Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and fifty-nine, 1 move and 3 moves, referring to the sky and the ground rolling

.. , until the point is reached

Master Omar's eyes are sunken, his eyes are slightly protruding, his neck is thick and leans forward, his back is like a bow, with extremely strong elasticity, his hands and feet are long, but his waist and legs are thick, he looks extremely aggressive.

This kind of appearance, in ancient times, is the kind of extremely warlike fierce general, even if he does not fight for a day, he will feel uncomfortable. Obviously, he is more warlike than his own life. If he does not fight, he will not be comfortable for a day.

The same kind of rice feeds all kinds of people, and there are all kinds of people. Most people hate war and fight. Comfortable, think that life has no passion, and would rather die.

General's wish, shroud in horse leather.

The Master Omar in front of him is this kind of madman.

This kind of madman is also extremely terrifying and powerful. In his genes, he has no fear, nor does he have a kind of reverence for life.

It can be said that this person's genes are different from those of ordinary people. Deep in the genes of ordinary people, there is aversion and fear of war, but he does not.

With Su Jie's current gaze, people are not looking at character, but can see the underlying ideology deep in a person's genes.

"I think this proposal is very good." Master Omar said: "Kid Su Jie, are you interested in competing with me?"

As long as Master Oma is a master, he wants to challenge.

Now that he saw a master like Su Jie, he couldn't help but want to see how powerful he was.

"You are not enough, you three can be defeated by me with one move." Su Jie waved his hand, "Mr. Hong Qing, I asked you to come here, in fact, I want to completely resolve something, the grievances between you and my father In fact, it is not a big deal. Sometimes, I will not let you see my true strength, and you will not give up. You brought these two here today, in fact, you just want to negotiate. But in fact It's of no use."

"Su Jie, you are too arrogant." Zhang Hongqing narrowed his eyes and said.

"This has nothing to do with arrogance." Su Jie said, "That's the fact, you should do it first. If I do it, you probably won't even have a chance to make a move."

"I really want to see if you can really reach the level where even the chief of Typhon can't do anything about it." Although Mazu Yixiu and Su Jie had a good conversation at the beginning, they were all polite words to test each other. Zhenzhang is also not polite.

"What? You don't want to join forces? Then I have to make a move first." Su Jie's body moved, and it seemed that there were three people, and each of them patted the three of them with a palm.

This is because his speed is too fast, his movement is too magical, and in a blink of an eye, he uses three moves with one move, covering all directions, creating a visual illusion.

At this moment, the hairs on Zhang Hongqing's whole body stood on end.

He only felt that everything in front of him disappeared, and Su Jie became extremely tall, like a god, pointing to the sky, supporting the starry sky, and rolling towards him. Apart from this, there were no other gods in the world.

The one and only Lord recreated the universe, opened up the world, tore apart the chaos, and came to the world.

Zhang Hongqing felt that he was very small, facing a great life, a life completely different from himself.

Su Jie's life is very advanced, while Zhang Hongqing's own life is very humble, they are not at the same life level.

In front of this kind of power, Zhang Hongqing was naturally unstoppable.

He gathered all his strength and punched Su Jie suddenly, trying to resist Su Jie's attack, but Su Jie's attack was like the general trend of the world, rolling in, under the tide, any act of resistance It's the mantis arm blocking the car.

Zhang Hongqing really felt that he was a praying mantis, waving his arms, resisting the fast-moving carriage.

So, he flew out.

Su Jie counterattacked the punching technique of the whole person, and the power bounced back to himself.


Zhang Hongqing slammed into the wall so hard that he became dizzy.

However, before he could wake up, he saw the same two shadows hit the wall next to him, just like him.

These two people were also blown away, it was Mazu Yixiu and Master Oma.

Su Jie made three moves with one move, attacking the three of them at the same time. Although the three of them were on strict precautions, everyone felt exactly the same as Zhang Hongqing. When Su Jie attacked, he saw the only true god descending into the world. This is a dimensionality reduction blow of life, which cannot be stopped at all.

Master Oma was helpless, and Matsu Yixiu was also helpless.

Su Jie withdrew his hand and still stayed where he was, as if he hadn't moved, while Zhang Hongqing and the others were already lying under the wall. For a moment, their muscles were numb and they couldn't move.

Both Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting almost opened their mouths.

They finally saw clearly what Su Jie did just now. With a step, his body swayed, the front, left and right directions flickered, and he attacked at the same time, like a screen fan, attacking forward.

