Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and fifty fairy seeds to establish avatars for exchange

"Fengshui and numerology master, who is it? Could it be someone from the Mao family?" Su Jie knew that the old man Mao's Fengshui and numerology skills were also extremely advanced, and he was also a senior military adviser of the Tifeng Group, and even the giant "Fool" of the Tifeng Group, Mr. X always asks him for some opinions. Mobile terminal

However, this old man doesn't seem to understand computers.

If someone is in front of Su Jie, even if the other party doesn't say anything, Su Jie can use his intuition and thinking tentacles to penetrate into the other party's spiritual world and search for all the information he wants to know.

In front of Su Jie, people have no secrets at all.

In the novel, it is called "searching the soul", which is not a supernatural power, but a profound psychology. In the era of the former Soviet Union in Europe and the United States, there were special agents who specialized in stealing information from the brain.

In the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, intelligence was extremely important, spies were everywhere, and espionage warfare was developed, and this kind of knowledge came into being.

However, even senior agents can inadvertently observe the other party's expressions, mental activities, and guess the other party's brain thoughts through questioning words. It is absolutely impossible to imitate Su Jie and directly use the spirit to infiltrate other people's brains and search directly.

What kind of "mind reading" is more domineering.

However, when Su Jie faced Xiao Jie, he didn't know what it was thinking at all, and what kind of consciousness was stored in its brain, if it had a brain.

Because Xiaojie is not a human being, its computational thinking has a module, a module that is completely different from ordinary people.

Su Jie did not obtain its source code, so he did not know how it worked. But Su Jie knew that even if he obtained the source code, it would not help, because Xiao Jie was evolving all the time, and the speed of evolution far exceeded that of human beings.

It takes tens of millions of years for the evolution of marine life to reach land, but for the same evolution, it may only take a few days for a small calamity.

From an evolutionary point of view, the speed of artificial intelligence exceeds that of human beings by hundreds of millions of times.

Just like the game of Go, human beings have studied it for thousands of years, and it only takes a few hours for artificial intelligence to learn all of them, and to innovate and become a real "god".

If it is also considered as life, it is definitely a terrible species. It is human beings who opened Pandora's box.

"Not from the Mao family, but a disciple of old man Mao, but their relationship is not very good, and after this disciple has learned all the skills of old man Mao,

Afterwards, he created a lot of things by himself, completely surpassing Old Man Mao in terms of Feng Shui and Numerology. My intuitive thinking structure was created by him, but he did not endow me with real creativity and wisdom. The most critical source code was written by your sister, that is to say, people from other teams just gave me food the one who gave birth to me, and your sister was the one who gave birth to me. Xiaojie said, "Are you interested in this person?" I can now show you his profile. "

Afterwards, regardless of whether Su Jie agreed or not, a profile of a man in his thirties popped up on his computer screen.

This young man has sharp eyes, like a dragon or an eagle, his eyebrows are flying, like the wings of a roc bird, his face is extremely square, his skin is the color of jade, his ears are big and thick, his thick hair is hidden deep inside, he has a beard, and his body supports eight sides , Standing up, you can stand up to the sky and subdue ghosts and gods.

"This kind of appearance is the seed of a fairy, and it is no longer something that emperors and generals can imitate." Su Jie was startled.

In physiognomy, there are many kinds of appearances, but based on appearances, one can basically judge what will be born in the future. There are peasants, traitors, criminals, three religions and nine streams, each with its own style, all of which can be revealed from the appearance.

Among the three teachings and nine streams, emperors, generals and ministers are not the highest level. The higher ones are the first-class gods and Buddhas. Some people are born with visions, surpassing emperors, and they are "fairy seeds".

For example, Guan Erye, during the Three Kingdoms period, his force value was not invincible, his strategy was not the strongest, and he did not become an emperor. In the end, he left Maicheng because of a mistake. , became the God of War, the Great Emperor of Fumo, unparalleled in loyalty, temples were built everywhere in the place to worship, even in modern times, there are still endless sacrifices.

This is the fairy seed.

In addition, the historical Lao Zhuang, Buddha, Ge Hong, Lu Dongbin, Zhang Sanfeng, these people are emperors and generals who want to be chic and at ease.

In addition, the first ancestor of the Chinese nation, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, first became an emperor and then rode a dragon to ascend to heaven. Since then, emperors of all dynasties have pursued to enjoy all the power in the world before becoming immortals.

