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Without TP, Li Xu went directly to the front and hugged his teammates. While Sion was not on the front, SKT finally won the GRFMid Lane outer tower.

In 28 minutes, SKT directly held a group to kill Dragon, but GRF stood directly on SKT's field of vision and started playing Baron Nashor.

Hao Kai: "Taking advantage of SKT playing Infernal Drake, GRF directly chose to move Baron Nashor, playing fast, 2 Mountain Drake Kai'Sa plus Kha'Zix playing Baron Nashor too fast, SKT everyone rushed here, It seems a bit too late."

Zhihuan: "It may be too late. SKT has underestimated the speed of GRF playing Baron Nashor. Clid wants to fight Smite to grab the dragon, but Clid has not fight Tarzan twice."

Tahm Kench drove Lee Sin to the Baron Nashor pit, trying to let Lee Sin go down to try to grab the dragon, but GRF did not give Lee Sin a chance to grab the dragon. Sion grabbed the hatred of Baron Nashor, and Kazik jumped up. With Galio Ulti on the stage, with the direct flight of Kai'Sa, Lee Sin and Tahm Kench were killed.

Jungle Lee Sin died, and GRF rested his mind and started playing dragon again.

Although Lee Sin and Tahm Kench died, they also took time for the remaining 3 people and rushed to the Dragon Pit. EZ kept moving towards the Dragon Pit to release mysterious shots. Brother Lee kept looking for a place to enter.

Sion stood on the side to block the poke of EZ. Just at the moment when Baron Nashor was dying, Ice Girl E skill entered the dragon pit, flashing directly live Kha'Zix, the state of being fainted can use the summon master skill, Kha'Zix A shivered Smite shot, but Baron Nashor did not fall.

Li Xu set up the turret, a lightning flash of electric energy quickly drove, precise guidance, and killed Baron.

Yuanmen shoots halberd!

Kim Su-hyeon: "Pretty, Li Xu snatched Baron Nashor and saved SKT's situation. It's so critical."

Park Ji-hwan: "Yes, if Baron Nashor BUFF is taken by GRF, it is difficult for SKT's team comp to face the advancement of GRF."

This gun snatched Baron Nashor and hit three people in the opposite dragon pit.

Kai'Sa and Morgana fell to half blood, while Kha'Zix had one third blood left.

Brother Lee W ice ring shot, a shard of ice directly killed Kazik who was hit by Jayce cannon.

However, under the output of Kai'Sa, Bing Nuo quickly became residual blood, and Brother Lee could only open a gold body to avoid damage.

EZ is far from 2 rounds, and then sells Brother Lee with Jayce decisively. In this situation, Jayce, which is not flashing, cannot cut Kai'Sa, which is protected by his teammates, and can only choose to retreat and keep the dragon.


Hao Kai: "Jungle and Support are dead, SKTif you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, Smite can't fight, 3 people can't fight with GRF, they can only let EZ and Jayce poke, and prevent each other from playing dragon , Um~~Brother Lee didn’t want to give up, but went in, Jayce, Jayce, beautiful! With a precise blow, Jayce grabbed Baron Nashor."

Zhihuan: "In the case of Jungle dying first, this wave of brother Lee and Li Xu's cooperation with the dragon is very good. Brother Lee controlled Kazakh, Kazik Smite had Baron Nashor with 73 blood left, but was controlled. The living Kazik could not make up for the last damage and was taken by Baron Nashor by Jayce."

Hao Kai: "This is a great blow to the morale of GRF. In the case of Double Mountain Drake, Baron Nashor was robbed by SKT without Jungle. Although GRF played a wave of 3, but lost Baron Nashor, losing Big."

The whole team was resurrected. SKT chose 4 one-point push. Li Xu came up to lead the line. EZ and 4 other teammates held a group. Tahm Kench was there. In addition, the other three were more flexible and not afraid of being forced.

