Legendary FBI Detective

written request for leave

I resigned from my job today, book friends. There are a lot of reasons, so I won’t mention them to affect everyone’s mood.

I took my parents for a physical check-up a few days ago. There was nothing major wrong with them, just minor ailments common to the elderly.

I also had a checkup, and the results showed that there were problems with my gallbladder, stomach, lumbar spine, kidneys, and shoulders. -_-||

Taking a day off temporarily, I plan to go back to the rental house to rest for a while, go out for a walk with my friends in the evening, and then have a good sleep early. It has been a long time since I slept until I woke up naturally.

Tomorrow and the next two days will be the same as before. The third update will make up for today's vacancy. I would like to thank all book friends for your continued support!


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