Lamp Flower Smile

Chapter 116 Unknown Master

The snow in Shengjing has not stopped.

For seven or eight days, Du Changqing did not come to Renxin Medical Center again.

Xu Shi was so determined to deal with Lu Zong that even on the day when the money was given out, it was only Acheng who came to do it for him.

Japan is desolate in winter, and without Du Changqing making jokes from time to time, the medical center seems even more deserted.

Yin Zheng put the moon silver brought by Acheng into the box. When she turned around, she saw Lu Zhu sitting behind the desk and reading a book.

The spring exam will be held in February next year, leaving little time for Lu Yan. She doesn't have a master, nor does she have Mr. Jiu Ke to teach her personally like the students in the Imperial Medical Bureau. All she can do is look through medical books.

Acheng brought the medical book back, and Acheng said: "Doctor Lu, this is the medical book I specially found for you... I bought it with my own monthly silver, and my employer doesn't know!"

At that time, Yin Zheng burst out laughing and muttered to Lu Zhu, "Shopkeeper Du has the toughest mouth in his whole body."

Since Du Changqing had good intentions, there was absolutely no reason to waste it. During his free time in the hospital, Lu Zhuo flipped through these medical books. Those medical books on Luomei Peak were finally burned down by Yun Niang. In Shengjing, medical books were very expensive, so it was not easy for Du Changqing to find these books.

There were only a few books in total, and Lu Zhuo read them very quickly. Within a few days, he had read all the previous books. These medical classics and theories were different from what Yun Niang practiced, which made Lu Chen feel a little worried about the upcoming spring exam.

Yin Zheng was wiping the medicine shelf with a wet handkerchief. Seeing that Lu Zhu was reading seriously, she couldn't help but ask one more question: "Girl, you didn't sleep until midnight yesterday, and you didn't stop today. You may hurt your eyes, so why don't you take a rest?" ?”

Lu Zhuo seemed unaware.

Yin Zheng is a little strange.

Lu Zhuo had an excellent memory. He had read several medical books before when he had nothing to do. But starting from yesterday, he seemed to be obsessed with studying them until late at night. If it weren't for Yin Zheng's urging, Lu Zhuo would not have read it until dawn.

It's just that she can't understand the medical classics and pharmacology, so she doesn't understand why Lu Zhuo is so obsessed with it.

Behind the desk, Lu Yan read the last page of the volume in his hand, closed the page, and traced the large characters with flying phoenixes on the seal with his fingertips:

——Essential explanations of questions from past spring examinations of the Shengjing Imperial Medical Bureau.

This name is so ridiculous that it’s almost funny. It should be noted that the annual spring examination papers of the Imperial Medical Bureau will never be circulated to outsiders. Even if there are people who understand medical classics and pharmacology who want to make "refined explanations", most of them are done by the gentlemen of the Imperial Medical Bureau or the Imperial Academy. The medical officer of the Medical Officer's Hospital wrote it in person.

If an outsider dares to "explain the questions carefully" in such a bold way, no wonder it cannot be sold and accumulates for many years, so that it is treated as waste paper and given away to others.


Lu Chen stared at the volume in front of him and his eyes moved.

Yesterday, she read this "exquisite explanation" until midnight. In just a few pages, she benefited a lot from the remaining thick medical books. At first glance, the writings in this volume appear to be wild and outlandish. However, upon closer inspection, there are hidden mysteries, which seem to be different from ordinary medical books on the market.

She lowered her head again and looked at the signature at the end of the volume.

——A master who wishes to remain anonymous.

Lu Chen: "..."

This seems more like a joke. Perhaps the person who wrote this book did not expect that this book would be sold or even read overnight.

"Acheng." Lu Zhuo called the boy.

Acheng, who was making up grasshoppers, turned around in a hurry: "What's the matter, Doctor Lu?"

Lu Zhuo held up the book: "Thank you for sending me the medical books. I want to buy a few more volumes, so..."


"Where is the library?"

Acheng: "Huh?"

After not returning for a few days, there was more than three feet of snow in the courtyard in front of the palace.

The black dog was awakened by the sound of someone's footsteps, and happily pounced on the people who entered the yard, bringing up snow particles that covered their bodies.

"Gardenia! Stop, don't lick——" Duan Xiaoyan was licked by the black dog, and he avoided it in a panic.

A few days ago, the East Palace was assassinated, and His Majesty urgently summoned all the battalions in front of the palace to enter the palace to enforce martial law. After these busy days, the battalions and battalions had time to return to the palace today.

Pei Yunying also had some free time.

In the room, Pei Yunying took off his official clothes and changed into a moon-white middle coat after bathing. He sat back on a chair, opened the clothes on his shoulders with one hand, and was applying medicine to the wound on his shoulder.

After a few more attempts, the movements became smoother. He skillfully pulled off the white silk that had been bandaged before, cleaned it with a handkerchief, and sprinkled it with medicinal powder.

This was what Xiao Zhufeng saw when he first walked in. He paused, walked to Pei Yunying, picked up the half-used medicine bottle on the table, looked at it, and said with some surprise: "Isn't it the medicine from the palace?"

