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Kim Su-hyeon: "The game of the tiebreaker will start immediately. This is the only game in the Kespa Cup that has currently played 5 games. I have to say that the first 4 games are very exciting. Now, it will be the last test for both parties. closed."

Park Ji-hwan: "I don't know what kind of team comp will be chosen by the two sides in this round. The GRF has already lost Faker's ice girl for 3 rounds of BAN. Will this round continue to BAN? Li Xu took out 2 rounds Poppy and Sion, but such a hero Carry is not strong, will Li Xu choose a Carry hero?"

Starting with BP, the GRFblue party is selected first by BAN and the SKTred party.

Blue Fang GRF first-hand directly BANBrother Lee's ice girl, the previous game has proved that BANBrother Lee's ice girl is really useful, so why not continue BAN?

SKT directly banned Cassiopeia, no matter whether this hero will play against you, the red party ban will be over, and Kim Jeong-gyun does not believe that the opposite party will not grab this version of the son.

GRF second hand BAN dropped MATA's Tahm Kench, this hero is very protective and supportive.

SKT 2nd BAN was given to Chore's Irelia.

Hao Kai: "Sure enough, SKT has no end to it, and Ire not going to get Irelia on the opposite side. This hero is really a show in Chovy's hands."

Zhihuan: "The hero of Irelia is still too strong in this version of Carry. He didn't grab the SKT on the blue side, the GRF got it, and Chovy is another messy show."

Hao Kai: "The main reason is that Brother Lee doesn't play Irelia. Why don't you take it to Li Xu? This hero is still very strong on Top Lane."

Zhihuan: "It may be the coach's consideration, I don't believe that there will be no heroes like Irelia in Li Xu's hero pool, and Li Xu has played Irelia in the ranking, and the winning rate is very high."

The last BAN in the first round of GRF was given to Zoe.

Hao Kai: "Griffin BAN hits Zoe, then Chovy can hit Urgot. SKT's last hand looks at BAN. Aatrox and Urgot must put at least one."

SKT's last hand BAN took Aatrox.

Urgot was directly locked on the first floor of the GRF. Since there is no reason not to take it out, the hero has achieved an astonishing 80% of the previous Kespa Cup games, and Sword playing the hero looks very good.

Hao Kai: "GRF locked Urgot, so that SKT can directly grab the combination of Galio and Camille."

However, SKTnot at all selected this combination, but locked Luo and Akali.

Zhihuan: "Don't SKT grab Galio? The GRF must be taken, Urgot goes to Top Lane."

Hao Kai: "But I think the audience would like to see Brother Lee's Akali, although Brother Lee's Galio is also very strong."

"Wait for Brother Lee Akali Penta Kill. There are too many heroes in the world show. Brother Lee didn't make it. Now I have a chance to perform."

"Upstairs, the last time Brother Lee's Akali faced GEN•G's bubbling match, and later SKT was out. You can make up your own mind."

"To be reasonable, don't blame Brother Lee. Okay! With two ghosts present, what can Brother Lee do?"

"The term "inner ghost" is used well. The black and yellow pillar blocked Brother Lee in the corner, which surprised me."

GRF took out Galio as expected and directly locked Nocturne Jungle to enter with Galio.

SKT's third hand directly took out The Night Hunter • Vayne.

Hao Kai: "Vayne? Vayne Gallo? SKTBot Lane wants to play snake?"

Zhihuan: "Vayne Gallo, what's wrong with laning? This Bot Lane is abolished! It's reasonable to say that Vayne can play a hero who has no ability to break through. Now that all GRF3 players can face you, Vayne just waits to die."

When SKT locked Vayne, the scene was also exclaimed.

Kim Su-hyeon: "This third hand takes Vayne? Hmm? How do I play this? I haven't seen Vayne in the first round."

Park Ji-hwan: "I think, um~~, is it possible for Vayne to go to Top Lane? I think this Vayne won the AD position is really waiting to lose, so I gave Solo Top Vayne a little anticipation."

At this time, the big screen showed that Vayne's selection rate was 0%, and generally no one would choose this hero in the first round.

Hao Kai Unable to bear said with a smile: "The guide is very naughty, the chance of 1PICK is 100%."

Zhihuan: "This Vayne might be Li Xu's fencing. Although I don't know if Vayne is playing AD, but this one is used to play AD and lose, so I think there may be a mystery, the opposite is Griffin. Teams in the secondary leagues, you can win if you play snakes."

Hao Kai: "Mid Lane Akali hits Galio, Top Lane Vayne hits Urgot, it should be like this, no matter what you believe or not, I don't believe that Vayne will go Bot Lane anyway."

Just when the hosts on the two sides were vigorously discussing the mystery of Vayne, the BAN bits of the second round of both parties were locked.

After GRF, BAN dropped Lee Sin and Zhao Xin, and SKT shut Jayce and Sejuani into a small black room.

SKTsecond round light speed locks Morgana.

Hao Kai: "en? ~~~Morgana? What is SKT going to do? This team comp? I think about it, I think about how this team comp is distributed."

Zhihuan: "Then Morgana is a solo lane! Morgana Mid Lane has no advantage in playing Galio! Top Lane is playing Urgot? I can't beat it either."

Hao Kai: "Wait~~ I have nodded pain. This Luo must be impossible solo lane. The other ones are really hard to say. Why did this SKT come up in the last game and all BP was unreadable?"

GRF locks the last 2 heroes, Bot Lane combination Kai'Sa plus Alisar.

Hao Kai: "Let's see what SKT's last hand chooses? The last hero comes out and it's clear that the hero of GRF has no swing. Let SKT play snakeskin and ignore it."

SKT chose Camille last hand.

Zhihuan: "Camille, that is Morgana Solo Mid, Akali Solo Top, Vayne and Luo go down? What's the use of this team comp to choose? The strength is too low, SKT wave of crazy swing is useless!"

The players on both sides started to exchange heroes, Li Xu got Akali, Brother Lee got Vayne, Bot Lane was Luo and Morgana.

Hao Kai: "Oh! Brother Lee Vayne Solo Mid playing Galio, that's okay, Vayne Top Lane playing Urgot is not good, playing Galio is not bad."

After the words did not fall, Brother Lee and Li Xu exchanged heroes again.

Zhihuan: "Li Xu still got Vayne, and Vayne still went on? It's not so good, it's a lot of exchanges."

Hao Kai: "I'm understood, Brother Lee's Vayne is very good, so I still gave it to Li Xu to perform the operation. Those who have watched Brother Lee's live broadcast should know that Brother Lee Vayne hasn't played it a few times, but it is basically ranked. They were all beaten up."

Zhihuan: "What's the use of SKT's swing? Was this team comp selected and did you give up treatment?"

"SKT's snake skin team comp is awkward to take out, and it's still a hammer!"

"It's gone, SKT has lost intelligence from the coach to the players, and this gave away the point."

"The brain is a good thing, but unfortunately SKT does not."

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