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Li Xu also flashed, just to the left of Vayne, while Vayne's demonic trial struck Darius and knocked it back, but it was not nailed to the wall.

Taking advantage of the last time of the glory of justice, Li Xu continued to face Vayne's face and turned to avoid Morgana's Q.

Here Brother Lee Ulti just ended, Morgana directly flashed Ulti holding the ice girl and Darius 2 people.

Vayne evaded the roll of the raid again, shifted upward, and shot with an arrow, trying to kill Brother Lee first.

The ice girl sent a piece of ice directly to Vayne HP about half, and then flickered behind Darius.

Li Xu calculated the quasi-distance, sent a merciless iron hand directly, and pulled the distance back to Vayne, a general attack, justice and glory slowed down.

Vayne presses Mercury to release the deceleration, but Darius W resets the basic attack, the cripple hits, and Vayne slows down again.

Vayne surrendered Cleanse again, wanting to leave Darius' attack range.

Darius, who had triggered a phase rush, chased another Olaf to slash, and he was about to hit the bleeding anger.

The Q skill cooled down again, and Vayne started to roll again.

However, just in this brief moment, Darius jumped high and Noxus guillotine took Vayne head.

At this time, Morgana's 2 segments Ulti triggered, crowd control lived Darius and Bing Nu.

But who cares?

Vayne has already been slaughtered, 4 guarantee one system, your one is gone, how to fight?

Kim Su-hyeon: "My God, Li Xu has made a contribution. When Faker's Ulti is used to save lives, it is almost singlehanded to kill Vayne. There are 6 people fighting there, and there is no result yet. Vayne fell first."

Park Ji-hwan: "At this time, Roufu's weakness was revealed. Morgana gave a shield, and Q was invalid. If it is an Alisar Support, Darius can't kill Vayne at all, and Teddy is a good show over there. DWG 3 faced him, Ulti and Flash flashed out crazy positions for themselves. The most important thing is that Galio Ulti wanted to support Vayne and was interrupted by Xayah's barb. Otherwise, Galio support to Vayne is still unpredictable."


Zeyuan: "What's the matter with Vayne? Why didn't Darius raise his face at the moment when he burst his face? If I had to do such an adventurous attempt, if Darius can be nailed to the wall, it would be very beautiful, but the risk is too great. Okay! Now it’s ok, a wave of show rollovers."

Shuyi: "You can't blame Nuclear. After all, when you take out Vayne, you definitely have a heart to show. You can only say that Li Xu is too calm and the judgment is too accurate. The first time Vayne rolled, he guessed the intention and was The outer edge of the Q skill hit, and the next E limit distance was pulled back to Vayne. The last Ulti was too decisive. He didn’t wait until the blood rage hit. In the moment of Morgana Ulti crowd control, Vayne was cut off. If Vayne was not killed, SKT has lost this group, but everything has nothing to do."

Zeyuan: “In general, it’s DWG’s care. They think Vayne has Mercury, Cleanse, and Morgana’s black shield is 10000 points. It is safe to think that if you drive to Xia first, no one can pose a threat to Vayne. Darius had no chance to burst into Vayne's face. Although Darius had a hard time touching Vayne, the Darius item, Vayne would die after 2 strokes. Now, DWG will pay for his choice."

Zeyuan: "Sorry viewers, I apologize for what I said before. SKT didn't blow up, DWG is going to blow up!"

"Zeyuan was beaten again by 2333."

"Really true. Last time I remember being beaten to eat the microphone. What did Zeyuan eat this time?"


On the other side, Teddy used Ulti to avoid Galio's sarcasm. Sion's Ulti ran into Lee Sin and Alisar. Camille directly gave Hex's ultimatum to Xia. He was kicked by Lee Sin's Divine Dragon Moving it's Tail and Camille flashed over. To continue to keep Teddy, Teddy flashed directly to the blue river channel wall and output crazy.

Alistar started Ulti's beating of three people, and Lee Sin had fallen first.


Ice Girl's passive burst, slowed down to Morgana, Li Xu woke up from crowd control, directly one Olaf scraped the blood of Morgana one third, Ice Girl first shot with Q skill, Darius caught up with Morgana and cut 2 times, Direct Ulti harvest Double Kill.


On the other side, Camille cooperated with Galio to kill Lee Sin, but Teddy's Xia hit all three people's blood volume below half.

Brother Lee's second crampon came in, and W shot to control three people.

Li Xu hits 3 people perfectly with a rotating flying axe, an Olaf hacks on Camille, the blood anger state triggers 5-Layer to bleed, and estimates the amount of damage, directly Ulti slashes.


Alistar jacked up the remaining 2 people, Brother Lee and Teddy closed at the same time, this is to make heads.

Both Sion and Galio's blood volume is already very low, and you don't need to stack passives at all, just press the R button to take the head.


In the end, Sion didn't run away either. He couldn't run away in the opposite position. Anyway, he was used to being cut by Darius.

Noxus guillotine blooms again.


Kim Su-hyeon: "Oh! Penta Kill! Appeared! This is the first Penta Kill since the start of the Kespa Cup this season, and the first Penta Kill in the major leagues of the League of Legends, from SKT, from Li Xu, From Chinese Li Xu!"

Park Ji-hwan: "Li Xu, this newcomer in the professional arena, I have to say that he brought us too many surprises, his incomparable laning ability, amazing reaction force, just like a sophisticated Blitzcrank, And the choices he made on the field were more bold, from Urgot's forcibly preventing opponents from taking Rift Herald, Aatrox's dozen 5, to Darius singlehanded to rush Vayne, in my opinion, every time is an extremely risky choice, However, maybe it is the favor of the God of Luck, or he has been under his control for a long time, but he has laughed to the end. What else can I say?"


Zeyuan: "Now that Vayne is dead, the DWG will be defeated. The first three people have done a good job, not only killing Lee Sin, but also restricting Teddy's output environment so that he can't touch Vayne, but now Li Xu who can control? Kill Morgana, Double Kill, um~Ulti cut 3 kills, will there be Penta Kill? Stop hand, stop hand, don't grab the head!"

Shuyi: "Penta Kill! Li Xu won Penta Kill! Congratulations to Li Xu, this is the first Penta Kill he harvested in the LCK, and of course the first Chinese to win Penta Kill in the South Korea arena."

"Li Xu is awesome, Penta Kill achievements are also unlocked. Last time Aatrox didn't have Penta Kill. I'm sorry, didn't expect Darius Penta Kill."

"Darius name is not in vain, it really is one of the easiest Penta Kill heroes."

"This is really a bloody rage, and the whole family ascended to heaven, 2333."

"Brother Xu Niu Niu, take Yasuo Penta Kill next time, justify your Yasuo."

"Upstairs, do you think my Brother Xu is in disrepair? A serious warning."

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