Late. Tamer's day.

29 Stories Why He Took Leather

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In fact, within yesterday, Ort was given the fruit and fine fertilizer of a watering tree...

Successfully seedling, the fields were planted with waterfront tree seedlings. You did it! When this grows and comes to fruition, we can experiment with everything. I sprinkled luxury fertilizer out of my mind, and how will it grow?

Looking up at the waterfront tree to the east.

... No, you don't get that big, do you? I don't have enough fields like this at all. Just, well, think about it when it does.

"Oh, you can already harvest red teng mushrooms. But can you only harvest one? Hey, Ort, do I have to grow this red-teng mushroom again with my share?

That's why I can't increase it at all. But Ort is shaking his head. Apparently, if you sprinkle a spore on the logs once, it will be possible to harvest them several times. Then we'll see how it goes for a while.

I do routine conditioning and sowing quickly. New blue carrots, orange pumpkins, and the requested wild strawberries were harvested.

Wild strawberries can apparently harvest 1-3 from one strain, and I picked 10 today alone, but I also thought about keeping them for myself, and decided to increase them without going to delivery yet.

Hollengrass was completely unexpected, but what about the blue carrots, orange pumpkins I picked today. For current use, mix with portable food. Or make a salad with three vegetables.

And then we can deliver to the Alliance. No, wait... The crops I've harvested so far in the field are 10 varieties: medicinal herbs, yang life grass, poison grass, paralysis grass, bleeding grass, edible grass, wound herbs, hollen grass, blue carrots, orange pumpkins, right?

There must have been a special quest for the agricultural guild to harvest 10 different crops. So this means you've fulfilled your terms, right?

Also, I totally forgot my quest to deliver a 5-star crop.

"Are you going to the agricultural guild today"

As I went to Alyssa's store to sell my condiments, I decided to head to the agricultural guild. Plus I think I'll go around the dewstore today.

Actually, it's time to raise the level of alchemy. It is the task of synthesis that can be done in the early stages with alchemy skills. If I say so, it is difficult to mix an item named A with an item named B and make it a single item.

First, all but one particular combination fails, and the original item is lost. Synthesis between the same items can improve quality, but if we try to improve quality, we need a tremendous number of items.

The bulletin board said to buy large quantities of poisonous and paralyzed grass to increase the alchemy level and even synthesize it. It is where I want it.

"Well, here's the reward"

"Thank you"

Special quests for 5-Star Delivery could be completed with Agricultural Alliance without any problems. I didn't get to the level, though. In addition, he earned his contribution by fulfilling delivery quests for blue carrots and orange pumpkins. This is how you have to make a little contribution. If the Alliance rank increases, you will be able to buy a variety of seeds and seedlings again. The daily build-up is important.

And I also asked him questions about weeds, but he told me they wouldn't treat me like a crop. Apparently, the drawings are also classified as other, not crops.

"Well, why don't you go buy some materials next"

Let's head to Sawya-kun's Alchemist in Shotaelf, which was in the North Side. Purchase recipes there and find the ingredients you need in town.


"That, brother in the meantime"

"Huh? Do you remember?

'Cause I'm just here to chill out once. Is it possible that only enough customers have come to remember all of them? It sure doesn't seem fashionable.

"Huh? Well, somehow? Look, it's characteristic of the color of your hair."

"Oh, yeah."

You're totally talking about the title. Rumors are spreading rather than disappearing, they say. Well, I had my face remembered, and let's take it positively.

"Can you show me the recipe?

"Oh, yes! This way."

"Is that a huge increase? I think we only had two before."

"Yes, I added a little more. Potions, wounds, portable foods, hunting pills, poisons, paralytics, bleeding pills, sleeping pills."

"Did you get the sleeping grass?

"Could it be, brother, a conditioner or an alchemist?

"No, I'm just taking conditioning and alchemy. I've never seen anything in my sleep system before."

"I got that by chance in the random item box I selected in the bonus. You don't have it anymore."

Too bad. I would have asked you to give it to me if I had it.

"And do we really need to go out of our way to make the initial recipe a recipe scroll? It doesn't seem to sell at all."

"You can't sell it. I just made it to level my alchemy and writing skills, so if it sells, feel like it's your word."

"Writing skills?

I've never heard of it before. You don't cover all your skills, but you even have those skills. But what can you do? Looks like I can make a recipe scroll if it's a story. Thought I was making it out of alchemy skills I still don't remember.

"Writing is a skill that allows you to write a variety of things. Now I can only use paper made of alchemy to make scrolls, but I think there are demonic books and exorcisms ahead. My dream is to create magic books in this world."


"I used to admire the cartoons I saw."

I admire how many people there are. Besides, I don't know what I can do with a magic book or a magic book, but I can feel the romance. I'll back you up.

"So it seems to have something to do with writing, alchemy, formulation, magic formation, taking leather."

"I somehow understand writing, alchemy, formulation, and magic formation, but leather?

"The cover of an old book is made of leather."

"I see."

Don't impress me with being so thorough. Besides, it sounds like a magic book. I hope you do your best.

"If you have any leads, please let me know"

"I get it. I'll let you know if I find out anything."

"Thank you"

Afterwards, I bought a recipe for instant death pills, pain pills, and got the grass called Pain Grass to give way. It wasn't for sale, but he came all the way out. Thank you.

Sounds like you need four different materials to create an instant death drug: toxic, paralytic, bleeding, and painful, but thanks to you, Soya, we have everything. It's a medicine that has a certain chance of killing the target instantly for a certain amount of time if you swing it on the weapon. With this, I might be able to fight. Got a good recipe.

Painkillers are medicines that can be made with 3 x Painkillers. This is a bit of a special condition anomaly, and it increases the damage of the next one. The pain condition is similar to the bleeding condition, but this one is heavily damaged, instead of healing once damaged.

Other than that, you don't have any grassy items. Well, a production-based player would process it himself.

"And then -- yeah, there's no hatchery, right?

"Is it an incubator? I'm sorry, you don't have one."

"Oh, my God."

"But I'll let you know when I can make it!

"Yeah. Please. If I had a recipe, I'd buy it."

"So why don't you exchange your friend code? Even for the exchange of information. I still don't have many production friends..."

"I'm not the main producer, am I?

Well, I've grown my conditioning skills best now.

"Still, aren't you enthusiastic enough to buy a recipe? Well, can't you?

This one can do it! I was sneering as I fought at you, Sawya, looking up like a puppy.

"Fine. As much as I'd like to ask you here."

I would love to have a productive friend, too. Thus, I exchanged my friend code with you, Sawya. I'll let you know if I find out anything about the Apocalypse, too.

"Well, I'll be there."

"Yes, please come back"

You're at Mr. Alyssa's next.

Hello, Mr. Alyssa.

"Oh, there you are."

First, I sold off the chemicals I just made this morning and bought water light stones for that money. I'm surprised you're cheaper than I thought.

Come to think of it, it's an item that can be collected in the western forest river plains. It's an easy place for me to go, even in a dead place, for regular players. Are you saying it's not even such a precious item if you can collect it there?

"And that video is very popular. I'm having a hard time contacting you already!

"Does that make you happy?

"Intelligencer, you're gonna run out of profit, aren't you? Now that we're investigating it, I think it'll calm down soon."

"That would be nice."

Then I bought honey for ortho, 30 poisonous grass and 30 paralyzed grass for alchemy leveling and left Alyssa's shop behind. After this, it's a production festival!

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