Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 136: One Year's Change: Reaching the Peak and Making the Ultimate Transformation

Su Jie spent this month completely alone.

When he ran out of food and water, he went back to the small courtyard to get them without saying a word to anyone.

In the small courtyard, he had already prepared a large amount of nutrient water and high-grade military cans for hermitage in the mountains.

In the mountains, he went back to the small courtyard every seven days to cut his own hair, shave himself, take a bath by himself, and really lived a peaceful and comfortable life. Throughout June, he didn't turn on his cell phone or computer, and didn't communicate with others, just like a Zen monk practicing "closed mouth meditation".

This is to train your heart to be more pure and prevent impurities from entering.

Eat, drink, and sleep in the mountains, listen to the wind blowing through the woods, listen to the chirping of birds, beasts and insects, watch the sunrise and sunset, and watch the sea of ​​clouds rise and fall.

Sometimes Su Jie screamed, sometimes ran naked, sometimes sang, and sometimes danced, as if he had found the Zen spirit of the hermit and madman roaring in the mountains and forests.

Practicing "Thirteen Taibao's horizontal exercise of golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt, dragon and tiger diamond hard Qigong" every day, Su Jie felt that his body was getting softer and softer, as if the hard shell was kneaded into a dough that deformed randomly. But in his bones, a kind of will is getting harder and harder.


Once, he punched a big tree at will without any force, and the trunk was split open.

This level of cultivation, in the eyes of outsiders, is very lonely, but he is getting more and more comfortable and can continue for a long time.

On this day, Su Jie was facing the sunrise. He shouted again, but the feeling was different. He felt that his soul was connected with the sun through the shout. Every time he called, it seemed that some kind of channel was established. In the passageway, there seems to be some kind of heat flowing into his body in the rising sun, exercising his body like a furnace, completely refining the impurities in the bone marrow of consciousness, and then flowing in a cycle.

Su Jie seemed to feel that from the inside to the outside, everything was the gilded color of the sun.

The blood, bones, and soft tissues in the body also became gold.

Of course, this is just his illusion, a state of mind.

Gold represents immortality and is a moral.

In ancient cultivation, the golden elixir and the golden body all represent a kind of psychological suggestion.

Just like some people,

I always feel that I am sick, and I don’t even believe the doctor when I am not sick. He insisted that his psychological suggestion was correct, and now Su Jie felt that he had turned into gold inside and out. Although his body was still flesh and blood, he knew that his feeling was due to his increased physical fitness.

Whether it's strength, toughness, visceral vigor, or the strength of the brain, they have reached a new level after this month's training.

Just like a certain athlete, he can only lift 300 kilograms, but after a long period of training, suddenly one day, he can actually lift 400 kilograms. That's growth by leaps and bounds.

In the novel, it is the improvement of a certain realm.

"Horizontal Kung Fu practice is great again." Su Jie knew very well in his heart that he had become more and more sensitive to the control of the inside and outside of his body, especially where the joints and bones connect with each other, as well as some visceral peristalsis, as long as he calmed down, He seems to be able to form an image in his brain, where there is a slight discomfort, he can immediately adjust it so that he can be in the process of being happy and comfortable all the time.

Especially the external muscles, he can already control them freely.

Even the accumulation of lactic acid and slight damage to soft tissue, he can sense it immediately.

In other words, he can precisely protect himself from any harm during a fight.

Jumping in the mountains and forests, his jumping ability and balance are greatly improved, and sometimes he also learns from the ape Tarzan to climb on trees, jumping from one tree to another, although it is still impossible to be as agile as a monkey , but it can definitely surprise ordinary people.

What's more, regardless of the danger, he looked at the edge of the cliff, exercised, and didn't have the slightest fear deep in his heart.

Just like those extreme challenge athletes, running and jumping on the roof of dozens of floors, doing various parkour moves, ordinary people feel their scalps tingling from watching the video, but the participants are very excited.

But Su Jie didn't feel excited.

He is just a piece of calm, doing sports on the edge of a cliff, there is no difference in terms of peace.

Actually it is.

The peaceful place on the edge of the cliff is only a psychological deterrent to people. If this psychological deterrent is eliminated, one should still run and jump without affecting any balance.

Those who are excited about doing extreme sports have not actually eliminated their psychological barriers, and they can still feel the excitement of the cliff.

But Su Jie treats the cliff as a flat ground, and treats the flat ground as a cliff, and he can do whatever he wants deep in his heart. This kind of calm state of mind can make people not be affected by any emotional fluctuations when they encounter danger. judge and think.