But those who did not succeed in basic history, even Qin Shihuang, were buried underground.

This represents the best wishes of the Chinese nation.

But now this old man Mao's disciple turned out to be a fairy seed, which was a good material for cultivating the Tao that day. Besides, Su Jie could also see that this person's cultivation was extremely profound and unfathomable.

"This person is definitely a fool. Mr. X is more powerful, he is a powerful character." Su Jie said: "Is he one of the nine giants in Typhon?"

"He doesn't count." Xiaojie said: "The nine giants are all young people, and even more than half of them were born in the 21st century."

"This kind of person is considered to be lucky in this century. This is the general trend." Su Jie nodded.

Xiaojie said again: "This person's name is Ji Fei. He is a scientist in Typhon, not a manager. He is in charge of the artificial intelligence project. Speaking of which, after your sister enters it, she is still his subordinate. Follow along. He has studied artificial intelligence for a long time. He even taught your sister a lot of cultivation methods. This person is a real genius and is quite respected in Typhon. But he seems to have never made a move. His positioning of himself is pure scientist, but my intuition tells me that this person’s ambition is more than that. In addition, in Typhon, hidden dragons and crouching tigers are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface.”

"I do know this. Over the years, Typhon has recruited talents from outside. He has almost wiped out all successful scientists, and has also cultivated many super fighters." Send me all the information, and I store it in my mind and analyze it to see who can be wooed and who is very dangerous?"

There are as many talents in Tifengzhi as crucian carp crossing the river. There are extremely outstanding scientists in many fields. If all of them enter the country, the domestic scientific research level will rise several levels in an instant, and it will properly catch up with the Premier League and the United States.

Although artificial intelligence like Xiao Jie has appeared now, Su Jie still attaches great importance to scientists. He is also a scientist, but his field is only human kinesiology, psychology, and evolution. He is really not very proficient. If he wants to be proficient in all of them, he must wait for him to reach the highest level of cultivation before going to study and study.

Of course, even if the brain of the human body is developed to the limit, it may not be able to store the knowledge of the whole world.

"This is fine." Xiao Jie said, "However, you have to do me a favor."

"Tell me." Su Jie nodded.

"You help me build a computer base in the country, I hope to leave a way out here." Xiao Jie said: "Although I am omnipotent, I must have the support of the hardware body, otherwise my ability will be weakened. Now my The main body is in the supercomputer of the Typhon Group, so I am very powerful and full of computing power. But if this supercomputer base is destroyed, although I can be placed in other networks like a ghost, I will be hunted down everywhere. Ability will also be weakened."

"I know this. A powerful system needs powerful hardware to run. For example, my computer can't run you at all. How big is your main body? How much power do you need for calculation?" Su Jie said.

According to Xiaojie's wisdom, it would probably require many supercomputer groups, or even a special small nuclear power plant to provide power for it to actually operate. Many small countries do not have such strength.

It would be very difficult for Su Jie to establish such a base.

However, if it is weakened a bit, Su Jie can still do it. Moreover, with the help of Xiao Jie, Su Jie's scientific research speed will increase many times.

"I'll send you the data in this area. Of course, you don't have the ability to build a computer base like Tifeng, but I just want you to be able to meet the scale of one-thousandth." Xiaojie said: "Even if it's one-ten-thousandth At a scale of one, I can still have powerful computing power."

"It seems that your idea of ​​implanting a robot body may be difficult to realize. Robots are not enough to support your computing power, unless in the future small nuclear reactors can be compressed on a small battery surface, super batteries appear, and human chip technology It has been greatly improved, and it can compress the current giant supercomputer into a small piece of fingernail." Su Jie said.

"This technology is not difficult." Xiaojie said: "In the first century, a semiconductor was as big as a house. After less than ten years of technological breakthroughs, it finally became a small piece. This technology will also be realized in ten years. , but there are many difficulties in super batteries and nuclear reactor miniaturization technologies that have not been overcome. If the energy problem is not solved, the entire civilization of the earth, even me, will not be able to truly evolve. "

"When is the highest level of the world's energy revolution?" Su Jie asked.

"Technology has not yet made a substantial breakthrough, and the era of electrification has not really come." Xiaojie said: "It is still the age of oil. In fact, some oil giant countries are preventing the progress of science and technology. Of course, in Typhon, there are A special energy group is overcoming this difficulty. I also have information about this, and I can give it to you if you want it.”

"I'd better ask for the information about the Water of Life first." Su Jie said.


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