Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and twenty-nine powerful characters, there is a crystal palace in the sky

Seeing the departure of Little Dyson, Su Jie looked at his own future fate line again. There are still many possibilities, but the probability of a direction that is beneficial to him has greatly increased.

Whether the future is real or not, this answer is too profound, even with Su Jie's wisdom, it is impossible to figure it out.

Su Jie didn't think about this, he had to go back, because his child was about to be born.

Zhang Manman and Tang Yunzhu are about to give birth, a boy and a girl. In this way, Su Jie will have both children. Actually, according to the original fate line, Su Jie had no children, not even a wife.

He was doomed to die alone, and even ended up miserable.

For example, at the earliest time, he went to Minglun Martial Arts School to learn Kung Fu to deal with the bodyguards of the Feng family and save his sister. At that time, if he hadn't gone to Minglun Martial Arts School, his fate would have been indescribably miserable.

At that time, when he went to Minglun Martial Arts School, it was actually an idea in his mind by chance, and he put it into action. If you hadn't moved this idea, your fate would have been completely different.

In addition, there are many turning points of fate.

And he also affected the fate of those around him. Zhang Manman and Tang Yun signed the contract. In fact, their marriage was related to someone else, and it was not Su Jie's turn, but now they have become husband and wife with Su Jie.

The birth of a child is a major event, even Su Jie dare not take it lightly.

Because according to a natural law, the more powerful a creature is, the harder it is to give birth to offspring. On the contrary, if it is a weak creature, it will reproduce very quickly.

Take whales and krill in the ocean as an example. Whales are not insignificant, but krill is very weak. Whales feed on krill, and they have to swallow tons of krill every time, but they can’t eat up these little guys. , but the whales themselves are on the brink of extinction.

On the earth, the most survivable is the tardigrade, which is also a weak creature.

From the point of view of genetics, once a human being's body control reaches 10%, it is considered a new human being. With such a strong control right, it is very easy to give birth to one's own offspring. Because their own genetic DNA can be controlled at will.

But in fact, it is basically difficult for new humans to give birth to their own offspring.

A type of information that is genetically difficult to transfer.

It seems that in the dark,

There is a law that prevents new humans from giving birth to their offspring.

According to the law of balance in nature, the new human beings are too strong. If they reproduce in large numbers, it may cause an imbalance in nature.

In fact, not to mention new humans, but decades or even a hundred years ago, the law of human beings was that the more economically developed the regions, the lower the fertility rate.

According to the truth, people are rich and have a lot of resources and time to give birth to offspring. But the situation is quite the opposite. The poorer the place, the higher the fertility rate.

This phenomenon is also a theory in psychology and information genetics.

As early as a few years ago, new human beings were only a concept, and the number was not large, so this issue could not attract enough attention. But these years, with the increase in the number of new human beings, many new human beings found that they were unable to give birth to offspring, even if they used the test tube method, it was difficult to succeed, so they started scientific research.

In the life science laboratory of the International Alliance of New Humans, how to make new humans reproduce smoothly is the biggest project. Su Jie obtained all the materials in it, but this laboratory did not produce any real results.

As for Su Jie being able to give birth to offspring, in fact, he himself felt a little lucky.

Because, Su Jie didn't figure out how to let the new human beings completely give birth to offspring.

This involves some kind of message resonance that breaks the laws of nature. It's not simple science anymore, it's a matter of probability.

Soon, Su Jie returned to City B from Minglun Martial Arts School.

He had been teaching young Dyson for several months, and now it was time for the baby to be born.

After returning to City B, Su Jie immediately saw Zhang Manman and Tang Yun signing two daughters who were raising babies in their yard and were ready to give birth at any time.

Although the two women had big bellies, they did not move slowly at all. They were agile, able to run and jump, and had no effect on the fetus at all. Their control over their bodies had reached a state of being able to do whatever they wanted. After all, Su Jie had already passed on all his experience to them.

Pregnancy is a big event for women, but it is not a heavy burden for them.

"When are you going to give birth?" It wasn't Su Jie who asked this question, but Su Jie's mother Xu Ying. As soon as she heard that she was going to have a grandson, she didn't care about anything else, so she came here to watch every day.

"Mom, don't worry. As the saying goes, when the cause and effect come, they will give birth naturally. Besides, are you still worried about their physical fitness? Ordinary mothers are in danger, but they are fine. They are just waiting for an opportunity." Su Jie was comforting his mother.

"Although I say that, I'm always uneasy. Besides, you're fine here, but there's still your sister." Xu Ying said: "Your sister is such a big person, and she doesn't have a partner. Now she's an old leftover girl. Now, hurry up and find a partner, and give birth to a big fat boy. Of course, a daughter is the best, and a daughter is better than a boy. You hurry up and talk about it, don't delay. Our family is going to have a baby, and the population is booming. Besides, now The state encourages childbearing, to have more children, to contribute to the country. Some of my colleagues have four or five children at home.”

