Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and one civilization limitations, strong control will not last long

"Since ancient times, no city or civilization has been able to maintain its prosperity. This is a curse and a law of nature. This place is no exception. You can see that the infrastructure here is aging and has not been updated, just like a city. For the elderly, the blood in the blood vessels is completely old, and there is no hematopoietic mechanism." Su Jie said to the foreigner.

This foreigner is very mysterious, and seems to be the real behind-the-scenes manipulator of the International Alliance of New Human Beings. He doesn't know where it came from. Su Jie wanted to capture his information, but was also blocked by an information barrier.

Regarding this point, Su Jie is not very surprised. The use of information technology for this purpose shows that the other party's research and understanding are also very deep. This is a good thing. If things are not challenging, everyone is not as good as himself boring.

On the contrary, the appearance of this foreigner aroused Su Jie's strong enthusiasm and interest, and he immediately had a strong sense of anticipation for the upcoming itinerary and conversation.

"Your eyes are still at the beginning of this century." The foreigner said to Su Jie: "I think that infrastructure construction is the prosperity and decline of a city. It was true at the beginning, but the times have changed now. The prosperity of a city is not the result of Lou Yue. The higher the better, it does not mean that the newer the road, the better. What is important is another thing. I think you know this kind of thing, which is called soft power by you. In fact, the role of infrastructure construction is to facilitate human beings. However, this is what low-level humans do. High-level humans do not care about the constraints of the natural environment. Low-level humans are greatly affected by the environment. Since ancient times, I think you are also aware of it. For example, in your ancient times , there is a saying called relying on the weather, that is to say, if the weather is a little bad, your grain harvest will be reduced on a large scale. After arriving, the rise of science and technology has reduced the fear of the weather a lot. In modern times, even more I don’t care much about the weather, because there is a lot of synthetic food, there is no need to plant it at all, as long as there is energy, I can produce rations. I admit that in recent years, the infrastructure in the East has developed faster than ours. It’s a pity What’s more, in other respects, they are far behind, and you can tell by comparing the number of New Humans. Tell me, is it because we have more New Humans in the West, or you have more New Humans in the East?”

"It's because you have more." Su Jie had to admit that in this regard, the West is indeed ahead. In terms of life sciences, the West has always been making progress. Even his own life science and technology foundation is actually obtained from Typhon, and Typhon Group itself is inextricably linked with Western interest groups.

Moreover, the new human beings in the east are basically related to Su Jie. Even Zhao Yan has reached the realm of new human beings because of Su Jie's technology.

"Actually, you are following in our footsteps." The foreigner said again: "If there is no existence of you in the East, it can be said that there is no new human being. You are a mutant creature of Eastern civilization. Of course, you are also We Western civilization cultivated it."

The foreigner was referring to the matter that Odeli taught Su Jie.

"Coach Odley,

In his bones, there is oriental civilization. "Su Jie said: "In fact, Eastern civilization and Western civilization each have their own strengths, and they all belong to the entire human race. Modern history is the history of confrontation and conflict between Eastern and Western civilizations. Defeat, you are favored by history, I have been trying to find out why, why this happened. "

"That's because your civilization has limitations. It only treats people as slaves, thus imprisoning the development of science and technology. In fact, you all know it. So a hundred years ago, some of our civilizations were introduced as innovations. It created a short-lived brilliance. Oh, it shouldn’t be called brilliance, it should be said that it’s saving a life.” There was no mercy in the foreigner’s language, although he was chatting with Su Jie, but in fact the two had already started to confront each other. This is a confrontation between two people at the pinnacle of civilization.

"Wrong." Su Jie said: "Actually, every civilization has its limitations and cycles. Just like the financial market, it all spirals upward. Your Western civilization, in the middle ages, is more ignorant than you. It was even worse in our feudal era. Your scientists were burned to death on the stake. Up to now, in the depths of your thoughts, there are still seeds of imprisoning science, and you are still imprisoned by theology. And our civilization, at the beginning , there is no theology, it is people-oriented, our gods are all human beings, and we take an attitude of conquering nature from the beginning. Your civilization, when the end is approaching, will only pray to God to save it, while our civilization , are all self-help. This is the essential difference, the core thing, we have an advantage, but in the past few hundred years, our civilization has been in a silent cycle, and now it has jumped out of this cycle and is on the rise. Periodicity is a long-term process, not a matter of hundreds of years. As long as civilization does not die, there will always be a chance to rise. What do you think?"

