League of Legends of Battle System

Chapter 63: Prince of singles

After downloading a live broadcast software, Zhang Huan directly logged in to his Huya account after successful installation.

After thinking for a while, he changed the title of the live room to: Hunter! The top ten of the national service, the live broadcast shocked the national service first!

Jiang Xiaotian saw the title aside, his eyes brightened, he couldn't help but ask, "Brother, are you ready to hit the national costume first? Are you sure?"

Glancing at him, Zhang Huan did not speak, but opened the live broadcast room to enter the live broadcast state, but this time he did not turn on the camera, Jiang Xiaotian, a 'Huangmao' kid, was present, but can't let him disturb us Image established before.

Naturally, this is a joke-like idea, but Zhang Huan's style today is a bit off-screen, so I won't turn on the camera.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, some subscribers who were in Huya during this time period rushed over. In less than two minutes, the number of viewers in Zhang Huan's live room reached 5,000. This is why Zhang Huan grew by 2,000 people after returning to the normal live broadcast these two days. Otherwise, it is definitely still at 3,000.

"Hunter is coming very early today!"

"Big Hunter, how long are you going to broadcast today?"

"Send the big sword first, the blind monk who likes Hunter the most, handsome!"

"God Hunter, the name of the live studio changed? Ready to hit the national costume first?"

"Hunter God is now eighth in the national costume, winning more than a thousand points. According to the current trend, I expect the national costume to be the first in three days!"

"The anchors cheer and drive the dopa **** down. It's annoying to dominate our national service for a long time."

"Hunter, come on, kill dopa and send you ten excavators!"

Uh ...

Although there were only 5,000 people in the live broadcast room, some viewers still talked about Hunter, the eighth **** in the national costume, and did not play. The public screen was covered with barrage. There are always a few uninterested in the natural barrage, but Zhang Huan is too lazy to ignore it.

"Well, today's live broadcast is a little bit earlier. Like the previous two days, today will be live until 1 am, and the duration will be about seven hours. Today, the first thing everyone wants to see, let me see it on the public screen. "In speaking, Zhang Huan and Jiang Xiaotian have started a double lineup.

"Raven, love Raven the most!"

"I want to see a male knife!"

"Mr. Dandan!"

皇 "Prince, after the revision, the prince heard that it was very fierce, and Hunter showed it to us."

"Prince Queen!"

Uh ...

"Do you want to see the prince, yes 1.

So, after Zhang Huan finished speaking, countless 111 appeared on the screen.

Seeing this, Zhang Huan was also not good enough to shout everyone's meaning, only to say: "The prince can, but the prince can not improve the jungle after the revision, and can only place an order or a mid-single. If the opposite road is an AD at this moment, we How about a single order? "

Zhang Huan's words, the audience naturally has no opinion.

After a short while, enter the BP interface, Zhang Huan they are on the blue side, he is on the third floor, Jiang Xiaotian is on the fifth floor.

"Go wild on the 1st floor!" Soon after entering the dressing interface, a player named Gu Shouyu on the 1st floor of his side typed in the chat window.

As soon as I finished playing and pulled a Moganna, he said again, "Hunter, you are also here. I want the jungle position. You can go to the middle or top."

Zhang Huan and Gu Shouyu also know each other. In the past few days, almost six of ten players met him. Sometimes they were teammates and sometimes enemies. Once they went, they finally added friends. Already.

Gu Shouyu's current ID ranking is also in the top ten, a little higher than Zhang Huan. He is good at playing wild positions, of which Qian Qian and Widow play better.

"It's okay, I can hit the middle!" Zhang Huan typed.

At this time, Jiang Xiaotian also immediately typed: "Professional ADC on the 5th floor, the rest will not, so please give us a place."

Soon, after the selection was completed, his ancient hand Yu chose a widow, and the first and second floors on the opposite side chose Jie and barrel.

After a short while, it was Zhang Huan's turn to choose a candidate. He didn't hesitate to come to a prince in the middle and let the audience in the live broadcast room shout 666.

