Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 184 The Chainsaw Series

Seeing Roan standing behind the garbage dump not far away with an ugly face, Mona hurried over and asked loudly at the same time:

"Roan, what happened?"

"Wait a minute! Mona!"

Hearing Mona's voice, Roan turned around hastily, waved his hand and signaled her not to come over.

But Mona had already walked quickly to the garbage dump at this time, and also saw the scene behind the garbage dump.

A gust of wind blew by, and Mona's face turned pale instantly.

In a pile of rotting and smelly garbage, there were two corpses, a man and a woman!

Among them, the watermelon of the male corpse in a striped suit was split in half, and there was a big hole in the belly of the female corpse...

There are yellow, white and red objects everywhere, and the picture is horrible.

This kind of scene needs to be mosaiced even in the Federation.


The color combination of yellow, white and red had too much impact, Mona hurriedly turned and left there, cursing in a low voice, trying to suppress the discomfort in her heart.

Roan walked up to Mona, patted her on the back, and said helplessly:

"Is it okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Taking a deep breath, Mona got up and shook her head, showing an ugly smile to Roan.

Mona had seen this type of photo of a dead body when she was in a class at the FBI Academy before, and had looked at dead bodies up close.

But the photos are photos, and the corpses observed were also processed in advance, so they were not so bloody.

It was the first time for Mona to witness such a scene suddenly.

And from the perspective of time, Mona is still a newcomer, and doesn't have as long a work experience as Lacey.

Feeling Roan's hand gently patting her back, Mona suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked:

"Roan, did you look so ugly just now because of the sight of the corpse?"

Mona had heard from Lacey before that Roann was discussing fast food with the old coroner in the NYPD morgue.

The scene of the dead body behind the garbage dump is indeed a bit scary, but it doesn't seem to scare Roan.

"Yes and no."

Seeing that Mona's condition has recovered a lot, Roan replied slowly:

"I just analyzed something based on the state of the corpse."

Just now, Mona was far away from the corpse, so she couldn't see many things clearly, but Roan could see a lot clearly when she stood beside the corpse.

The four feet of the two corpses were tightly handcuffed together, indicating that the two could not leave each other during their lifetime.

The nails on the left hands of the two corpses were all pulled out, indicating that they had been tortured by the murderer before their death.

The purpose of the murderer's doing this is most likely to get some information from them.

Not only that, but there is a knife next to the male body, a small key in his right hand, and an ax directly in front of him.

Combined with the big hole in the woman's abdomen and the iron cuffs on the two of them's feet... Luo An speculates that the murderer has probably seen the chainsaw series released in 2004 and 2005 by a certain director named Wen.

“Son of better than eating!”

Hearing Roan's speculation, Mona's face became even more ugly, and she asked:

"You speculate that the female deceased died at the hands of the male deceased, and the male deceased..."

"Obviously, the murderer lied to him."

Luo An took out his mobile phone and called the trace inspection department, telling them to send someone over quickly, and bring more bags, if there are less things, they won't be able to hold them.

Then he explained to Mona:

"If I'm not mistaken, the murderer should have told the man that as soon as he got the key from the woman, he would let him go.

But when the man got the key, the murderer picked up the ax directly..."

Mona took a breath, and then cursed:


Luo An nodded, this time the murderer obviously had mental problems.


Walking back to the SUV, Mona picked up a bottle of water and drank a couple of sips, then handed it to Roan:

"Is the female deceased identified as Triss?"

Mona didn't see the faces of the two corpses clearly just now.

"Yeah, that's her."

After taking the water that Mona handed over, he raised his head and took a sip, Roan nodded:

"But the identity of the male deceased, I'm afraid we won't know until the trace inspection department finishes the autopsy."

The watermelon has been turned into two halves. Roan is not a forensic doctor, so he really can't judge the other party's original face with the naked eye.

Jingle Bell--

Just then, the phone in Roan's pocket rang.

Press the answer button.

"I'm Roan."

"It's me, Lacey."

Lacey on the other end of the phone said directly:

"According to your request, I am now in the company of Triss's architect boyfriend.

According to colleagues in the company, Loelle Post didn't come to work today, and he didn't answer his phone calls. He didn't know where he was. We suggested that we go to his home to look for him. "

Hearing this, Roan's eyelids trembled and asked:

"...Ask those colleagues, is the clothes Loelle Post wore yesterday a gray striped suit?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then came Lacey's affirmative reply:

"That's right, that's it."

Mona on the side heard the words, closed her eyes and patted her head, while Roan sighed:

"OK, you and Ryder can return to investigation team No. 5."


A few hours later, investigation team No. 5.

Ryder pushed open the door in front of the office area, distributed the materials in his hands to the agents, and said:

"This is a rough autopsy report from the Trace Examination Section.

According to the forensic judge, the cause of death of the two victims was the same as Roan said. Triss Perez died of excessive bleeding in the abdomen, while Loelle Post died of the ax next to him. "

Hearing Ryder's words, all the detectives scolded the murderer.

Roan, who was sitting on the new chair, took the materials and turned around in a circle, and then asked:

"Ryder, did the Trace Inspection Division find any clues at the scene? Are there fingerprints of the murderer on the ax?"

"They found footprints left by the two killers at the scene."

Ryder said that the trace inspection department found no DNA or fingerprints of the killer, but only traces of neoprene on the clothes of Triss and Loelle.


Mona and Lacey tilted their heads in doubt.

Ryder spread his hands, he didn't know what it was.

"It's rubber gloves."

Roan threw the materials on the table with a speechless face.

The group of guys in the trace inspection department always do this, throwing out a bunch of professional terms every time.

Mona and Ryder suddenly realized when they heard the words, while Lacey next to her frowned:

"That is to say, we have no way to find the murderer now?"

The footprints found by the trace inspection department can be taken to court as evidence in the future.

But without fingerprints, DNA, surveillance videos and witnesses, it is impossible to find the murderer with only footprints in New York, a large city with a large population.

Hearing this, all the detectives of the No. 5 investigation team looked at each other and fell silent.

"No, we still have a clue that we haven't checked!"

When everyone was scratching their heads without thinking, Luo An slapped his hands to attract attention and said:

"Everyone, don't forget, the murderer stole that Mercedes from a car repair shop!"


"That's right!"

The three of Mona nodded again and again, and woke up:

"We might have a clue in that auto repair shop!"


Roan stood up and said that he would go to the car repair shop with Lacey to find clues, and then said to Mona with a serious face:

"Mona, you stay in the No. 5 investigation team, and together with William and the others, carefully investigate the information of Triss and Loelle.

I feel like there's something wrong with this case. "

What kind of information did the murderer want to get when he interrogated the two of them by such cruel methods as pulling out their nails?

Mona heard this and immediately nodded in agreement:

"Leave it to us!"

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