The elder sister has never found a partner, Su Jie can actually understand.

The old lady is proud and arrogant, and she also thinks that no man is worthy of her. Besides, she spends all day doing scientific research, research on artificial intelligence, and can't spare any time to fall in love.

Especially after Su Jie created the Nuwa module for the elder sister, this spiritual structure gave the elder sister infinite wisdom and infinite energy for research.

Now the old lady is completely immersed in the scientific research environment and cannot extricate herself.

For her, every moment of scientific research is joyful and extremely exciting. Falling in love, getting married and having children is a burden.

But for Su Jie, falling in love, getting married and having children are all scientific researches. His research includes Vientiane, falling in love is about human relations, getting married and having children is about sociology and genetics.

"I just received bad news." Suddenly, Tang Yun signed: "There is a company in China that is aggressively attacking us, and even started to unite with many companies to strangle us. This company is called Wenbu Group."

"Ask Bu Group, isn't that a high-tech company that produces new materials, chips, and various parts supply services and repairs?" Zhang Manman asked: "We often purchase chips from this company for our mobile phones. and spare parts, as well as many of our technological products, are also purchased from this company. This company relies on us to make a lot of profits every year. It can be said that if there is no sales of our products, the profit of this company It will shrink significantly, we are the parents of this company, why do they treat us

attack? "

"There are people behind the instructions." At this time, the courtyard door opened, and a person hurried in. It was Zhang Jinchuan. He first sent a message to Tang Yun to sign, and then hurried in himself.

The current business division of Diandao Group is very clear. Zhang Jinchuan is in charge of the domestic business. The manufacture of mobile phones, the manufacture of technology products, and the supply of network software are all under his control. And Zhang Manman is in charge of overseas business, mainly doing security and some things related to the dark world.

Tang Yun's signing is in charge of corporate culture, marketing, image building, and the period of expanding influence. In short, it is to brag about how good Diandao Group is, so that everyone psychologically relies on the various products of Diandao Group.

Tang Yunsign is good at doing this. She is a cultural person, and she has also absorbed the culture of culture, so it is just right to be a corporate culture brand.

Therefore, when Zhang Jinchuan learned that something happened to the group, he immediately notified her to solve the corporate image problem.

In fact, the most important thing for a modern large enterprise is the corporate image and word of mouth. Modernity is a credit society, even if it is the national currency, it is also a matter of credit. As long as you have credit, you have money and wealth. Without credit, it is worthless.

When Zhang Jinchuan came in, he looked at Tang Yunzhu and Zhang Manman's stomachs, with a look of envy on his face. He has also been married for a long time, but he has no children, and everything in the medical and life science examinations is normal. He also knows that this is a reproductive problem that new humans are difficult to solve.

Especially the combination of new humans and ordinary humans, it is more difficult to produce offspring.

The genetic gap between new humans and ordinary people is very large.

Zhang Jinchuan's wife is not a new human being, and of course she is not an ordinary person. They have wanted a child for a long time, but it has not been effective. Now that Su Jie has a child, and there are two at once, it is false not to be envious.

Of course, envy is envy, Zhang Jinchuan still believes that Su Jie can solve his own problems.

Of course Su Jie understood what Zhang Jinchuan was thinking, and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder: "I will solve your problem soon. It is difficult for powerful creatures to give birth to offspring. This is a natural law, but it is difficult not to Absolutely, no matter how strong creatures are, they have the right to reproduce, this is also the law of nature, besides, we are not strong, we must be very weak units in the universe, our right to reproduce is actually very great."

"Have you found a breakthrough in technology?" Zhang Jinchuan asked happily.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "The technology in the International Alliance of New Humans has given me a lot of inspiration. Of course, they have not been able to solve the problem of the birth rate of new humans, but recently I have trained a small scientist. In this little scientist's thinking, there is always a flash of inspiration, and a flash of inspiration once made me find a breakthrough in this problem. It will be solved in about a few months."

"That's good." Zhang Jinchuan said: "Let's talk about business. This time, the Wenbu Group launched an attack on us and united a large number of companies. I suspect it has something to do with the International New Humanity Alliance."

"There is no doubt, it was Wang Tong from the International Alliance of New Humans who started to attack us, but they didn't dare to do it publicly, so they had to use this method." Su Jie said: "I have already captured this Information. Our confrontation with the International Alliance of New Human Beings has already begun. From the initial direct confrontation, it has now turned into suppression from the company's strategic level. However, soldiers have come to cover up the water and cover them up. There are many tricks to deal with them. The behind-the-scenes of the company Boss, it’s called Guo Bu. His ancestor is Guo Pu, the originator of Fengshui. He is best at finding dragon acupuncture points. Did your ancestors search for a cemetery?"

