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Brother Lee's live broadcast burst instantly.

"Brat where are you confident?"

"Brother Lee, this is sending!"

"The sky doesn't give birth to me Lee Sang-Hyeok, the acting path is like night."

"Seriously, Brother Lee played too fake, suggest teammates to report."

"Li Xu is really miserable, and it feels like all his teammates are playing him."

Brother Lee said indifferently: "What do I panic, I will kill you later."

"I seem to have heard this sentence from Teddy."

"Then he sent 6 heads in a row, and he was terrified."

Tryndamere is another rotating waltz across the wall, the summon chicken head slows down Zhao Xin.

Li Xu arrived and sat down with Annie to get the fruit of the explosion. The 3 people surrounded Zhao Xin in an instant.

Annie's set of skills fell, and Zhao Xin did not struggle. He turned back and meant to play 2 times and was ready to stand by.

"Brother, the head gives me, I want to take off." Li Xu shouted.

"Okay brother, you take the head and get up Carry." Haru replied.


Tryndamere was furious and jumped up to make it suckle, Zhao Xin fell to the ground.


"Sorry brother! The knife was confiscated." Haru said apologetically.

hehe! I almost believed it.

Li Xu was flustered. He felt that 9 people on the field were all targeting him.

"Brothers, come and help, they come to mess with me again." Top Lane Teddy exclaimed for help.

hehe! You ask for blessings.

How to save a half map?

Galio Ulti debuts, with Jayce killing Ornn again.

"Brother Lee was played too much by teammates last season? Now I want to play back."

"Haru is real cowhide, it's nice to say, ruthless."

"Explode Top Lane, send AD, Jungle, real!"

"Mid & Jungle is absolutely decisive, Vayne angers Tryndamere 233333!"

"Top Lane Ornn is the real sao, a centimeter flashes against the wall."

Back to laning top, Li Xu continued to suppress Galio and steadily updated the item.

Bot Lane Brother Lee and MATA did not flash, and they dared not continue to press the line. Tryndamere obediently and honestly brushed the field in the jungle area. For a time, the scene wanted to calm down.

Of course, it is relative.

Because Top Lane Zhao Xin and Jayce were another wave of towering kills, Teddy was beaten on the Bloody nose and swollen face in Top Lane.

After pulling out the Ruined King's Blade, the opposite Galio also knew very well that he had been relying on his skills to clear soldiers under the tower, and he did not ask Zhao Xin to come to help. What if 10000 sent a wave of Double Kill to Vayne again and again?

So Zhao Xin chose to rush to Bot Lane.

Ashe Ulti shot,

A shot through the clouds, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses come to meet!

There is of course no magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, but Zhao Xin drilled out of Bot Lane grass.

Brother Lee couldn't dodge, was shot by a magical Inhibitor arrow, and was instantly crowd-controlled. Tahm Kench licked Brother Lee madly.

Zhao Xin directly went to Brother Lee's face, cooperated with Ashe who sent 10000 arrows, and wanted to second Brother Lee.

MATA quickly reacted, a W skill combined with passively stunned Zhao Xin, Ulti shot, Teddy Bear Tibbers came to the battlefield with dragging flames, chasing Zhao Xin thumping.

"Don't panic FAKER, I'm here!" Tryndamere put down the Malphite halfway down and carried the 3-meter machete to the laning top.

The bloody Brother Lee opened the limit overload and pulled back the position, while the rain of Acacia poured down.

Seeing that Tahm Kench had licked the red, Brother Lee handed over and flashed back to the tower.

Tahm Kench kept up with the flash, swallowed Brother Lee in one gulp, and walked slowly back 2 steps against the defense tower's damage, spit out Kai'Sa and let Ashe take away the head.

Tryndamere stepped on the Wind-Fire Wheel and spun into the venue.

A chicken head slowed down, hacked Tahm Kench with two knives, and rushed to Zhao Xin, who was beaten by Annie.

