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Li Xu just opened the game, a friend applied to jump out, the name is HideonBush.

This is the Hanbok account of Brother Lee, approved.

Li Xu ID was changed to Lixu, and all teammates knew about it.

With the addition of friends, Brother Lee sent me a game invitation without saying anything.

"Faker?" Li Xu answered the voice.

"It's me, Li Xu, our team is ranked."

When I went in, I found out that all of them were teammates, and FAKER, Haru, Teddy, and MATA were all there, plus he happened to be in a 5-person team.

Li Xu's brain is a bit painful. This time the ranking directly exposed his ID. This time, the 5th row of Brother Lee was broadcast live on Twitch.

"Is this ID Li Xu? Brother Lee said that it is the 5th row of SKT. I saw KHAN and it is still in the game."

"It's Li Xu. I'm Chinese. This IDLixu is Chinese Li Xu."

"What's the use of Li Xu to change the ID? You can see it at a glance."

"Of course you are Chinese, you know, who would not think of pinyin."

"Speaking of Li Xu, Urgot is really awesome in today's game, let's have another one?"

"Brother Lee, a Carry hero. If you come to Lee'sandra again, I will immediately unfollow."

Brother Lee said a little, "Relax, this brings me to Carry."

The audience in the live room is full of anticipation, and has already seen enough of Brother Lee's face in the game.

Starting to rank, as soon as I entered the hero selection interface, netizens found that the South Korea anchor of the 5th row was opposite.

"The one opposite seems to be the anchor of Afreeca."

"It's Afreeca's anchor team, I gave it a special look."

"They are all Hanbok high score passers, will Brother Lee overturn?"

"SKT team is still afraid of overturning in the fifth row? Are you watching the live broadcast of those anchors?"

"Wait for Brother Lee to hit those chopping anchors, and always open trumpets to abuse dishes. The labor-management platinum bureau has met many times."

"You above met the anchor to abuse you opposite?"

"Brother Lee has chosen a hero. Look at the Carry hero."

"Brother Lee, LeBlanc walks up, you have to prove that your LeBlanc is better than Li Xu."

Brother Lee looked serious. "If you want to choose Carry hero, you have to choose a strong output."

Then lock Kai'Sa in seconds.

"Lying trough! Lee Sang-Hyeok, hello to have no shame, but I still have expectations for you!"

"Hehe! It really is a Carry hero, nothing wrong."

"Brother Lee, you have changed, the routine has become deeper."

Brother Lee smiled, "My Kai'Sa is a thief."

"?" Li Xu was stunned, and Brother Lee wanted to play snakes too?

Then Teddy locks Ornn in seconds.


"You act me, brother?" Li Xu remembered the fear of being dominated by TeddyFiora.

"Brother, believe me, my Ornn Thief 6!" Teddy shouted wildly.

You're out of business with the labor letter, and you said the same thing about Fiora last time.

Haru pulled out Tryndamere Jungle.

Li Xu's scalp is numb. This is no longer a snake.

MATA selected Annie Support.

Li Xu hehe smiled and pulled Vayne backhand, "Come on! Happy! Let you see Brother Xu's hero pool!"

The barrage of Brother Lee's live broadcast burst.

"Scattered and scattered, this snake skin team comp is about to be shit."

"If I were Li Xu, Garen Solo Mid was pulled out on the 5th floor, and weeping teammates."

"I think team comp is good, there are groups and damage."

"They can still fight if they exchange heroes."

"I checked. TeddyOrnn played a total of 2 games and lost. Li Xu Vayne has no record."

"The 5th platoon of the SKT team was slammed by the anchor team, the team members were stubborn, Galacticos was disbanded in place, waiting for tomorrow's headlines."

Team comp selected, Li Xu smiled with salted fish.

This kind of team comp high division ranking is very rare. Generally, when encountering this kind of snake skin team comp, it is the rhythm of going in and hanging up the spray. Li Xu often appeared when he was played by South Korea.

Finally SKTblue side:

Solo Top: Teddy (Ornn)

Jungle: Haru(Tryndamere)

Mid Lane: Lixu (Vayne)

ADC: HideonBush (Kai'Sa)

Support: MATA (Annie)

The Night Hunter Vayne is a terrible mid-to-late shooter with a terrible damage. It has a terrible 100 points than the real damage. It is an out-and-out front-line killer, no matter how much blood the armor of the other party has. In front of Vayne, it is impossible to support, and Vayne also has a high mobility, is a very capable hero.

In the game, Li Xu Mid Lane laning Galio, Vayne has the advantage of playing Galio, but only laning can suppress Galio, and attacking Vayne with Cleanse has both burst and life-saving capabilities.

However, laning itself is not a characteristic of Galio. Galio’s clear lane is too fast. After the line is cleared, it quickly walks through the support, which will pose a huge threat to other roads. S7 and a half Finals SKT against RNG, Brother Lee and Galio take advantage of this heroic feature. vividly and thoroughly.

The opening Li Xu steadily suppressed Galio in Mid Lane. Without Jungle's help, it was difficult for Galio to meet Vayne.

Vayne itself is a short-handed hero in the ADC, but when he meets Galio, the advantage of flexibility and long hand can usually be converted into an advantage in blood volume.

In the laning data of up to 98, it can be said that Li Xu will be disadvantaged in the face of any Pro Player will not let alone such an advantage laning.

Li Xu found the opportunity to use the passive hit 3 rings to consume Galio health. At 40%, he almost found the opportunity to solo kills Galio. Galio handed the flash back to the tower and ran away.

Li Xu didn't make a flash chase. If you continue to chase it, the opposite Jungle Zhao Xin will come to a certain death situation. Even if you get a blood, you won't earn it.

Why are some ADplayers easy to die? It's just not clear about the situation.

Either look into the grass without a vision, or appear in a place where it should not appear, or team fight a blind ** operation to send yourself to the other party's face, or see the head and hemorrhage, send yourself away .

What is the ADCteam fight mission? A dozen outputs, 2 survived. is it hard? Headwinds can be difficult.

However, sometimes the wind was clear, and it was clear that the opponent had a beautiful first move, and the other person was alone. As a result, his ADC was sent first, resulting in insufficient output. The remaining double C on the opposite side may complete 2 4s.

If the wind is not going down, the headwinds are not going to cast, what I am talking about is a good Chinese teammate like me! Li Xu elated praises himself.

A happy laughter and cheerful voices in Brother Lee's live room.

"Everyone sees it, my Kai'Sa 6 is not 6? Press the knife and press the HP, is it strong?" Brother Lee looked lonely at the veteran player.

"Look at the details of my patching tool, move, tsk tsk tsk!"

"Brat, you have fallen, laning where is the superiority of an entertainment anchor?"

"Brother Lee bulls, wherever you go is the world's first."

"Brother Lee does not live broadcast drinking detergent."


Teddy sent a blood in Top Lane and was killed by Jayce solo.

"?" Li Xu panicked.

"Don't play me! brother."

"Hehe! Don't panic, I'll come back immediately." Teddy shouted.

Li Xu vaguely remembered the last Fiora, he seems to be putting it that way?

and then?

Why do you stand up to 6 heads?

"Brother, don't worry, stabilize the development, don't need you to kill it, wait for the group." Li Xu exhorted frantically.

Kill it back? hehe! You are afraid to send Jayce directly to heaven.

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