Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 349 Jumping out of the era and not believing in miracles

Chapter 349 Jumping out of the times and not believing in miracles

"Mr. Su Jie, what conditions do you need? As long as you sell your information to me, I can agree to many of your conditions." Fei Li was tempted almost instantly.

With Su Jie's example, even more training methods can be researched.

"We can cooperate." Su Jie said: "For specific things, we can discuss a cooperation plan. Before that, I want to know the strength of the fund behind you."

"Of course, I will send you the background and information of our fund." Fei Li sent an email to Su Jie, which contained the detailed information of their entire company.

Su Jie looked at it for a while, and sent it to Qin Hui, asking him to contact the people on Larich's side, and use their business data to study the details and strength of the fund.

Qin Hui's efficiency was really fast, and he sent a research email half an hour later.

"Boss, this fund is extremely powerful. It is a life science fund established by many international rich men. Of course, there are also some secret international black money institutions. In order to launder money, they also injected it into this fund. This fund He has invested in many projects, among which the life science project is the most important..." In the email, Qin Hui made a detailed research, and he also had a clear understanding of many commercial secrets.

"Larich's big data collection is indeed very powerful, possibly second to none in the world. After all, everyone is using his mobile phone system, and any secrets in the mobile phone cannot escape his monitoring." Su Jie knows that no matter whether it is Liu Both Shi and Xia Shang are building a big data business analysis system. Through various data, they can analyze the secrets of all companies and summarize them. In this way, they can know themselves and their enemies, and have a huge advantage in business investment.

But their data is still relatively strong in China, but weak in foreign countries.

But Larich's is different, covering all the world, even if it is some dark web, he can grab the data in it.

Now what Su Jie is borrowing is the data from the periphery of Larich, the real core secret, Su Jie has no way of accessing it.

Even Su Jie knew that Larich knew the secrets of the data in the government armies of many countries. This is the most core thing and must not be leaked. As for the analysis of some commercial companies, it doesn't matter.

Of course, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to get the information that Su Jie can obtain. If Larich hadn't thought that Su Jie had too much research value, he would not have responded to his requests.

Longevity is what Larici wants above all.

For a person like him, there is only this pursuit.

The same is true for the emperors of all dynasties. They have the country, power, and infinite wealth. Only longevity can be attractive, and they have greater desires than ordinary people.

Similarly, many wealthy people who invest in this fund also want to obtain the same chance of longevity.

Su Jie saw that one of the largest shareholders was a rich man in India.

The name of the fund is called "Dracula".

Dracula in western legends is a cursed immortal vampire.

I don't know why, but the boss behind this fund named it after this name. Could it be that they are pursuing immortality, even if they become a vampire?

But according to the information above, Su Jie could see that the fund spent money to develop many new drugs. It is said that there are new drugs that can resist aging and increase cell activity for more than ten years. Some rich people have already injected them, and the effect is not bad. They look like they are in their fifties in their seventies, and their energy, thinking, and even physical functions are similar to those in their fifties.

For new drug research, Su Jie doesn't have much involvement, because his current research is still centered on himself, how to make breakthroughs in psychology and sports.

In short, he studies evolution through self-cultivation.

It's not that he doesn't want to study drugs, but that researching drugs requires a huge amount of money, a large number of scientific research teams and expensive equipment.

These are things he doesn't have.

However, the study of psychology, kinematics, and environmental studies does not require a lot of equipment, and he can deepen his research by himself.

During the confrontation and conversation with Feili and Qichuan Mitsuki, Su Jie felt that Feili's research on kung fu was not very deep, and what he did most was fighting, which was the way of the major training camps, and what he practiced was Fengheng. Yi Luzi, but his spiritual perception training is not Feng Hengyi's method of removing humanity and preserving divinity.

Feili's spiritual perception training is to believe in a powerful existence, keep it in his heart all the time, and imprint everything about that powerful existence deep in his brain.

That powerful existence does not actually exist, but is imagined, but using this as a criterion, gradually training, meditating, and entering a spiritual state can also achieve great achievements.

In fact, many religions also have such ascetics.

This training method really works.

For example, the practice of Taoism is actually the same. The Tao they believe in also imitates its ecstasy, selflessness, and mystery.

In the Tao Te Ching, the opening chapter talks about how to preach. Then we talk about morality. The so-called virtue is to make people imitate the Tao. If people have the same mentality as the Tao, then they can obtain the true meaning of morality.

