Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 551: year-end (ten)

The winter sun pierced through the window of the room and hit Junxiu's face directly, and his way of avoiding the sun was to turn his back to it, so it was destined that today's sun would not wake him up. However, after drinking so much alcohol last night, the body's water was concentrated in the bladder. Junxiu dreamed that he went to the bathroom in his sleep. Although he was convenient in the dream, his bladder was still the same. Expansion.

So, in the end, Junxiu had to get up and go to the bathroom. After that, he felt relieved, and Junxiu went back to the bed again. The sunlight that could have been ignored just after waking up once, is now completely impossible to ignore. Junxiu hasn't felt the headache after a hangover for many years. It's not that his alcohol intake is getting bigger and bigger, but that he has less time to get drunk after his debut.

After his debut, he has a lot of work almost every day, so even if he is drinking and partying, he will maintain an attitude of moderation. However, Junxiu's alcohol intake is very large, which also makes his 'enough' for many people to be excessive.

At this time, the sunlight in the room could not be ignored, and Junxiu was unwilling to get up and start to draw the curtains. He just lay on the bed and competed with the sunlight. In the end, the sunlight won, and it drove away his drowsiness. Junxiu just sat up from the bed and looked at the soju bottles on the dresser opposite the bed, and the unfinished dishes that were packed, it was a mess.

And 'yesterday' once again appeared in Junsu's mind, especially Taeyeon's words "I have nothing to say to you" that still stung his heart.

Recalling yesterday's heart still hurts, but even though Junxiu endured the heartache, she still sat on the bed and thought about what happened yesterday. Was it right yesterday? Is it wrong? At least after the night, I recalled that Taeyeon's words were right, her job is her job, isn't her job not her job?

Of course, she understands that this stage cooperation is her job scope, but why is her heart still very resistant after seeing those dance moves. Junxiu realized that after so many years, he still could not be completely generous and understanding of emotional issues.

Junxiu sat on the bed and laughed at himself: "If you can't accept it, then don't look for a girlfriend in the showbiz!"

Yes, I can't accept the cooperation of the woman, so the only way is not to find a woman in the circle. As long as it is an insider, cooperation is essential. Even if you refuse stage cooperation, you may still be led by the host in a variety show. You must know that it is normal to make a love line in a variety show. And these created "love lines" may even make headlines in the media.

But if you really go to girlfriends outside the circle, will they understand their work again? Should be difficult, right? Just like Taeyeon, she is still an insider. Didn't she keep her jealousy after her cooperation in her heart? Although yesterday she completely broke out. But she also broke out because of something she provoked, right?

Junxiu smiled and shook his head, took out his mobile phone to check the time, but after turning on the phone, he found that the battery of the mobile phone had already displayed 'low battery' and there were still more than ten missed calls and many text messages. Just as Junxiu saw that he missed the call, he was going to open it to see who was calling, but the phone went out of power and went black.

But he had already seen clearly that 11 o'clock had passed, and he quickly got out of bed to wash and then went to check out.


In Seoul, Girls' Generation's group came out of the company, and they were going to have lunch. They didn't eat too much for breakfast, because they all knew that they would practice after arriving at the company, so some even chose not to eat it. This is also the reason why they chose to have lunch a little earlier than the lunch time of those working people at noon today.

After they came out of the company, they were sitting in the car and asked Lee Soon Kyu, 'Did Junsu answer the phone? ’ The answer, of course, is no.

Taeyeon also knew that Junsu had not answered the phone since last night, and it was noon, how could he have not answered the phone? Not to mention that Li Shungui is worried, she is starting to worry now, after all, the two had a fight yesterday, what if something happened to him? Taeyeon's heart also became as uneasy as Sun Kyu. After all, the two of them have been in love for two years, so even if the two quarreled, they would still care.

And Taeyeon felt that she said something sad yesterday, so Taeyeon took out her phone and called Junsu just before she arrived at the restaurant. Li Shungui called and was able to connect, but she turned off when she called? Taeyeon wondered if Junsu had pulled herself closer to the blacklist?

Junxiu, who was turned off, bought a replacement battery from a mobile phone store in Lishui. Although the new battery didn't last long, it could last for half a day. After changing the battery and returning to the car, Junxiu turned on the phone and looked at the missed call. Missed calls were from various Girls' Generation members, Min Hyuk, Kim Jong Kook, and the manager. Of course, the one who called the most was his younger sister Lee Soon Kyu.

Only there was no call from Taeyeon in the missed calls, and she didn't even have a text message.

Looking at the missed call without Taeyeon, Junxiu felt a burst of grief and tingling in her heart for no reason, the sadness in her heart made Junxiu say cruel words: "It's fine if you don't contact me, I won't take the initiative to contact me this time. Your ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Originally, when Junsu turned on his phone, he thought that if Taeyeon called, he would choose to admit the mistake. Man, you still need basic metrics. Junsu also felt that I still need to learn to be magnanimous, especially their occupations are so special. They can't be magnanimous, they can't understand, and they must learn.

This time, her cooperation stage is a big deal, just don't watch it. Just like her, she hardly watches her own works, because she will feel uncomfortable watching her love so deeply with other women in TV series.

However, Junsu turned on the phone and didn't see any missed calls from Taeyeon, not even a single text message of concern. Everyone else called and sent text messages but none of hers.

Is it really like what she said? She has nothing to say to herself?

Just such a 'missed' misunderstanding in time made Junxiu feel the pain of emotional 'departing' in his heart.

Because of this misunderstanding, he decided that he would not take the initiative to contact Taeyeon! !

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