In the current version, the prince has been strengthened after a big move. After the sixth level, there will be a very strong AOE range damage. In a team battle, generally, as long as two people are provoked and a big move is given to them, then this wave of team battles is basically won. .

After determining the candidate, Zhang Huan began to choose runes and talents.

In terms of runes, Zhang Huan chose the essence of attack power, red penetration, yellow fixed armor, and blue is 6 growth minus CD and three mana recovery.

The heroes on the line are robbers, but they do not need to take magic resistance. The 6 growth minus CD is exactly 10%. For the prince, reducing the CD is still very important, because the prince is more dependent on skills. , Minus the CD, the basic wave of group battles can launch two to three EQ combos, the control and damage brought by are very good.

In terms of talent, the fledgling prince can choose the power of time, and those who fight online more fiercely can point out the immortal grip, but the damage caused by the immortal grip is very low. It may be very buggy in the early stage. But in the middle and late stages, the role of playing group is very small.

This line of robbers mainly broke out, so Zhang Huan did not choose the power of time and the immortal grip, but chose the decree of the Thunderlord. Although the bloodthirsty and zeal of the warlord can also be used, but the outbreak For the type of prince, the Thunder is better.

Summoner skills, there are two options, one is flash and ignite, and the other is flash and teleport. This is a middle order, so Zhang Huan chose to flash and ignite. As long as he has an advantage on the line, it doesn't matter if the conveyor belt is not brought. As for support issues, Zhang Huan's support speed will be fast.

After the selection is completed, the lineup of both sides is determined.

The blue side: Shang Danuo, Widow Widow, Middle Prince, ADC is Jiang Xiaotian's cannon, and assists Bron.

Red party: play single Titan, play wild leopard woman, play single man sword, ADC Lu Xian, assist Bud.

After a short game reading, he finally entered the Summoner Canyon.

A sense of great control over the whole world, sprung up in Zhang Huan's heart. Through the fog of war, he can clearly observe the appearance of the five heroes in the spring in the opposite.

装 Outfit in the early stage, Zhang Huan's choice is a corruption potion. Because for heroes such as the Prince, the potency provided by the corruption potion is very strong, and when eating the corruption potion to fight against others, it will also burn the enemy, causing a certain amount of magic damage, although not many , But it also counts as an additional output damage. In the early stage, it is often that little damage that can determine the victory and defeat in the competition.

When the invisible walls of the spring disappeared, Zhang Huan and his teammates quickly rushed to the middle.

However, neither the red nor the blue had the desire to invade the wild area opposite. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com, but held its own position and waited for the line of arms to meet again.

While taking advantage of this time period, the opposite barrel typed out among everyone, "Gu Shouyu, did you start the live broadcast?"

"Opened, why, want to attract popularity with me? I won't talk about it." Gu Shouyu also typed and teased.

At this time, Jiang Xiaotian said next to Zhang Huan: "Brother, be careful, the opposite is the Wuhu god, he is very powerful!"

"Huh!" Zhang Huan gave a soft reply, but there was no dignified expression. Wuhu was the God of God. He had seen it long ago, but even though the other party was very powerful, Zhang Huan was not worse than him. Before, there was a card played by Wuhu God, which pressed his own opponents miserably, but in the end, wasn't Zhang Huan's barrel super carried to win that game?

没有 There are no absolutely powerful people in the game. Even if it is Zhang Huan, after losing the spectator system, have you lost?

Soon, at one minute and fifty-five seconds, the middle line of soldiers connected and the battle officially started.

劫 The opposite was hijacked by the three swords of the red sword.

At the first level, Zhang Huan learned Q skills.

After the revised version of the hero, Prince W, the W and the big move have changed significantly, but the Q skill level is still the previous ten-second CD and 10% of armor penetration. However, as the level increases, the Q of each level will decrease by one second and increase the armor penetration by four. The level of Q skills will have a base damage of approximately two hundred and five and a base cooldown of six seconds. , Armor penetration is on the 26th.

Uh ...

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