The trauma medicines of their front office are all distributed by the Imperial Medicine Academy. For people like Pei Yunying who walks in front of the imperial palace, among the rewards they receive, the wound medicines are personally prepared by the imperial medical officer, and they are surprisingly effective.

The medicine bottle in my hand has an ordinary body, and at first glance, it is not from the palace.

Pei Yunying glanced at him, took back the medicine bottle, and hummed: "Fifty taels of silver, don't waste it."

"Fifty taels?" Xiao Zhufeng frowned: "Have you been cheated?"

Pei Yunying was too lazy to tell him.

Xiao Zhufeng didn't pay attention. He leaned against the table and watched Pei Yunying wrap the wound with a clean cloth again. He commented: "The sewing was not very good."

Pei Yunying followed his gaze and looked at her shoulder. The new injury on her shoulder was scabbed, revealing the old injury covered by it. It was like a long centipede clinging to the skin, spreading backwards, and it was terrifying.

Pei Yunying's eyes gradually became distant.

Back then, he was being chased while passing by Sunan, and hid in the execution ground, where he met a strange girl among the dead.

He claimed to be a doctor, but he picked up dead bodies. He seemed not very courageous, but he dared to take out the heart and lungs of the corpse with his own hands. Finally, he deceived himself and bowed to the corpse, begging the wrongdoer and the debtor to never find her.

He had just been stabbed by one of his own at that time, and was dying. He was as alert as a trapped animal, and he couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous behavior. Later, he forced the other party to save him and stitch up his wounds, vaguely remembering the other party's reluctance, so that he intentionally or perhaps not intentionally left such an ugly scar on his shoulder and back.

In fact, Pei Yunying himself couldn't remember many details clearly. I just remember that it was a heavy snowfall that was rare in Sunan City for ten years, and the ruined temple was lit with lonely lights. She asked herself for a silver diagnosis, but all he had left was a silver ring, which represented his mission status.

The other party didn't know that the silver ring was precious, so he reluctantly accepted it and forced him to write a "debt note" on the wall of the temple.

He didn't quite remember the specific content of the debt, but it was just how much money he owed her for medical treatment. In the end, the payment was "Seventeen".

Seventeen, it sounds like it is not the real name.

A little girl who looks only eleven or twelve years old actually has difficulties hiding her identity, which shows that the world is not easy.

He didn't ask any more questions, just as the other person didn't know where he came from, and passers-by who meet by chance don't need to know each other's past and future.

Someone spoke beside him, interrupting his thoughts.

Xiao Zhufeng asked: "Did Lu Zhu help you that night when something happened in the palace?"

Pei Yunying paused slightly and said "hmm".

"It's too risky," Xiao Zhufeng disagreed. "If she reports you to the government now, you will be dead."

Pei Yunying smiled: "She has too much time to take care of herself and will not get burned at this time."

He thought of the two large tanks of poisons placed by Lu Zhen in the small kitchen and her skillful handling of Shen Feng, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

This Doctor Lu seemed to have a lot of secrets. He had killed people and framed people without changing his face. Even though he came uninvited that night and forced her to "complicit" with him, she naturally accepted it after the initial accident.

It seems that I am immersed in my own world and indifferent to everything around me.

People who are immersed in their own world do so because they have something to do.

What does she want to do?

Xiao Zhufeng glanced at him: "But, I just heard some news."

"What's the matter?"

"A few days ago, the servants of the Minister of Taifu Temple went to West Street to cause trouble, saying that the female doctor at Renxin Medical Center had seduced the young master of the Dong family."

Pei Yunying sneered, picked up the teapot on the table and poured tea: "The Dong family really puts their face on the line."

In Lu Zhuo's eyes, there is no difference between him and "half a piece of pork buried under the tree." I am afraid that Dong Lin is not even as good as pork in the eyes of Dr. Lu.

"It was a big commotion, and many people on West Street heard it. It was said that the Lu doctor woman used Dong Lin to bribe people in the medical practice so that she could participate in this year's Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau."

As soon as these words came out, Pei Yunying poured the tea for a moment and looked up at Xiao Zhufeng: "Spring test?"

Xiao Zhufeng shrugged, "It seems that this is the purpose of the medical woman."

Taking part in the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau was just for the purpose of becoming a medical officer at the Hanlin Medical Academy after passing it. Being a medical officer sounds glamorous, but in reality it may not be as free as working at a small medical clinic on West Street. It seems that Lu Zhen is not a person who cares about fame and fortune.

The only possibility is that she wants to enter the palace with integrity.

Xiao Zhufeng said: "You guessed she was the third prince before, but now you can rule it out. If she is the third prince, there is no need to go to such trouble to send her to the palace."

The third prince wants to arrange someone in the palace, so why go to such trouble? It's just a matter of words, and it won't get mixed up with the news about Fengyue, the minister of Taifu Temple.

He looked at Pei Yunying, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Could it be another prince?"

Pei Yunying shook his head.

