Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and thirty-six what is the self? The source of purity is not my heart

"May I think that human spiritual consciousness is originally the purest mass of spiritual body without any impurities, not even in our real world, but in another space-time dimension. This is our true face, It is also a pure and free mind, but this original face is not the real me. The real me is the moment when this group of spiritual bodies without impurities suddenly descends into our real world, and is affected by various factors such as fate, cause and effect in the real world. Infected by the power of the human being, the moment when it is finalized is the real me. What we are looking for is this me. This real self, because people come to this world, consciousness is the product of the combination of karma, unless it is not in this world, Otherwise, it is impossible to be truly pure and at ease, without fate and cause and effect. Because we are the product of fate and cause and effect. Denying this is tantamount to denying ourselves."

Zhao Jie still has a very thorough understanding of the theoretical knowledge of consciousness, because he himself is a Vajra Lion Roar practitioner with profound wisdom. Although he looks like a reckless man, he is actually delicate in mind, profound in Zen, and profound in cultivation, like Mount Tai. Beidou is average.

"Continue talking." Su Jie nodded.

"We found this real 'I' and started to build and rebuild the structure." Zhao Yan said: "For example, the consciousness that we formed in that moment at the beginning has not yet accepted all kinds of future information, world outlook, values, There are almost no personalities in the outlook on life. It is like an empty piece of land, or a piece of blank paper. You can build a house and write whatever you want, but after we grow up, the land has been automatically built, and the blank paper is also empty. After the painting is finished, we must go through practice, first demolish the buildings on the land, and then build them according to the design and the most scientific method.”

"Wrong." Su Jie shook his head: "If you think this way, you will never be able to comprehend and reach the ideological realm required by the new human beings. What we want is not to rebuild the land, but to expand the land. When the consciousness from the innate void In the moment of arrival in the real world, the real "I" is formed. We must reorganize this process of composition. Because this is the innate thing. After me and Mei Yi's research, a fertilized egg In the process of growing into a fetus, the moment when the consciousness is formed in an instant, the talent of the child has been determined. And acquired changes, it is difficult to escape the fluctuation value of this talent. Therefore, our real practice is Reframe the process again."

"To use a metaphor, graphite and diamonds are both composed of carbon elements. And the consciousness of each of us is void spiritual energy. If this void spiritual energy is compared to carbon elements, then in the process of combination, some people are Graphite, and a very rare part, turned into diamonds under various chances and coincidences. You are also very clear about the huge difference in value between the two." Mei Yi said: "Zhao Yu, your mother dreamed of you and gave birth to you. , that is, the moment your consciousness condensed, you were interfered by the invisible consciousness of the divine beast like Ji, which changed your consciousness from carbon to diamond. Most people lack this kind of opportunity, so their consciousness is graphite, Not a diamond. And what you're talking about building a house on land, that's an acquired cut of a diamond, you know, a diamond

the value of,

In fact, the cutting process of the day after tomorrow also accounts for a part. Therefore, no matter how stupid a person is, he can achieve good results through acquired practice, but he cannot escape the shackles of the innate, and the new human beings must break the shackles of the innate and rebuild their talents. It is a wrong approach to start from the aspect of consciousness, directly from the aspect of gene editing. There must be a change in consciousness. "

"I understand." Zhao Yu said in horror: "You actually want to break up the karma and reunion, you know, in ancient times, this is something that old people can decide. It's the Heavenly Emperor's imperial pen. Are you the creation of the sky?"

"That's a myth, in theory. People's genes are greatly influenced by the genetic factors of their parents' race. It can be said that parents can determine part of a child's physical talent, but they absolutely cannot determine a child's mental talent. Your talent is determined by heaven, but we humans can replace God and control our own destiny." Mei Yi said: "This is the most important point of the so-called soul editing. It is definitely not an acquired thing. In fact, according to your talent , can become a new human being. Neither Su Jie nor I are as talented as you. Of course, my talent is higher than Su Jie's."

"Yes, my talent is the lowest among the three of us, but my current achievements, at least from the perspective of evolution, I am more successful than both of you. In fact, my example is very inspirational. It can be seen that talent can actually make a breakthrough." After Su Jie became a new human being, he began to analyze his talent through scientific methods, and found that his talent was only stronger than ordinary people, but with Zhang Jinchuan and Tang Yun Signing this kind of genius is simply incomparable.