This move is actually very simple, it is the "left and right bow" in traditional martial arts, very common, but in Su Jie's hands, it is absolutely invincible in the world.

In fact, the moves don't need to be so delicate. Feng Hengyi himself used straight punches, even uppercuts, and swinging punches.

Su Jie's one move and three moves to defeat the three of them was purely speed and strength, as well as the crushing of mental momentum, without the slightest opportunism.

After Su Jie finished beating, he sat down, and it took half a minute for Zhang Hongqing to get up. He couldn't believe his failure.

"Master Omar, what do you think of my kung fu?" Su Jie asked with a smile.

"Is there really such a miraculous power in the world?" Master Omar shook his neck at this time, and he came to his senses. Repair is also unique.

In an instant, he accepted this reality.

Moreover, between Su Jie's blow just now, the aura and spiritual oppression that pointed to the sky and the ground, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, were deeply engraved in his spiritual world, so that he already knew Su Jie's realm and life level.

In terms of life level, Su Jie is one level higher than him.

The two are in a different dimension of life.

He sort of understood why Su Jie was so arrogant. It wasn't arrogance at all, but self-confidence at the level of life.

Strictly speaking, Su Jie and him are not the same kind of life anymore.

Here, the evolution of life begins to fork.

As Su Jie said, during the long evolution, part of the marine life went to land, and started a higher level of exploration and evolution.

Su Jie was the first of these creatures, and Master Oma felt that he was still in place.

Matsu Yixiu was thinking about something, he moved his body, reminiscing about the moment he was defeated.

"I have to admit that you do have the qualifications to confront the big boss, and you are no longer a human being. Su Shilin was able to give birth to such a son. Why don't I have such offspring? Is it really luck? I, Zhang Hongqing Have you never done anything good in your life? No, Su Shilin himself has never done anything good." Zhang Hongqing understood that with Su Jie around, it was impossible for him to avenge Su Shilin.

From now on, this grievance can only be completely put down.

"This has nothing to do with luck." Su Jie said: "The number of luck itself is a chaotic relationship with no conclusions, and there is no certain logic. It can't be fully understood by dividing good and evil. In fact, your descendants also Excellent, for example, Zhang Manman is also your daughter, isn't she a high achiever now? Isn't she filial? Can't she revitalize the Zhang family? Mr. Zhang Nianquan sees it more clearly than you."

"Dad, what Su Jie talked to you about today is cooperation." Zhang Manman said: "Actually, sooner or later, he and the big boss will have a real battle. After the battle, no matter whether he wins or loses, Typhon will collapse. At that time , It is necessary to make Typhon disintegrate stably, so that all kinds of technologies, technologies, and even wealth of Typhon flow to the country. This is a key layout, and you must cooperate. Do as many things as possible.”

"So you have this idea." Zhang Hongqing was shocked: "What if you lose?"

"I lost, of course I died, but the big leader Typhon will definitely be seriously injured, not much better. When he is seriously injured, he will definitely not be able to suppress the situation. Typhon will fall apart and careerists will rise. That is a normal thing. Under this situation, how to transfer wealth technology to China, I have to make arrangements for the aftermath." Su Jie is young, but he has already begun to plot behind him.

What the leader of Typhon is going to do is actually a major blow to human society, and may even change the world pattern. Under such a big turmoil, many people will die.

Su Jie didn't want this kind of thing to happen, because the changes in the world pattern really caused war, so even with his strength, it would be difficult to really guarantee the safety of himself and his family and friends.

After all, he is not a real god, nor does he have a body that can withstand hot weapons. If he is a body of flesh and blood, he will be reduced to ashes just like ordinary people when he is shot down.

He knew many of Typhon's secrets, and he naturally knew how destructive Typhon's technologies would be if they fell into the hands of the hero.

He can't stop this kind of destructive power, he can only plan a layout in advance, and he can safely absorb the collapsed Typhon.

Typhon Group is too big and too ahead of its time.

"Does Mr. Honey Badger support your idea?" Zhang Hongqing asked.

He knew that Mr. Honey Badger was an American, even a cowboy born in the west, so he had a very strong racist color in his bones.

If Su Jie wanted to transport all of Tifeng's technology and resources back to the country, Mr. Honey Badger might not allow it. Although the two are cooperating, everyone has their own principles when it comes to such a major event.

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