The waters of Shengjing are deep, and the officialdom and relationships are complicated, but one thing is that neither the third prince nor the other princes will let an ordinary woman be their important chess piece.

This is the arrogance of those in power.

Seeing his friend's condensed look, Xiao Zhufeng patted the table, "Don't think too much, maybe it's a deception. The Imperial Medical Bureau takes the spring exam every year. Except for the students of the Imperial Medical Bureau, there are very few civilian medical workers who pass. Maybe Dr. Lu got the chance to build momentum. It was a great success, but in the end it was no longer on the list, and it was just a joke."

This is true. As a private medical woman, Lu Zhuo has no medical guidance, so she is very likely to fail. It seems that it was precisely because of this that Mrs. Dong, the Minister of Taifu Temple, allowed the rumors to spread all over the sky - because she was sure that Lu Huo would become the biggest loser in this rumor of romance.

The tea on the table is warm, and the ink paintings traced on the porcelain cup are deep and shallow, and they are faint and indistinct in the heat mist.

The young man looked down and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

The ordinary female doctor at Renxin Medical Center didn't know the world. She was going to participate in the Spring Examination of the Imperial Medical Bureau next year and sent people to the West Street Bookstore to purchase a large number of medical books and pharmacology. The news spread throughout the medical practice overnight.

It's not just the medical practice, there are also some rumors in the streets of Shengjing. After all, there were "Chun Shui Sheng" and "Xian Xian" in the past, and later Princess Wenjun sent a team of strong men to deliver the brocade blanket to the door in person. Renxin Medical Clinic is not a little-known medical clinic in Shengjing.

Du Changqing got the news from nowhere, so he hurried over early in the morning. Only then did Lu Yan open the door of the medical clinic and bump into Du Changqing's face, which looked like he was in mourning.

"I didn't say that!" Du Changqing argued, holding his neck, "It must have been Luo Dazui's big mouth who said it!"

When word spread about going to a bookstore to buy medical books, although it didn't make anyone laugh, it still attracted more people to watch. Sometimes the stage is set too high and you have to keep singing even if you don’t want to.

"I just went to buy a few books and didn't say a word to him. Who knew this bastard didn't keep his mouth shut?"

Yin Zheng came over with a smile: "Huh? But Acheng said that he bought those medical books and has nothing to do with you, Shopkeeper Du?" She suddenly asked, "Why did you buy them again?"

Du Changqing choked.

Yin Zheng burst into laughter.

Du Changqing spoke so righteously and did not show up for more than ten days when he was angry. He rushed back to explain as soon as rumors spread. He was really arrogant.

After hesitating for a moment, Du Changqing broke the jar and said, "I bought it. What's wrong?"

He flicked his sleeves and said with a cold smile: "Doctor Lu only wants to pass the Spring Examination and get into the Imperial Academy of Medical Sciences. That's great. My shop will give you two or two months less silver every month, which will save you money."

"Furthermore, if a Hanlin medical officer comes out of West Street, the hospital will also benefit from it. Of course I will work together to promote such a good thing."

Acheng glanced at him: "But isn't the boss reluctant to let go of Dr. Lu?"

"Who can't bear to leave her?" Du Changqing was furious: "I have family matters, and I have my own life! Everyone goes their own way, and whoever leaves can't live with her?"

Everyone in the room: "..."

Lu Chen put down the medicine cup in his hand and said, "Shopkeeper Du."

"What are you doing!"

"Thank you for sending me the medical book. It is very useful to me."

Yin Zheng hurriedly helped: "Yes, the girl kept reading the scroll for several days and slept late at night. She definitely did not let down shopkeeper Du's wishes in vain."

Du Changqing glanced at Lu Chen and saw that her expression was calm, which made him feel as calm as a clown. However, when he thought that Lu Chen would leave here soon, he felt heartbroken and simply said in a strange way: "That's good. Well, people say that people who are frustrated in love are happy in the casino. That dwarf from the Dong family turned his back on me. Maybe Dr. Lu will become a blockbuster in the Spring Examination, and our West Street can also produce a Hanlin medical officer. I have never seen a living person in my life. He’s a Hanlin medical officer!”

Yin Zheng: "..."

Lu Chen lowered his head and smiled.

This smile made Du Changqing more and more upset. However, before he could speak, he heard Lu Zhu speak first: "There is something I would like to ask shopkeeper Du for help."

"What are you doing? Why don't you ask for help from Mr. Dong, the handsome man in your palace? Tell me!"

Lu Zhu picked up the volume on the table and said, "I want to know where did Shopkeeper Du buy this volume?"

Du Changqing turned around angrily and glanced at the volume in Lu Zhuo's hand. The volume is very thin, with only a few thin sheets. The paper is yellowed, rough, and a little wrinkled. At first glance, it looks more like waste paper.

Du Changqing was stunned and said suspiciously: "Isn't this a chat?"

"Hang on?"

"Two taels of silver and three medical books, along with a few accompaniments."

He glanced at Lu Chen and said, "Why, do you want to send a few more?"

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