Su Jie also thought of driving on the highway, such as a sudden tire blowout, the most correct response is to walk straight, don't turn the steering wheel, then apply the brakes slowly, reduce the speed, and finally stop.

But almost ninety-nine percent of people will lose their composure in a sudden situation, swipe the steering wheel indiscriminately, and cause car crashes and deaths.

These are all affected by the external environment and the thinking of the brain is moved by external objects.

Su Jie also understood this truth before, and he also thought that he could not be moved by external objects, but he went to a war-torn place and found that he was still not enough. Now after a month of calm thinking alone, he finally digested the experience of the Land of War and made it his own.

Mental quality and physical quality have obviously improved to a higher level.

"It's been a year."

Standing on the edge of a cliff, watching the rising sun.

Su Jie slowly finished work.

It is now July 1st.

At this time last year, he came to Minglun Martial Arts School to study, joined Gu Yang's training class, and came into contact with what is kung fu and what is the deepest cultivation.

It's been a whole year now.

Many things happened this year, which made him grow up.

This is also a crucial year for him from a teenager to a young man.

He packed up his things, let out a last cry, left the mountain, returned to the small courtyard, took a bath, changed clothes, washed and dried the clothes.

After finishing everything, he turned on the phone, and there were all kinds of information in it.

There were messages from Huaxing, from my parents, from my parents, from my classmates, and even from Zhang Manman, Zhang Jinchuan, etc. There were also messages from Blind Uncle, Nie Shuang, Master Luo, and Master Ma.

But nothing important.

"Sure enough, I got 745 in the test." Su Jie logged on to the website to check the scores, and strengthened his confidence in his own judgment. It was true that one score was not too much, and one score was not much. Even the teacher's guess on the composition score was accurate.

After replying to them one by one, Su Jie turned on the smart module computer, analyzed it, and entered all the practice videos of these days into it.

The intelligent module computer digested his video, and first calculated the amount of exercise.

"Hello, your exercise volume this month is five times that of professional fighters." The intelligent module gave the result, and then began to analyze it against Odeli's video.

"Hello, your movement accuracy rate is 99%, which basically coincides with the coach's posture, very accurate."

Seeing such a score, Su Jie was very satisfied.

He also kept Odley's horizontal training videos and added them to the intelligent analysis module. He also added his own training videos and compared and analyzed them with the intelligent modules to find some mistakes and inaccuracies and correct them.

The only things that cannot be modified are thinking activities and spiritual realms.

Of course, if it is the strongest artificial intelligence plus the best hardware machine, the data of mental activity can be obtained according to the secretion of human hormones.

Now Su Jie doesn't have this condition.

Even Haoyu may not have such a powerful machine and intelligence.

"What does the realm of the living dead look like?" Su Jie has made great progress in his practice this month, but he still hasn't made a breakthrough in his mind. If he doesn't break through, he won't be sure about Zhanfeng Hengyi for a day.

Su Jie didn't know Feng Hengyi's mental state, but his physical quality was higher than his own.

I used to think that I could break through the realm of the "living dead" at any time, but now it seems that it is still difficult to reach the sky in one step. A barrier is rigidly blocked and insurmountable, which is the chasm of the sky.

But at this time, Su Jie was in no hurry.

He knew that the more out of reach he felt, the easier it would be to break through. On the contrary, the easier it is, the farther it is.

Life will always give people a surprise.

"Physical fitness has reached its peak for the time being, and the next step is the improvement of technical experience. The small group arenas of Minglun Martial Arts School are becoming more and more popular. I will go to the masters to communicate and make some money. Blind Uncle and Coach Gu Yang are chatting about the old days. I don’t know if the second term of the summer class has started, is Coach Gu Yang still teaching the students to dig the ground? Did the students feel that they were cheating money?”

Su Jie remembered the experience of last year, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

He strode into the Minglun Martial Arts School.

At this time, the Minglun Martial Arts School was different from what he had imagined. It was expanding aggressively, and a high-rise building was actually built on a piece of open space around it, with the signboard of Haoyu Minglun hanging on it. Advertising banners for the Haoyu Cup can be seen everywhere.

Advertisements such as "Ten million prizes!", "The strongest competition!", "Martial arts tournament!" were posted everywhere, and many foreigners also stopped to watch. Compared with last year, the flow of people is much larger.

This is Haoyu promoting the event.

Su Jie frowned, and there was a sense of purity and defilement in an instant.

Ming Lun is Ming Lun, what's the matter with Hao Yu?

Although many of his martial arts were taught by Ou Deli, but he was enlightened in Minglun, he has a very deep affection for Minglun martial arts school, even if Liu Zihao is there, he still feels that this is a pure land.

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