However, through my acquired efforts, I have caught up with these geniuses, and under a series of research, I have actually analyzed the secret of the reorganization of self-consciousness, becoming a genius even more peerless than a peerless genius.

Because, a person with self-sufficient awareness is more capable, free, and optional than a person with strong talent.

This is like a high-ranking bank president who can control tens of billions of funds, but in fact it is not as good as a small rich man worth tens of millions who can freely allocate his wealth. Of course, this president with tens of billions of dollars in his hand can still do some things with the help of his position, but the danger is extremely high, and he may even be thrown into prison.

"The original meaning of Buddhism is that everyone can become a Buddha, as long as you have a clear mind and see your nature. It seems good. It's just that this process is too difficult and complicated." Zhao Yan passed the scientific analysis of Su Jie and Mei Yi Afterwards, deep in my heart, I understood the practice very well.

"In theory, you understand, but the details of the specific operation are not that simple." Su Jie said: "It's like a tumor growing in a person's head. Everyone knows that in theory, a craniotomy is required. Cutting off the tumor, but the theory is correct, but it is very troublesome to operate in practice, and various conditions of software and hardware are indispensable. The reorganization of consciousness is many times more complicated than the operation of craniotomy to remove the tumor. Although we A theoretical foundation has been established, but if it is really

It is still a few ages behind to help people's consciousness and soul re-edit. "

"It's as if we are Hua Tuo, and we know that we need brain surgery, but the difference between the medical level of the Three Kingdoms era and modern times is the same as the difference between us and the real soul editor." Mei Yi deeply knows that the level between himself and Su Jie , is still far from enough to edit the soul of human beings.

Even, they can't even observe the process of forming consciousness.

Because this cannot be observed through a series of scientific means such as microscopes. Even Su Jie and Mei Yi have not figured out whether consciousness is a particle, a wave, or a wave-particle duality.

"The development of modern medicine among human beings is ultimately inseparable from the study of consciousness and soul. This was originally the field of theology, but it is actually a kind of science. In fact, there are many laboratories for the study of consciousness in modern society. There will be more science in this field, and their research materials and experience have a lot to offer. We just want to gather the best from all schools of thought." Su Jie said: "By the way, Mei Yi, what project are you researching in an official institution? "

"Currently, it is inheriting Tifeng's cytology, research on genetic modification, and various formulations of the water of life medicine, which are still for military use. However, my report on the research on consciousness has been typed up, and the above has not yet been approved. Because the higher-ups still need to be cautious about such things as unique learning." Mei Yi said.

"The above considerations are also reasonable. This kind of research is generally foolish, with slow results, and defrauding a large amount of funds, and it is easy to cause magic sticks to fly all over the sky, because the research on consciousness is indeed easy to cause liars and magic sticks. In the eighth century of last century The qigong craze from the 10s to the 90s caused countless absurd incidents." Su Jie can understand that it is definitely not such an easy task to set up a scientific research project.

What's more, Su Jie himself doesn't have an overall idea about the research on consciousness, and he is still in the initial stage of exploration.

"By the way, Xiaojie is currently researching this aspect by himself. Have you connected with him?" Mei Yi asked: "I can actually connect with it, but recently I have asked for a lot of materials and information from it. Sometimes, it seems to be a little hesitant, and the answers are intermittent, and sometimes it seems to be hiding something."

"I also have this feeling." Su Jie nodded: "But it is not an ordinary artificial intelligence, and it is not uncommon to have its own ideas. I have a hunch that he is actually doing the same thing as us. We are here to train Zhao J, has found a real genius, and hopes to obtain the secrets between consciousness and new human beings from him, it is the same, it also needs more information."

"Really?" Mei Yi said: "Actually, it's becoming more and more out of control. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be a huge hidden danger. This matter is not our specialty. After Ji Fei returns to China, I will do it with him again." Butt. Also, the turmoil in Typhon is getting more and more rejected. I think you should make a plan early to bring your sister back. I can make a report for her and let her join the scientific research team, so that you can ensure Much safer."

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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