Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and seventy-fourth new alliance, the world police make another move

"Come in." Su Jie made a voice.

At this time, the door handle began to turn, and a person entered the compartment. Su Jie and Su Muchen sat in a luxury box, they were alone, and no one else could get close.

However, for some people with special identities, this is useless.

A blond beauty came in, with a typical Western figure, appearance and style, sapphire-like eyes, milk-like skin, and an American style on her body.

Also for Western Caucasians, the American style is completely different from the European style, just like the yellow race, the southerners are completely different from the northerners.

"Let me introduce myself, my code name is Lilith." After the blond beauty came in, she ordered to the door, "Stay at the door and don't come in." She spoke Chinese, and she was actually very pure Mandarin, without any Westerners. accent.

At the door, there were several tall white men. They just wanted to step in, but when they heard the words of the blond beauty Lilith, they hesitated and did not come in.

These were all seen by Su Jie.

"Lilith is the witch in your Western mythology. She likes to appear in men's dreams at night and absorb the energy of men. At the same time, in mythology, Lilith is also the ancestor of vampires and Adam's first wife. In the West In the mythology, this code name is evil." Su Jie looked at the woman and said, "However, I don't see any of Lilith's characteristics in you, but instead, you have the temperament of the Statue of Liberty. It's an interesting thing."

There are myths in the East, and there are myths in the West.

Between each other, in the thousands of years of mythology, they have formed their own unique culture.

This is a higher-level soul belief than thought, or the foundation of the soul module.

For example, the information psionic model "Nuwa Module" created by Su Jie is highly suitable for Su Muchen, which has raised Su Muchen's IQ and strength to an incredible level.

And if the "Nuwa module" is used to transform Westerners, such as the white woman "Lilith" in front of me, it will definitely not have any effect, and may even cause rejection.

So, one side is water and the other side is god.

Genes are passed down in the blood, and culture is passed down in the soul, which cannot be cut off from generation to generation.

This western woman took a concept of the cultural inheritance of the Statue of Liberty and integrated it into the depths of her soul to practice, which is actually extremely powerful. Moreover, this woman is a new human being.

That is to say,

This woman's control over herself has reached 10%, and she can interfere with the body's genes with her consciousness. This level is very high, dozens of times stronger than ordinary people, and she can be called a real super soldier.

Su Jie could also see that this woman was the latest to be promoted, and she must have used some technological means, not simply practicing.

It is almost impossible to reach the realm of new human beings purely by self-cultivation, just like a person digging up a mountain with a hoe in ancient times. But in modern times, humans can quickly dig out mountains and move them by means of blasting and excavators.

The same goes for cultivation.

Many physical and spiritual realms that were considered unattainable in ancient times can be easily reached by using some modern technological means.

For example, the most primitive stimulant stimulation and electric current stimulation can reap the effects that could not be obtained by exercise in ancient times.

The development of modern psychology is also unimaginable in ancient times. A little absorption of hallucinogenic drugs and adjustment of the spirit can make one's own mental state reach the state of the ancient sages and sages.

Sun Pilong's laboratory is best at some hallucinogenic drugs. Some drugs, after a person absorbs them, are in a state of immortality, regulating the body, developing potentials, and enhancing psychological strength. Not even any side effects.

It's just that these drugs are not accepted by ordinary people, and they are very expensive, and the production cost is very high.

Su Jie knew a long time ago that the new human race was a miracle in the past, and it must be a true peerless genius who worked hard to comprehend it, coupled with a series of chances and coincidences, one in a million, to reach the realm. In the future, it may be industrialized Mass production.

Actually, start now.

Not to mention the chip of that mysterious institution, but to rely on a series of super psychological development, plus many drugs, gene editing surgery, etc., it is possible to cultivate new humans.

Although this cost is high, it is still lower than building and maintaining aircraft carrier nuclear weapons.

New humans will definitely be a very important strategic weapon in the future.

The war of mankind is very likely to turn from large-scale military nuclear weapons that will destroy the world to human-to-human struggle, mind control, and spiritual battle.

This has the advantage that it can prevent both parties from dying together, causing large-scale damage to the earth, and in the end, neither party can survive.

