League of Legends of Battle System

Vol 2 Chapter 922: Huan Zhang

On April 18th, LPL's spring season playoffs arrived as scheduled.

On the 16th, hit will win the team's first decision.

Therefore, for the current hit, you only need to play b05 with the team in group A. If you win, you will directly advance to the playoffs finals. If you lose, you will naturally be eliminated.

On the 19th, at 1 pm, the fight between Hit and L started again.

A few days ago, the two sides competed for the first place in the group. Now, the two sides are competing for the finals.

In the first game, l's Titan made a contribution and defeated hit.

In the second game, l's top lane was directly hit by the explosion, and hit by victory.

After learning about the tactical thinking of l, Zhang Huan started frantically asking hit players to target their road. This approach has achieved very successful results directly in the second to fourth innings.

The semifinals of the playoffs are over.

hit3: 1l.

ed3: 0k.

So on April 22nd, the Eastern Sports Center, the curtain of the LPL spring season playoffs, officially opened.


"Well, welcome to the spring finals of the large-scale oba multiplayer online game lol developed by the fist tx agent. After three months of competition, our two strongest teams of lpl have stood in front of everyone. . "


On the commentary stand, today ’s commentary is still a good partner in the e-sports circle, Chang Tian and Ni Dao. After a prelude and team introduction, the intense game kicked off.

"First of all, we saw the blue square bp. Hit side took Malzaha, the plane, and Naar first."

At the bp position of s7, the original six positions were directly changed to ten.

In the game, on the bp, on each side, select three and then select two.

However, with the increasing number of lol heroes, in fact, ten pulls have little effect on the tactics of a team. After all, there are many routines available.

In the first game, Zhang Huan did not play, watching the match between hit and ed in the lounge.

ed is strong. In addition to their mid-single v9 being the top five in South Korea, their coaching team is also the top and most complete team in lpl, plus Chen Yongchao's rigorous coaching style. After learning hit's play, the layout is more Exquisite, so the original team members who rely on hit alone, it is difficult to win ed, but it is not a chance.

In the first game, as expected by Zhang Huan, hit lost.

He Wendong's strength is good, but the kid entered a strange alley in the first game. Zhang Huan paid him more attention to the big game a few days ago. As a result, the boy now regards the big game as the first task of the game. The result is On the line, a mistake was caught and then killed alone. As a result, it was slowly snowballed and collapsed.

After leaving the game, Zhang Huan found him and told him to continue playing.

In the second round, according to Zhang Huan's instructions, He Wendong's rhythm was much better. The snake woman who brushed the thread in one hand became the mid-single Tyrone. She walked to support it and changed her insignificant style. She was caught off guard by ed.

So, the two sides reached a 1: 1 draw!

The game was changed from bo5 to bo3, the third game, after a fifteen minute break, arrived as scheduled.

In this game, ed shifted the team's center of gravity, turning the middle lane into an auxiliary swimming position, and outputting the center of gravity to the lower lane and jungler.

The game played for thirty-seven minutes, and ended up losing two dragons in a row with hit.

"Well, a wonderful game." At the commentary, Nibo explained: "This round of ed Rambo played very well. Rambo played wildly this routine was brought up by Hit, but I did not expect ed to sacrifice them at that time. "It's an antithesis.

"Yes." Changtian said: "Although the hit players have played very well, their lineup is biased towards the first and middle stages. After thirty-three minutes, they can't compete directly with ed, so when they lose the game, they also It makes sense. "

Loach said: "Now we have reached the point of ed. If they win the game in the fourth game, then the champion of the spring season will be theirs, and they will also go to Brazil on behalf of lpl to compete in the si season. Race. "

Changtian said: "I think the hunter of the fourth game should be on the court? Today he came to the scene, and I don't believe he dare to give the decision to the less reliable boys."


In response to a long day, Zhang Huan stepped out of the lounge and boarded the game table in the fourth game!


At the scene, tens of thousands of spectators were cheering and shouting, and 80% of them were probably fans of Zhang Huan.

"Great, my big hunter is finally here."

"Hunter is finally willing to play, so happy."

"I've waited for the flowers to thank me."

"Come on, hit is the best, hunter broke everything and dissatisfied!"

... Under the attention of all, the fourth game of the two sides officially started on the stage where the lights were focused.

Hit was on the red side, and fifth hand unter was held by Zhang Huan.

His choice was a very hot mid-range return after redoing the s7.

Ominous Blade, Katerina!

Carter of Zhang Huan, to describe it, there is only one word: violence!

This hero's ability to match is not too strong, but he is very good in walking gank, hunting, and team fighting.

Since the LPL Spring Season, this is basically a non-selected hero, but ed seems to have a routine for this hero, so not afraid.

Blue side ed: on single Jess, playing widow, mid single Victor, adc Virus, assist Bud.

The red side hit: the single-sword girl, the wild poodle, the mid-single carter, adcez, and auxiliary Jira ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Both sides are actually biased in the lineup of the early and mid-term. The current version, hit The late game is almost impossible. Ten battles, nine games will end 40 minutes ago.

After a short reading, the two sides entered the Summoner's Canyon one after another, and the fire was slowly ignited.

Carter played against Victor in the early stage, which is of course a disadvantage, because Victor has a shield and fights together, aqa must hit the Thunder. Carter, as long as he does not pick up a dagger, he is losing.

And Victor is also a hero with long hands.

At the first level, Zhang Huan's Carter was pushed out of the line by Victor and was unable to make up for it.

This situation is normal, and Zhang Huan is not in a hurry. Both sides came to the third level in a flash.

"Victor on the v9 side is very arrogant. So much pressure on hunter is almost in front of the tower."

After finishing the loach, Changtian said, "Not afraid. After wiping the blue buff, the widow didn't go to the road and went directly to the middle lane to squat. Once the hunter wave dares to go up, she will definitely lose."

"Not necessarily. The poodle has finished playing the red buff. Come here, maybe there will be the first small team battle between the two sides."

Here, Zhang Huan glanced at everyone's position on the map, and saw the widow crouching on the upper river next to the middle road, chuckling, and said to Yang Xiaoming: "Widow is in the middle, come and help me. "

"Oh, boss, I'm planning to come."

Seizing the opportunity, Zhang Huan controlled Carter, throwing a q skill.

A darkened body, but reflecting Morin's gloomy dagger, quickly slashed through the two remaining blood soldiers, and then landed on Victor's side.

This is Zhang Huan's shot!


ps: I recommend the new book "Crazy God How to Play Technology". This book is so beautiful, you can't believe it.

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