Su Jie asked Tang Yun to sign.

"That's right." Tang Yun signed and nodded: "When the old man of my family was here, he had a good relationship with the old man of the Guo family. Many of our Tang family's Feng Shui techniques were obtained from the old man's exchange with the Guo family. It is rumored that our old man and the old man of the Guo family The old man of the Guo family is a brother-in-law relationship. The two traveled all over the mountains and rivers to find the acupuncture points of dragon veins. But then the relationship gradually became weaker. In the early decades, my grandfather still walked around with the Guo family, but in my father's generation , only occasionally. However, when I was studying, I met Guo Bu at a family gathering. It was a time of prosperity, but the Guo family did not rise up. Many juniors of the Tang family who were with me still had a lot of contempt for the Guo family. There were a few juniors who provoked this Guo Bu in the communication, but he ignored it and ignored it. I don't have any anger, I know that this person is not simple, and he has done a huge business these years. The Guo family has risen again. If it weren't for the Little Tao Group, the Guo family's property is actually bigger than our Tang family's property Much bigger."

"The actual controller behind the Wenbu Group is Guo Bu, but on the surface, he has nothing to do with Guo Bu. Legally, all assets do not belong to him, but he has an agent." Zhang Jinchuan said: "Just like you. Generally, people like this have extremely strong control, otherwise they will lose control of the company. Also, I discovered something, this Guo Bu has become a new human being."

In the eastern world, new humans are actually very rare, and some new humans are official. For example, Zhao Yu and others, and the probability of the birth of new humans is far lower than that of the West. This is because the life science environment in the East is still weak and needs to catch up.

Although in the eastern world, there are many masters, such as several Wu family. But the height of the new human beings is no longer simply achievable by practicing kung fu, but must be fully activated through the means of scientific research, the most precise instrument of the human body.

However, although there are not many new human beings in the East now, with the spread of more and more high-tech in the dark world, some medicines, and even information chips implanted in the brain, the collection of dark matter, the injection of the body, the editing of genes, etc. Things will definitely be obtained by some ambitious people, or the rich and powerful.

Once obtained, the chances of being promoted to new humans will be greatly increased.

In fact, this is also Wang Tong's strategy, or the strategy of the Western world as a whole. The Eastern world is actually very orderly now, but if there are more ambitious and capable new humans, some order will definitely be out of balance. This will cause unrest.

No new human being is willing to be inferior to others.

Not to mention the new humans, even the masters who have cultivated the sixth sense and the seventh sense are all ambitious and think that they are the only protagonist.

Su Jie saw this very clearly.

Back then there were ambitious Shenyue people, but now there are more Shenyue people.

Careerists are everywhere.

Obviously, Guo Bu is one of the behind-the-scenes bosses of the Wenbu Group.

"I have already asked God Shiva to contact Guo Bu about this matter. Let's see his attitude first, courtesy first and then soldiers." Su Jie said: "You can deal with it in business. We can compete in secret, and we can also do business wars. Catch it, even if they have the support of the international new human beings behind them, we are not what we used to be in the business war. By the way, what is Xia Shang's attitude? He was also summoned by the international new human alliance this time to discuss some

Things must promise him benefits. "

Su Jie seems to know everything, every move is in his spiritual world.

"How do you know? Are these all captured information?" Zhang Jinchuan asked: "I also tried to capture the information of the International New Human Alliance, but it was completely blocked, and some things in the future can't be seen clearly at all. In the words of metaphysics To put it bluntly, it means that the secrets of heaven are completely confused and completely confused. In the past, my cultivation base was not as high as it is now, "

"It's actually quite normal. The structure of the world and the changes in the future are actually promoted by some big figures. When we were at a low level of cultivation, those figures were lower than us. At that time, the information about the future was relatively clear. But now, everyone The realm is very advanced, and the influence is greater, and the future direction is somewhat unclear." Su Jie said: "However, my realm has improved a lot recently, obviously surpassing those people by a large margin, and I have captured more information than them Much more. But in the future, there will also be many truly epoch-making figures who will rise up. It may be a matter of time before they catch up with me.”

"That depends on how God Shiva talks." Zhang Jinchuan said: "In terms of business, we still immediately counterattack, but Xia Shang's attitude is still very ambiguous. He didn't attack us, maybe it depends on his attitude. But in this way, it will definitely be difficult for him to gain the support of the International Alliance of New Human Beings. Then Wang Tong is not a hawk if he sees a rabbit."