Moreover, if one has the upper hand in the field of mind control, it is also very easy to control the opponent's high-level and master the opponent's nuclear force.

Therefore, the most important thing to deal with the devastating nuclear weapons is mind control.

In fact, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the strategies of major powers were also aware of this, so research was carried out vigorously in the later period. Unfortunately, the level of scientific research at that time was still insufficient, and the strategy of conscious mind control did not come into play.

And after almost fifty years, the strategy is finally beginning to bear fruit.

Su Jie had already expected this.

From a certain point of view, the "Lilith" woman in front of her is a humanoid weapon developed by the Jianhe Zong Kingdom on the other side of the ocean.

And himself is actually an important strategic weapon. It has been closely watched by large institutions in various countries. Although it is difficult for me to find myself because I don't show myself, but with the rise of the Diandao Group, in the eyes of some large organizations, I have already surfaced and become a giant.

Unless they can clear their memory by themselves.

However, Su Jie has not yet reached this level. Able to erase everyone's memory about themselves.

But sooner or later, he will reach this state.

At that time, he really disappeared from the crowd. Even if someone noticed him for a while, but then, they would automatically forget about it.

At that time, he was truly at ease.

It is far ahead in human society, and it will not be noticed by the world.

Attracting worldwide attention is not what Su Jie wants.

"Mr. Su Jie, you know our culture very well. But I'm not here today to talk about culture with you." The Caucasian woman codenamed Lilith said: "Do you know that you are in absolute danger now Among them, although you used mind control methods to make these teams in the dark world kill each other, but these are also small fish and small shrimps, and the real behind-the-scenes predators have not surfaced. You will not be able to return home smoothly."

"Really?" Su Jie smiled: "Then tell me, what big crocodile is there behind the scenes?"

In fact, Su Jie was able to invade the brain of this white woman very smoothly, and dig out some information in the deepest part, even the white woman didn't know it at all.

But Su Jie didn't do that.

His current state has exceeded everyone's expectations, and even a person of the "head" level cannot estimate how far he has reached.

When he created the "God of Wealth Module", his cultivation had undergone essential changes. When the "Immortal Module" and "War God Module" were created, his cultivation had already matured, and after the "Nuwa Module" was created, his spiritual level and soul module had reached a completely unbelievable level. The world's psychological consciousness research is a hundred years ahead, or even hundreds of years.

Now the world's psychological research is still at the level of Archimedes' geometry, while Su Jie's theoretical research has reached the level of the theory of relativity.

Therefore, for this white woman Lilith, Su Jie was actually watching the performance of lower creatures.

Although the other party doesn't feel it.

"How can I tell you this information so easily." Lilith smiled: "Don't even try to control me with your mind. I am beyond your control. If you could control me, I wouldn't come. We don't care about your ability. After a detailed assessment, although you are very strong, you are actually within our controllable range."

"Then why did you come to me this time?" Su Jie asked, "Could it be that you want to cooperate with me?"

"Cooperation is one aspect, and the more important thing is to save you." Lilith said: "I know that the Diandao Group has no official background with you. From the beginning to the end, you are in control. You are in artificial intelligence and life. In terms of scientific genes, high achievements have been made. In this way, merge into us. Give us all the technology. We protect your development and safety."

"You guys are thinking too well." Su Muchen smiled: "Is this a clear robbery?"

"No, this is recycling. In the words of your culture, it is nationalization." Lilith said solemnly.

"We are not a country." Su Muchen said.

"It's okay. You are all from Earth." Lilith said: "We have established an international new human alliance. In fact, you can think of this organization as Interpol. Once this organization is established, all new human beings must be in this organization. Register in the organization, back up your data, and then become a member of this organization, and hand in your own things, otherwise, you will be arrested by this organization. You also know that the power and spirit of new humans are too strong. It is easy to cause social harm and harm ordinary people, and the greater the ability, the greater the damage. Therefore, restraint must be imposed, so the organization International New Humanity Alliance was born."

"You still want to be the world's policeman?" Su Muchen sneered: "That is to say, if you set up this organization, all new humans must be under your control? Otherwise, you will be arrested?"

"That's right." Lily said without hesitation.

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