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At the same time, Rift sky darkened, Nocturne rose to Level 6 directly opened Ulti, Kennet and Camille's field of vision caught in the ghost shadow was instantly compressed to the extreme.

Swain kept swimming on the flanks, using Ulti to draw blood, and Nocturne flew directly to Kennen.

Under the constant consumption of Swain, the HPs of Kennen and Camille are not healthy. Seeing Nocturne close, Kennen directly flashed and wanted to move closer to Camille's position. However, this flash did not all pull off Nocturne's E skills and was chased by Nocturne.

After turning off the lights, Swain's blood volume has recovered a lot. Instead, the HP of Kennen and Camille has fallen below half blood, and Kennen has less than one third left.

Fear triggered, in conjunction with Nocturne's general attack, Li Xu took the head of Kennen with a Q release.

Camille ran down his own tower. Nocturne drove back with his Q skill and kept piercing. Seeing that HP was precarious, Camille flashed into the tower helplessly.

However, Li Xu flashed directly to keep up, the demon flare detonated, and with the blessing of 5 layers of Soul Debris, the remaining blood of Camille was directly emptied.


With Ulti's passive blood return, Swain's blood volume has returned to more than half.

Kim Su-hyeon: "Pretty, Li Xu was not panicked when Kennen and Camille were handicapped first, and accurately controlled Kennen and Camille. When Nocturne entered the field, he completed the counterattack and won Double Kill."

Park Ji-hwan: "This wave of Camille waits for the same time, first brush to level 6 before catching Top Lane. The hero Swain has too long a continuous combat ability, especially in this small-scale battle, it cannot be dropped as soon as possible. If it is, it will be difficult to fight, and the opponent Nocturne just reaches level 6 and the support is fast."

Zeyuan: "Li Xu's small position is too irritating. Residual blood has evaded Kennen's Q skills. With 2 layers of Kennen passive on his body, if he is hit by Kennen's Q, he will definitely die."

Shuyi: "The opposite Camille is a bit more skill-saving. If it flashes immediately to stick Swain, Swain is also mortal. When Nocturne turns off the lights and fights back, the Swain's continuous combat capability is matched with Nocturne's close output. These 2 people Can't hold it at all."

Zeyuan: "This is to save one flash, handed over 2 flashes of death."

"Now the Swain body has become more brittle, but this output ability is much stronger than before."

"Li Xu was calm when he walked away from Kennen Q, and cooperated with Nocturne to turn off the lights and fight back. This Ueno cooperation is really tacit."

"Brother Xu is awesome, the rhythm of flying in two wings!"

"Upstairs, please pay attention to your bite."

In 7 minutes, Brother Lee's shadow fan started, a set of skills to kill Ryze, and when Camille appeared, he immediately activated the shadow fan again.

After the LeBlanc skill cools down, Brother Lee looks at the opposite Ryze and wants to collect the creep line under the tower. W crosses the tower directly, hangs Ignite, and kills Ryze.

At the same time, Bot Lane Luo wants to force Kai'Sa, and Teddy directly surrenders the flash to escape Rakan's Ulti, cooperates with Braum to fight back, and kills Luo.

When Kennen returned to the line, Li Xu had reached Level 7. Under the level advantage, Swain continuously used the E skill to win the prize. As soon as he hit Kennen, he immediately hit a set of skills, and Kennen fell directly to half blood.

Li Xu went home and directly took the battle of time. The current version of this item has been almost abandoned by other heroes, but for Swain, it is still one of the core items, and all the attributes fit perfectly.

Going back to the laning top, Kennen clear lane stands in front, seeing Swain go online, and throws a Q directly to try to consume the blood.

Li Xu turned to avoid the shuriken, and the E skill never started again. The E skill accurately hit Kennen. At the moment of pulling back, Swain opened Ulti demon sublimation, and stuck behind Kennen. The killing intent was decided.

Kennen also surrendered Ulti, opened the E skill, and withdrew. Swain kept stuck in Kennen's position, using Ulti and Q to quickly reduce Kennen HP.

Kennen's passive trigger with stacked marks, but in such a short time, Kennen bypassed Swain but still did not run out of the range of demon sublimation.

Swain followed Kennen and continued to use Ulti to consume Kennen HP.

Seeing that Kennen had entered the tower against the wall, Swain kept up with 2 steps. At the moment the defensive tower attacked, E shot again, stuck in position, and hit Kennen under the tower with precision.

Li Xu directly pressed the defense tower’s damage, detonated 2 segments Ulti, detonated the demon blaze, and killed Kennen.

Zeyuan: "Li Xu's wave is very detailed. The moment when E controlled Kennen, he walked behind Kennen and kept keeping Kennen's position. The last time E hit, Kennen didn't have to run."

Shuyi: "This wave of Kennen is too careless. I have eaten 2 consecutive hits and will be killed by Swain solo directly. Now that I have entered the strong period of Swain, APKennen can't beat Swain in the laning top."

In 12 minutes, Nocturne's vision saw Camille stealing Rift Herald, Ryze Mid Lane clear lane, indicating that he could grab Bot Lane.

Brother Lee bypassed the river and went directly from the jungle area to Bot Lane. When Braum played 3 layers passively, he immediately flashed a general attack to trigger passive stun Luo. Brother Lee directly connected 2 consecutive bursts with Teddy. Luo outside the tower.

Braum fights against the tower, Brother Lee flashes the E skill to start, he still has to kill Xia under the tower.

Xia surrendered Ulti directly under the tower to evade LeBlanc's chain, however, he could no longer avoid Braum's Ulti and was shot directly.

Teddy flew directly to Xia's face, and the rain of Eccia poured down, and the 3 people instantly destroyed Xia.

Xia surrendered and flashed back. At this time, Nocturne's Ulti finally shot, flying directly to the Xia of the residual blood. Without all life-saving skills, the opposite Xia can only hand over the head.

Park Ji-hwan: "Wow! Wait, that familiar SKT is back! The extremely powerful laning top repression, tacit cooperation, the wave of linkage just now has the shadow of the SKT dynasty."

Kim Su-hyeon cracking a joke: "Of course, except for the blood sent by FAKERplayer."

After Bot Lane 4 people crossed the tower to kill Xia, they directly took creeps to forcibly demolish a tower. Camille walked to the Top Lane river grass to release Rift Herald.

Camille found Camille in the field of vision, Li Xu never went back again, pulled Camille back a distance, interrupted the release of Rift Herald, and then immediately went down the tower, not giving Camille his chance.

In 15 minutes, the head-to-head ratio on the field was 6:1, and the SKT team was economically leading to nearly 51000, which is a huge advantage.

Infernal Drake refreshed, DWG preempted the river view.

"This wave can be played, I have the teleport, play casually." Li Xu speaks in the team, Stopwatch is in hand, this time is the strong period of Swain, and he is now Level 12, pressing the opposite Kennen 2 level, each line of the team Under the advantage, as long as you don't make a big mistake, this wave will never lose.

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