Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 173: Finally Breakthrough, Life and Death Line 1 Great Light


Su Jie's hoeing move unexpectedly landed on Feng Hengyi's fist.

The two fought, Feng Hengyi used a straight punch, and Su Jie used a parabolic strike. According to the logic, it should be Feng Hengyi who hit Su Jie first.

But it happened that Su Jie slashed onto his fist.

This seems to be unreasonable, but it is in line with the real law of the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Split and collapse, gold overcomes wood.

Among the ancient traditional martial arts, there is a set of five-element boxing, which are split, collapse, drill, gun and horizontal, corresponding to gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Among them, chop overcomes collapse, collapse overcomes horizontal, horizontal overcomes drill, drill overcomes cannon, and cannon overcomes split.

That is, metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal.

Su Jie's shovel head strikes from top to bottom, like a knife cutting down, like a hoe digging down, it has a metallic nature, which just restrains Feng Hengyi's straight fist.

In fact, this is also very common in ancient battlefields when fighting with spears and sticks. When the opponent stabs with a spear, I use the spear to knock down the opponent's spear and directly assassinate.

The same goes for the stick method.

Yu Dayou explained the stick method in the real combat secret book "Jian Jing", "one hit and one uncovered, all over the body, advance step by step, and be invincible in the world."

That is to say, the real martial arts in actual combat is only "one hit, one uncover". The so-called hit is to use one's own weapon to smash down the opponent's weapon, and the so-called uncover is to lift and hit other people's weapon from the bottom up. Like taking off the lid of a pot, like turning the pages of a book.

This is the essence of "hoeing head".

With this move of "hoeing the head", the first move is to uncover, and the lower hand is to hit.

One hit and one uncovered, the world is invincible.

In ancient times, Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang fought against the Japanese and trained soldiers. He was a real combat faction, not those martial arts masters who relied on bragging later.

During this blow, Su Jie seemed to be about to punch Feng Hengyi's face, but in fact he was sure he was going to punch, and this fist would hit his fist from top to bottom, hoping to be able to He knocked out the opponent's hand in one fell swoop and lost the battle.

But his slap hit Feng Hengyi's fist, but the moment he struck, Feng Hengyi's fist spun violently like a high-speed spiral drill bit, and unexpectedly dispelled all of Su Jie's power.


Feng Hengyi punched again.

Fist drilled in, shaking, making a buzzing sound, like a steel drill bit hitting a hard rock. If it drilled into a person's body, there might be a blood hole.

Su Jie originally thought that his plan was successful and he hit Feng Hengyi's fist, but he didn't expect that just after the strike, the opponent shook the spiral, instantly dispelled it, and took advantage of the opportunity to get his fist in, reaching his chest.

The hairs all over his body stood on end.

Feng Hengyi's move is a bit similar to Huang Dingyi's unique technique "Black Tiger Pulling Out His Heart", but it is incredibly powerful, with both penetrating power and explosive power far exceeding the former.

When he punched, his fingers seemed to spread and penetrate into Su Jie's chest, really digging out his heart.


Su Jie's feet exploded, and he pushed his "magic steps" to the limit, barely avoiding the blow.

"Huh?" Feng Hengyi saw that Su Jie dodged his attacks again and again, and even took the initiative to attack, hitting his fist, which made him even more murderous.

At the same time, it also made him realize that Su Jie was no longer the person he could instantly kill at will last year.

It's only been over a year, and the changes are so huge?

Then after another year, will he be unable to kill him?


This word appeared in Feng Hengyi's mind.

He fisted again.

It was very natural, without any sound of wind, but it was much faster than the original boxing method. He seemed to use some kind of movement method to completely offset the resistance of the air, making the speed faster.

Su Jie had just escaped the punch of "Heihu Punching Out His Heart", when Feng Hengyi's fist hit his chest again.

Fists are like arrows, drills, spears, and bullets.

Feng Hengyi's kung fu is very simple, it only has straight punches, no kicks, no swings, not even uppercuts, it's simpler than the trick of "hoeing the head".

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest.

This is Feng Hengyi's kung fu, straight fist.

This is the real no fancy tricks.

Su Jie watched helplessly as the fist reached his chest again, unable to dodge at all.

Feng Hengyi's power is too oppressive, his speed is too fast, his punches kill him, his punches straight line, his soul kills him, he chases people to the ends of the earth in one go.

Even if Su Jie's magic moves are exquisite, he still can't get rid of Feng Hengyi.

"it's over!"

Whether it is Liu Long or Zhang Jinchuan, they all have the same feeling in their hearts.

Su Jie was already unable to dodge, so he was bound to lose.

The two fought, Feng Hengyi punched three times in a row and was dodged by Su Jie, and then Su Jie rushed forward, Feng Hengyi punched in the air, and the fists collided, Su Jie was completely at a disadvantage.

The power of the "shoveling head" was dispelled by the shaking and spiral boxing. In the eyes of the master, Su Jie was already doomed to lose.

Moreover, it is very likely to die.

So far, Feng Hengyi has thrown six punches in total.

The first three punches were dodged by Su Jie, the fourth punch broke the "hoe head", and the fifth punch "Black Tiger's Heart" was dodged by Su Jie again. But with the sixth punch, he exploded completely, a sure blow.