Zhao Xin refused to accept it and brought a gun to fight, he still had to fight!

Tryndamere made 3 critical strikes in a row, easily hacking Zhao Xin.

After refreshing Tornado Slash, Tryndamere is a chic Thomas maneuver chasing Ashe again.

Annie makes damage and Tryndamere gains 3 kills.


At the same time Li Xu was in the river solo kills Galio.

"Also~~ there~~ who!" Haru yelled wildly.

Brother Lee's live broadcast room is another group of fierce dances.

"Brother Lee was shot in the face, and Zhao Xin shot him 233."

"Tedamir cut Ashe, the scene of the domestic violence!"

"I said that the barbarian got up three knives, which one didn't accept it just now?"

"Don't you find that Vayne interrupted Galio Ulti just now? I feel like I'm going to blow up when Galio comes down."

"Galio wanted Ulti support and was caught by Li Xu solo kills."

Bottom 2 blooms and this wave makes a lot of money.

Gradually the advantage of the blue side on the field became obvious.

Except for Top Lane.

"Who can help me!"

In 14 minutes, Teddy was killed by Jayce solo in Top Lane again, and Jayce took down the blood tower.

"Teddy, this Top Lane is really something!"

"Last Fiora, this time Ornn, can really deliver."

"What's wrong? It doesn't matter if you win or lose, just be happy!"

"Always on a black screen, he is not really happy."

Haru holds four heads in his hand and is in a good mood: "Teddy, don’t panic, stay focused, wait for the group, you have control, we have damage, and there is a wave of explosions across."

In 20 minutes, Vayne's core 2-piece Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade were in hand.

"Brothers, the group is open. Infernal Drake is moving opposite. You can play. Jayce is home. There is no TP." Ornn, who changed lines to Bot Lane, signaled frantically.

"Arrive immediately, watch Infernal Drake."

Li Xu immediately went to the Dragon pit.

Suddenly, a white Inhibitor arrow appeared in the shadow and pointed directly at Va Xu of Li Xu. Li Xu couldn't dodge, but in desperation, handed over Cleanse.

There was no longer a dragon on the opposite side. The 3 people in Longkeng leaned towards Vayne and wanted to take Li Xu to open the CS

Suddenly an evil tongue protruded from the grass behind him, and Li Xu was licked.


Being slowed down by Tahm Kench, facing so many people, and Galio, even if the flash is handed over, it is difficult to run.

"Hold on, we are almost there." FAKER rushed to the battlefield with Annie.

"Brother, don't panic, I'll save you, I'm open." Teddy shouted loudly.

"Good brother!"

Li Xu was touched, as long as Teddy's Ornn used ulti pulled him out of the output position, and cooperated with his teammates, he was confident to show the other side.

"Wu ~ ~~~"

Ornn blew the horn in his hand.

"The sheep is coming!"

Rumbling sound masterpiece, a huge lava sheep head from the middle of the river to Ornn, only slowed down to Ashe and Zhao Xin opposite.

But it doesn't matter, Ornn's Second Section Ulti has a strike effect, and the damage is full.

Li Xu starts Ulti and waits for a counterattack.

Then the three people on the opposite side walked to Vayne's face, beating violently, and Li Xu went blank.


"Sorry, brother, Second Section I didn't release it." Teddy explained.

Your motherfucker is really a personal talent!

Li Xu left the keyboard with both hands and hugged his head. There was a sentence in his heart that MMP did not know whether to speak.

At this time, Brother Lee dragged the little Annie to the scene.

Annie incarnation ran away Lolita, 4 people lived across the street with one hand, Brother Lee sprinkled the rain of Acacia, and output crazy.

Ornn's fierce charge took control, and Tryndamere came to the scene with a knife to hack.

In the end, in addition to Jayce, Tryndamere won Quadra Kill.

Haru raised his knife and looked at 4 sides.

"So, only I was sold?"

Li Xu vomited blood.

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