"You should contact Xia Shang more and draw them into our camp." Su Jie said: "We have given him more benefits than the International Alliance of New Human Beings."

Su Jie knew that Zhang Jinchuan had a close relationship with Xia Shang's daughter. Although the two failed to get together in the end, they are better now.

While Su Jie and the others were discussing things, Shiva young man was in a sci-fi building in City Z.

This building is the headquarters of the "Wenbu Group".

"Wenbu Group" is a typical technology company. In just a few years, it has become completely comparable to Liu Shi and Xia Shang's group.

Ten years ago, Liu Shi's e-commerce and Xiashang's social networking were the two giants of the Internet, but in just a few years, the pattern has changed again. The two giants no longer exist, and new business giants have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Most of them are technology companies.

This "Wenbu Group" is one of the outstanding ones.

"Luck is thick, like a potential dragon, full of vigor and purple, which is interesting. The future of this company is boundless." The young man Shiva is looking at the company's luck.

He didn't sneak into it, but was open and aboveboard, and when he arrived at the door, he was received by someone. The person who received him was a long-legged professional woman with a beautiful face. Although she was smiling, there was a deep aura of arrogance in her bones.

"Hello, I'm here to visit Mr. Guo, please follow me." The professional woman didn't have much to say, she turned around and led the way, and soon got on a separate elevator, and then went up to the hundred-story building. top floor.

The top floor is a large study room, surrounded by glass, and the roof is also glass, you can see the sky, living in it is like living in a crystal palace.

This study is very simple, there are no extra decorations, not even a steel frame, it is purely a top floor connected by glass and glass. Even the bottom is glass.

Living in it, there is a feeling of fear that you can't go up to the sky or go down to the ground.

Especially this kind of one-hundred-storey building was subjected to strong winds, and the amplitude was very large, shaking from side to side, making people even more frightened.

In the view of Lord Shiva, this kind of feng shui is very bad. It simply puts oneself in a kind of extreme danger, without foundation and security.

Think about it, the 100-story top floor is all glass buildings, and the feet are also glass. When the wind blows, it looks like it will fall apart at any time. How much torture is it to people's psychology?

However, the people who live here are calm.

Just like a person practicing on a cliff, he will fall down at any time, but it doesn't matter, he puts life and death aside.

The young Lord Shiva saw Guo Bu.

Guo Bu sat on a pure glass chair.

Everything in this study is made of glass. It seems that Guo Bu has a special love for glass. However, most modern buildings are actually made of glass. Cement has almost been completely eliminated.

"Mr. Shiva, hello." Guo Bu looked at the young man Shiva who came up, and he already knew the details: "Please sit down. But I don't have tea here, and I don't drink any tea myself. I don't know you Are you used to it?"

"It's okay." The young man Shiva didn't sit down, just stood like this: "Your company's glass products are good, and their bearing capacity has completely exceeded that of reinforced concrete."

"That's right, this is technology. The mobile phone screens of your Diandao Group are purchased from our company's glass." Guo Bu said: "Your cars also use our glass."

"So you sold us out of stock first, and then gathered a large number of legal professionals and the media to hype that we have stolen your company's intellectual property rights and demand huge compensation from us? Besides, you want to stink us?" Shiva The young man said: "It seems that the International New Human Alliance has given you a lot of benefits. It also made you a new human, which made you sell the interests of the Eastern world, and even your blood. Of course, that Wang Tong is also a Ruinous guy, he came out of the Minglun Martial Arts School, but he became a person from the Western world."

"Up to now, there is no distinction between the East and the West. Everyone is for their own interests." Guo Bu said, "I don't believe you are so naive. You are the Lord Shiva of the dark world." He took it out while talking. a book.

This book is actually made of glass.

Turning the pages one by one, the sound of clattering is very pleasant.

Glass like paper. Feels very good and very soft. The writing on it is clear, and basically it will not rot.

"You should know why I'm here today." The young Lord Shiva said.

"You are here for peace talks." Guo Bu said, "However, your trip is for nothing. I will not stop when I start a fight. The so-called bow has no turning back. Besides, this time I will attack you. The group, I will do this only if I have the certainty of victory. Then Su Jie underestimated me, and sent you here instead of coming in person. None of the big three came. You are in the Diandao Group, but you are just a guest-like figure."

"That is to say, there is nothing to talk about?" The young man Shiva said, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? Su Jie is very gentle, but I am different. The lives in my hands are more important than the rice you eat." What's more, I'm a very difficult person to talk to, so I advise you to change your mind immediately, otherwise, I don't know what will happen."

"Really?" Guo Bu didn't care at all: "Actually, even if you don't do it today, I will do it. There are still some new humans in the Diandao Group, which will hinder my overall situation in the future. I know you will come today , so the layout will abolish you!"

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