"Really?" The foreigner smiled: "Our debate has come to an end. It seems that I can't shake your confidence. Will the Human Alliance start?"

"It's not a start, but it's just to visit the headquarters and have a real exchange with the high-level." Su Jie said.

"You can be considered a new human being." The foreigner said: "According to the new human law, you must go to the headquarters to register, register your abilities, do detailed tests, collect your genes and blood, and even various data. Backup. Moreover, according to the law, in order to prevent new humans from destructive to society, the International Alliance of New Humans has the right to perform surgery on any new humans and implant chips in their brains and bodies for supervision.”

"This is already the law? Your methods are very clever." Su Jie said: "However, the new human beings are independent and free individuals. You are imprisoning them and making them slaves. Even the power of ordinary people is beyond your control." No, isn’t it too much. And most importantly, you have no right to make laws.”

"We are the strongest, so we are the ones who decide the law." The foreigner said, "Of course, it is in the initial stage of establishment, and the legal foundation is not very perfect. It needs to be improved step by step to strengthen the ruling power. I think you also feel that the new Human beings are too destructive. If there is no strong restriction, the foundation of the entire human society may be peaked by ambitious people. Do you know how many bad incidents have occurred during this period, all of which are new humans, or What the quasi-new humans did, if it weren’t for our International New Human Alliance to arrest and suppress everywhere, the current human society would have been in disarray. In troubled times, heavy codes must be used, this is what you Orientals say. Of course, for outstanding people like you For new human beings, we will not use strong means, but recruit security, give you a lot of priority, you do not need to implant chips in your body, but your data must be handed over to us, and we will give you three seat vacancies."

"Are you talking about conditions?" Su Jie smiled: "It seems that you have a lot of people in the Senate, with three seats, which is less than one-tenth, and I don't seem to have any interest in it."

"At least, you have also stepped into the real ruling body of the future human society and become a high-level." The foreigner said: "The future ruling power of human society must belong to the International New Human Alliance. If you choose to fight, there is only one dead end, and the only way is to join Among them, the benefits can be shared."

"Really? The condition you offered is just that little? It doesn't attract me at all." Su Jie said.

"I know what you think. You actually want to establish an organization similar to ours to manage the new humans, but let me tell you the truth, this is impossible because your new humans are too few. And even if you give birth to new humans, they will come to our west." The foreigner said: "Actually, your original idea was very good. You surrounded a large area and captured some new humans at the same time. It is the same idea as ours to go to Minglun Martial Arts School to teach and reform their thinking, but you actually gave up halfway, resulting in the stillborn embryonic form of a new human institution, which has to be said to be a pity. This also indirectly led to the establishment, rise, and unstoppability of our International New Humanity Alliance. You think that your power alone can suppress our entire International New Humanity Alliance, then this kind of thinking is stupid, and those who die will not Furthermore, if you give up the opportunity, the opportunity will fall into the hands of others. Don’t you have an old saying that if you don’t take it, you will be blamed. You should understand the meaning of this.”

"It's not too late to establish now." Su Jie didn't care. The reason why he gave up his previous plan was firstly to concentrate on research, and secondly, it's not very good to imprison the free development of new human beings. The Human Alliance's approach is very disapproving. Implanting chips in the human body and brain for control is a way of treating slaves, even more than slaves, at least slaves still have freedom of thought.

This is a perverse method in itself, and it is destined not to last long.

From Su Jie's point of view, in fact, establish an organization and formulate a law so that the new humans can live like ordinary people. If the new humans do something out of the ordinary, it will not be too late to punish them. If the other party does not do bad things, there is no need to deal with these people in advance.

Su Jie didn't care about the domineering of the International Alliance of New Human Beings. The other party had this kind of virtue.

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