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Hao Kai: "Lee Sin This is a little bit more thinking. Opposite aftershock Galio, why do you do that?"

Zhihuan: "What's the matter with Clid? Stopwatch started in the last round of competition. This time it was flashing to send people. Is it like Zeyuan's evaluation of KHAN? Is there something wrong with your thinking?"

"The factory is really terrifying. How deeply does it affect Clid!"

"Clid pays tribute to the factory manager again and again. Is this the same rhythm as Peanuts, ready to kaihua rhythm?"

Lee Sin was resurrected and rushed directly to Top Lane, ready to help Li Xu to squat for a wave. At this point, the jungle area of ​​Kha'Zix should have been finished clearing. Jayce without flashing is likely to be targeted by the opposite Jungle.

Lee Sin squatted behind the Top Lane tower. Li Xu continued to consume Sion's blood according to the previous rhythm. After hitting the old driver with a QE, he did not switch to close combat and continued to drive Sion away with a flat A.

Sion suddenly turned around and slowed down to Jayce with an E killer roar, and Kha'Zix appeared after Sion was born.

Sion catches up to accumulate Q, waits for Jayce to move, and releases directly in advance to slow down Jayce.

Kazque stepped forward, and the E skill jumped directly behind Jayce. The Q skill plus Ping A triggered passive, and instantly Jayce fell to half blood.

Li Xu didn't panic. He directly switched the melee form. He hammered Kazque to the back with a hammer. Lee Sin behind him directly touched his eyes. E skill shot on the floor, slowed down to Kazque, and faced Q.

Li Xu Q skill jumped to Kazque, opened W skill, and Lee Sin instantly killed Kazick, Jayce took the head.

The old driver saw that the situation was far from good, dragged the big Olaf, and ran backwards with his big thick legs. Jayce and Lee Sin had no skills, so just leave it.

Hao Kai: "This wave of Tarzan's Kha'Zix is ​​careless, he knows that Jayce has not flashed, but also Lee Sin also knows that Jayce may be targeted. This wave just happened to be squatting. The previous burst ability must be Jayce and Lee Sin. Much stronger."

Zhihuan: "It can't be said to be careless. In fact, Kha'Zix happens to have a pre-judgement of E skills. He jumped a little behind Jayce and wanted to block Jayce's retreat. Many old Kha'Zix have this habit, but they also give At the opportunity of Jayce, he threw him directly to Lee Sin in the back."

Hao Kai: "Although Clid sent a wave inexplicably just now, the timing of this anti-squat was very accurate, which directly resolved Tarzan's wave of rhythm."

Li Xu cleared the creep line in a wave, rose to Level 6, sent the creep line into the blue square outer tower, directly returned to Phage, prepared the First Item to be Black Cleaver, this item is still very good for Sion, a Solo Top mashup useful.

On the line, make up the vision of Li Xu, start the skill to clear the troops, and quickly push the creep creeps blue square one tower.

At this time, the flashes of both sides are about to get better. The other party's Sion does not have Level 6, so quickly eat a layer of tapi and 160Gold Coin is available.

Sion's E skills slowed down, Q skills were released in advance, and he didn't want to let Jayce eat a layer of tapi to leave in vain.

Sion looks like someone behind him, aggressively chasing Jayce's ass 2 CS

Li Xu quickly retreated. At this time, Lee Sin secretly beat Mountain Drake alone in Bot Lane, and he was about to be knocked out. When Dragon died, he would be more dangerous when understood Lee Sin moved.

But just as Lee Sin was about to take down Cloud Drake, Kha'Zix jumped from above the Dragon pit, directly Smite snatched Dragon, and then W slowed down Lee Sin QA to directly take Lee Sin head.

Lianlong took the pot.

Li Xu saw Kha'Zix in the jungle area in the second half, huh! Does your old driver dare to attack me?

Directly turn around and drive W to melee form, jump to Sion's face and slow down to Sion.

Due to the passive existence, within 1.25 seconds of switching the form, Jayce increased the movement speed of 40 while ignoring the collision of unit volume.

Li Xu went directly behind Sion and threw Sion upward.

Open the melee form of W lightning field, rush to Sion, a mess, because the long-range form of W is also effective after switching to melee, strengthen 3 general attacks and make the attack speed reach the upper limit, see Sion's blood volume drops rapidly .

Jayce chased Sion thumping with a big hammer, and finally came under his own tower when Sion's blood was almost bottoming out.

Jayce turned back and did not wait for Sion to breathe. Jayce changed his form again. The QE turned back, centered on Sion's forehead, Sion fell to the ground, and turned into Sion.

Kim Su-hyeon: "Solo kills appeared, Li Xu's Jayce solo kills Sword's Sion, the player's laning top suppression ability is still so amazing."

Park Ji-hwan: "Sword is too careless. After finishing his skills early, he still has to go out to chase Jayce. At the moment when Kha'Zix appears, Li Xu decides to fight, and this time has Phage's Jayce fight ability. too strong."

Kim Su-hyeon: "Of course Li Xu's last enhanced electric shock was deceptive. He first turned around and made Sword think that it was safe. As a result, Li Xu instantly switched forms, turned around and shot with QE, directly killing Sion."

Sion was killed, Li Xu again pushed the creep creeps blue square tower, ate a layer of tower skin, and then removed the divination flowers in the blue BUFFjungle area of ​​the blue square, not at all saw the silhouette of the enemy.

At this time, Mid Lane's half-blooded Galio took advantage of the gap after the release of Brother Lee's crampons, directly hitting Brother Lee with the E skill, and Kha'Zix drilled out of the grass.

Brother Lee flashed his hand, without panic, W held Galio in captivity, and the ice fragments shot at Galio.

Kazque E skill jumped to the ice girl's face, Brother Lee made a very bold decision at this time, directly frozen the tomb shot, live in Galio, Galio directly residual blood.

But at this time Kha'Zix's damage is already very high, a set of skills is passive, and the ice girl is directly killed by half of the blood.

Brother Lee handed over the flash decisively and returned to the tower. The two people across the scene saw Bing Nu's flash forced out.

Hao Kai: "Brother Lee didn't understand this wave! Why do you want to increase Galio? Skills are gone, even if you live in Galio, you can't make up for the remaining damage. This damage to the calculation of the damage is a bit big. ."

Zhihuan: "Just in front of the tower, as long as you give yourself Ulti, you can completely avoid the wave of bursts of Galio and Kha'Zix, there is no need to pay this flash."

The voice has not fallen.

"SKTKING (Future Guardian) killed GRFChovy (The Colossus)"

Hao Kai: "en? How was Galio killed by Jayce? I didn't notice, the director didn't give the camera, wait a minute and watch the playback."

Soon, the guide gave a playback screen.

It turned out that Li Xu's Jayce started rushing to Mid Lane when Kha'Zix appeared in Mid Lane, but the battle time of both bursts was too short. Li Xu had just walked to the river channel and Brother Lee had flashed directly into the tower.

Here Galio hides under the tower unpreparedly and starts to return. Li Xu touches the wall without any vision and blindly fires a booster cannon to directly kill Galio who is returning under the tower.

Li Xu took the head, hehe straight music, Chovy this little brother, took out Brother Lee's Galio, you have not learned Brother Lee's stability!

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