Zhang Jinchuan closed his eyes.

He knew that if he was in the ring, he might not get six punches, and he might die with the first three punches.


The ring resounded.

Zhang Jinchuan opened his eyes again, and found that the phenomenon of Su Jie being knocked down did not appear, but at the very moment, he raised his hand again to block Feng Hengyi's straight punch.

This raising of the hand made an extremely loud sound, like a firecracker exploding, with the faint sound of thunder.

Zhang Jinchuan didn't see clearly how Su Jie blocked it.

But Liu Long saw it clearly.

He stood up abruptly from his chair.

Because he found out that Su Jie had actually displayed his unique skill "Grip method".

Just now, Feng Hengyi punched a sure-fire punch, but Su Jie clenched his palm on his chest, the air flow was squeezed out, and there was a roaring sound. That's right, it's Liu Long's unique skill.

Su Jie learned it completely after reading it once!


Feng Hengyi backed away again.

His eyes were like eagles and snakes, staring at Su Jie, and did not attack again.

The two attacks, a total of six punches, failed to kill Su Jie, which surprised him. Of course, he had completely controlled the audience and grasped the situation, but after all, he couldn't take it down quickly.

In his eyes, Su Jie was like a cockroach that couldn't be killed.

Su Jie also froze at this moment and stopped moving. His whole body was numb, and his strength had weakened a lot. Although he just blocked Feng Hengyi's punch with Liu Long's unique move, it was absolutely uncomfortable.

If Feng Hengyi punches again at this time, Su Jie is guaranteed to die.

However, Feng Hengyi retreated from the adjustment state, which made Su Jie a little puzzled.

The other party definitely didn't let himself go because of some conscience discovery.

"That's right, if Feng Hengyi punches me again, it can kill me, but it may also cause damage due to my reckless counterattack. He passed a precise calculation in an instant and felt that it was not worthwhile. He wanted nothing. The cost of killing me. Maybe this is where my chance lies...."

Su Jie's mind also turned quickly, with a flash of inspiration, guessing the truth.

Between guesses, his chest rose and fell, and the relaxation and tension of his whole body changed with each other. He used the dragon and tiger breathing in hard qigong to quickly recover the overdrawn physical strength and numbness of his body.

At this time, the advantages of youth appeared. After a few breaths, he fully recovered and could fight again.

During these few breaths, Feng Hengyi took two steps left and right, measuring something.

Su Jie knew that he was measuring the precise location of the blow, making a plan, and wanted to kill himself without any cost.

Now he is not a chick who can be crushed to death at will. If Feng Hengyi wants to kill himself without being injured, I am afraid it will really take some effort.


Just after the two-step measurement, Feng Hengyi suddenly looked over with both eyes, and Su Jie seemed to feel that there seemed to be an electric current in the depths of his pupils.

Moreover, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Hengyi's mouth.

This is a show of confidence.

He has already fully estimated Su Jie's strength, movement, speed, strength, and discipline.

Su Jie's heart suddenly rose, and that feeling of fear came to his heart again.

He had a feeling that in the previous six punches, Feng Hengyi had completed the collection of his own data.

In the two-step measurement just now, Feng Hengyi has integrated all the data, including site factors, just like a supercomputer performs billions of operations per second.

He had obviously calculated a plan and made a countermeasure, which allowed him to kill himself without any cost.

"It's terrible, it's terrible..." Su Jie seemed to have seen his own death.

But he will never admit defeat!

"If that's the case, then die." Su Jie's eyes seemed to have been closed, and there seemed to be a gap left, and the whole world became flattened under his senses.

This kind of mental state was unprecedented for Su Jie.

There was no sound.

Feng Hengyi's ultimate move has arrived, and it is like the shadow of death, quietly covering it.

Still a straight punch.

Su Jie dodged his body and raised his hand at the same time, accurately blocking Feng Hengyi's fist.

But Feng Hengyi suddenly changed again, his fist shook like a snake's head, circled around, and hit the side like a hammer.

Before the fist arrived, my ears were buzzing.

This kind of boxing is already natural, there is a curve in the straight, and there is a straight in the curve, neither straight nor straight, neither straight nor curved.

Su Jie couldn't stop him anymore, he only saw fists all over the sky, but he could no longer see Feng Hengyi's body.

Feng Hengyi showed his true skills, blocked all his routes, and set up a net, so that there was no chance for Su Jie to die together.

Because under this kind of attack, Feng Hengyi made up for all the loopholes.

Kill Su Jie at no cost!

This was the last second of Su Jie's life.

Time seemed to stop infinitely.

The little "will" left in Su Jie's heart was completely wiped out.

He was like a person who jumped from dozens of stories of buildings, and died in mid-air, not by falling to death at all.

He also felt that he was not dead, and it was unprecedentedly clear, just like a person who suddenly recalled all the things he had experienced in his life one second before he died, all of which were vividly remembered, even the long-forgotten experience of infancy. are activated from deep within the cerebral cortex.

A moment is a lifetime.

It's a strange state of mind, but it does exist.

But Su Jie caught it.

His heart shines brightly.

Because this is the realm of the "living dead".

Finally broke through!

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