On the front, SKT4 people continued to exert pressure with reinforced creeps. EZ continued to suppress the opposite side with the length of their hands. Galio appeared very weak in the face of Baron Nashor BUFF’s strengthened creeps. EZ stood behind, and Kai’Sa and Kha’Zix did not dare to come out Chariot.

Jayce easily brought the creep line to the blue square highland, and Sion couldn't stop Jayce from grinding the highland.

Seeing that Jayce had worn away half of the blood of Inhibitor Turrets, Sion's heart was straight, and he drove Jayce directly in front of the face, Galio Ulti lit up, and Kai'Sa flew directly to Jayce's face to output crazy.

"Don't worry about me, you tear it down."

Li Xu bombarded directly, switching to melee thrashing in the past and wanting to get rid of Kai'Sa first, but Sion shot Q in advance, Kai'Sa used extreme overload to retreat, pulling down the distance from Jayce at one third's blood volume .

Now Li Xu's flashing is just a little bit better. At the moment when Galio Ulti came down, Golden light flashed on Jayce's body and pressed the Stopwatch that he just took home.

At the moment the golden body ended, the flashing turned better.


Li Xu surrendered the flash directly and appeared beside Kai'Sa, just avoiding a justice blow from Galio's pressing up.

2 Hammer knocked on Kai'Sa, Jayce was also killed by Kha'Zix drilled in the sky.

Mid Lane, taking advantage of GRF to catch Li Xu, SKT4 people broke Inhibitor Turrets and Mid Lane Inhibitor.

"Top Lane can be disassembled. Continue, neither Galio nor Sion is big." Li Xu gave key information to his teammates in his voice.

When the four teammates heard it, Kai'Sa was dead, and Galio and the old driver weren't too old, so what else did they go, keep pushing!

A group of 4 broke through the Top Lane Inhibitor Turrets and Inhibitor and took advantage of the creep line to enter the tower. EZ continued to use Q skills to drive the GRF crowd away.

Seeing the opposite side also wanted to dismantle the Nexus Turret, Kazik skipped to steal the EZ, Tahm Kench ate the EZ, spit the EZ to the back, Bing Nu directly live Kha'Zix, set fire seconds.

Galio tried to release the gang wind to clear away creeps, and Sion was also far away from the Q soldiers. After all, Baron Nashor BUFF still had a few seconds, and if there was a chance to clear the creep line.

However, Lee Sin directly kicked Galio kicked out of the eye, Ice Girl W fixed, and EZ took the head.

The remaining GRF2 can no longer block SKT's footsteps, SKT broke through the base and won the first game.

The final score was 17:9, Li Xu's Jayce data was 1023.

Kim Su-hyeon: "Congratulations to SKT, who won the first game without any risk."

Park Ji-hwan: "Li Xu of Top Lane once again ruled the battlefield, from stealing Baron Nashor to finally replacing Kai'Sa. It's very exciting. This player's mind is too calm, and he can always make the best choice. ."


Hao Kai: "Galio has fallen and Griffin can't hold it anymore. Congratulations to SKT for the next city! Li Xu one last push forcibly replaced Kai'Sa, which is very important."

Zhihuan: "Viper is a little bit confused in this game! What are you doing so anxiously, and you are the first to fly to Jayce's face. Although your teammates arrived in time and did not let Kai'Sa be seconded, but Jayce opened the golden body. What do you still rely on in the past? Let Kha'Zix come over to take Jayce and it's done. Griffin, this team comp, Kai'Sa can never die first."

Hao Kai: "It's already this time, Jayce's poke ability is already declining, and Baron Nashor BUFF is coming to an end. You just put it all the way up on the ground, why do you want to disable to bear to fight, this is to send Opportunity across."

"Li Xu is so powerful. If you go on like this, KHAN will see the bottom of the water dispenser."

"I just want to know, what does Li Xu choose in the next game? It feels like he is not bad at it."

"Li Xu doesn't matter anymore, I want to see the ice girl behind the GRF."

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