a little more silver lace on the surface.

But just adding some silver lace, the Alliance ID card in Sato Kaede's hand represents a very different meaning from the past. This is an ID card that represents a non-lineage trainer of Alliance.

Yes, starting today, Sato Kaede is a true Alliance Trainer.

As medical staff from other Pokémon centers in Saffron City arrived one after another, Sato Kaede, an unlicensed lay doctor who was temporarily recruited, also declared unemployed.

But after all, he helped the Alliance in time to rescue many Alliance Trainers, thus freeing many of Alliance's valuable talents from the mortal danger. Therefore, Sato Kaede, a civilian Trainer who is not in the Alliance system, was also warmly received by Alliance.

I have to say that the Joy family has a very high status in the Alliance. This time after Sato Kaede shot Help Nurse Joy, he unexpectedly received a very precious reward.

After Nurse Joy learned that Sato Kaede was a non-Alliance civilian trainer, she not only gave Sato Kaede a very substantial bounty, but also trusted Help Sato Kaede to obtain the status of a non-affiliated Alliance Trainer.

Perhaps it was Sato Kaede's act of giving up his life to help the little girl, and he also helped many Alliance Trainers. It is very easy for Sato Kaede to obtain this ID card representing the trainer who is not a direct line. When he was about to leave the scene of the accident, that A Nurse Joy who had requested Sato Kaede Help gave him this brand new ID card.

Now that Sato Kaede has this brand new ID card, he can not only enjoy discounted medical services in the Pokémon Center in the future, but also can access the Alliance internal network and receive the Alliance mission issued by the Alliance in the Pokémon Center. .

And the most important point is that with this ID that represents the identity of a non-affiliated Alliance Trainer, Sato Kaede is finally eligible to participate in the Pokémon Contest held by the Pokémon Alliance in various regions.

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