It is actually a scientific attitude to assume a perfect existence first, and then to keep learning, to believe, to believe that this perfect existence is true, and to pursue it forever.

Su Jie has also done detailed research on this.

This method of exercising the spirit can actually quickly put into the state, activate the organization of the cerebral cortex, and make people stay in a state of faith forever, which can stimulate great potential.

With this kind of training method, coupled with a lot of actual combat, he has a superhuman seventh sense.

And Qi Chuan Mitsuki is another way, it is the training method of Japanese Bushido, first let yourself hone your tough character in all kinds of pain, and then assist the Confucian Zen method.

From Qi Chuan Mitsuki's body, Su Jie could see the shadow of an ancient Japanese warrior.

Although Qi Chuan Mitsuki himself said that his practice is based on Shurangama, in fact, the core of his heart is the naked conquest of Bushido, loyalty, sacrifice, cruelty and so on.

To be loyal to and conquer the lord, you can sacrifice your life, you can be cruel to others, and you can even be cruel to yourself.

Although Mitsuki Qichuan and Xianghua Omoto are both top Japanese martial artists and masters of martial arts. But their styles are very different.

Qichuan Mitsuki is more like the spiritual successor of Bushido before Japan's defeat, with the spirit of an ancient warrior. And Daben Xianghua is a new martial artist after the defeat. He began to reflect, to truly innovate, or to try another kind of rise.

Su Jie now looks at people, not only by their appearance and inner spirit, but also by the imprint of which era their life belongs to. A person's whole life, no matter how powerful a great man is, only belongs to a certain era.

Times and heroes are inseparable, the so-called times make heroes.

The practice method that Su Jie is comprehending now is to integrate into each era and integrate the marks of all ages into one body, and finally make his spiritual will break out of the shackles of the era, stand on the long river of history, and understand the true meaning of life.

Everyone is engulfed by the torrent of the times, and can only be ups and downs in this mighty torrent.

Even Su Jie is the same now. His mental state of mind still hasn’t skipped this era. The current era is an era of informationization, intelligence, and automation. It can be said that science is developing like never before, and it is changing with each passing day. Many impossible things are gradually changing became a possibility.

In this era, Su Jie still believes in science deep in his soul, and believes that everything must be explained with the logic of science.

Including psychological meditation, what secretion will the brain produce, and what changes will occur in the body structure over a long period of time, these must be supported by a large amount of data, otherwise it will not be true.

Su Jie doesn't believe in miracles. What he believes in is that any achievement must be based on strict logical arguments and case studies, otherwise it will be a castle in the air.

He doesn't believe in any supernatural powers.

Without the support of science, miracles will not happen. The occurrence of any miracle may seem like a miracle to outsiders, but in fact, after analysis, it has its own unique logic in it.

Suddenly, Su Jie seemed to understand the difference between himself and Ou Deli.

Odley believes in miracles and supernatural power. He believes that there are some great phenomena in the world that do not need to be proved by scientific logic, so he is looking for them hard.

But Su Jie didn't believe it.

This is the core difference between the two.

So Su Jie has never been lucky along the way.

It can be said that Su Jie has never spent so much time on research than any kung fu master. He learned Kung Fu for scientific research and regarded himself as an experimental product.

"Mr. Su Jie, what are you thinking?" Fei Li thought that Su Jie was thinking about business cooperation with him, but he didn't expect that Su Jie learned a lot from the two of them, which made his own Again there was a subtle and subtle shift in mentality.

"We have come up with a rough plan for our cooperation." Su Jie said: "In the next few days, I will give you a plan."

Su Jie knew that it would be beneficial to cooperate with the "Dracula Foundation" behind Feili.

Although the other party has many shady things behind the scenes, on the surface it is an upright investment fund that complies with the laws of the Western world. The cooperation between Su Jie and him is on the bright side, and there will never be any private illegal involvement. .

"That's great." Feili came to Minglun Martial Arts Academy, in fact, to find someone worth investing in. The benefactor behind him is not short of money, but his life. If there is a chance to prolong life, these funders will throw money like crazy. There is a miracle in Su Jie's body. After these data and information are given to the funders behind, they will definitely increase a lot of money for investment research. There are many benefits to be gained.

So in his heart now, he has regarded Su Jie as a treasure.

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