Konoha's Daily Life

Belly Black Sword Holiday Wood Daily Chapter 86

"It's just that the other party gave me some silver, let me bring him."

The Chamber of Commerce quickly took the Ye Xiaotian to his silver.

For the silver in front of you, several ninja are not interested.

Take it from going out, that is, when is the wood style leave? There is no way to judge at all.

"Woke up!"

At this moment, the coma guard was woke up by the deer.

"It is a coma, and it is estimated that there is no time concept."

Sprigo is very disappointed.

Light a coma guard, I don't know when the wood style is specific. Where is the car?

I don't know these two points, there is no way to find the traces of the wood.

"Do you know how long you have been coma?"

"do not know."

In the face of the problem of the Jilang, the escort is the real reply.

The color of the disappointment on the face of Jilang is getting more and more obvious.

"When are you coma, where can I remember?"

"I know, small black and get off"

"That small black, where is the car?"

Why didn't you think that the wood style has made such a mistake.

"Just two and a half hours, enter the corner of the canyon."

"let's go!"

Out of the city two and a half hours, enter the corner of the canyon.

It is a more than a dozen minutes from them now.

In other words, the wood wind just left the team and did not have a long time at all.

If they have a way of action, they must be able to

When the deer pill was close to the destination, suddenly stopped, then issued a signal.

"How to stop, if we don't hurry, it is very likely that traces are being eliminated by the wood."

"Not so fast, the other party must still be eliminated. Only this, he can quickly escape the heavens. We are now over, 80% will touch it."

I have encountered similar situations before.

The squad of this squad, the truly powerful, may only have the mastener of the dark.

A dark master, the light is to protect them three peace, it is already very difficult.

Fighting on the front side, especially if the other party is in the dark, then I am afraid that it is not cheap, and it may be dangerous.

After all, the wood style, he is a teacher.

"Wait until other people."

"When they come, the wood wind is estimated to run."

"If you are so close, some people hurry, we should be able to be aware. After the perception, we are far away. Now, it is too dangerous!"

The deer pill is very affirmative.

The command he received is to cooperate with sandy action and go all out to grasp the live port.

This order makes the deer pill feel very strange.

But he can't think of it, where is it strange?

According to the information he got before, the wooden leaves should know more about this called the wood, where is it now?

But the order he received, this is not a person who can't catch people.

Although the deer will not understand, what kind of cat is there?

But one thing he is very clear, that is, for this task, it is not worth it.

"I thought that the wood is very smart, I didn't expect to leave such a big flaw."



Lu Pill shake his head: "He didn't leave any flaws, the entire escape plan, very clear. He took the escape every detail, but he didn't expect that we came so fast."

"That guard, isn't it the flaw he left?"

"A coma's guard, in the case of anxious to find someone, the average person will not want to wake up. Because the probability will not be any information."

"Then why do you woke up?"

"Because we have nothing elsewhere, we have been forced to death. In addition to waking that guard, we don't have any other roads. It is also because of the guy called the wood, put all our roads. They are blocked, this is only a flaw that is not a flaw. "

If there is a clue at that time, it is afraid of a false clue.

Even the deer pill will follow the clues, and will not consider wake up the guard.

This is probably smart and smart!

"Start running!"

For Ninja, calm down, if you have a rush, they will not feel.

The masters of the dark part took the lead in discovering the traces of Ye Xiaotian.

"Follow up! The other party is a teacher, although it is all enclosed in the scroll, but the scroll is also rich. He should not get us!"

The judgment of Lu Pill is very accurate.

When they are far more, the figure in front of the front has been accelerating, but it has never been able to get rid of them.

Ye Xiaotian scratched his head and looked at the four tails followed by himself.

This is more difficult!

He planned everything, waiting for a war, then taken out.

The result is the ninja of the wood, which is not at all, and the old and old are actually aid.

How is this?

Saima is coming over, is it difficult to flee?

Chapter 13: Circle (First More)

The Ye Xiaotian running in front, suddenly accelerated, it seems that it has already raised his speed to the extreme.

"The other person is noticed, he is trying to get rid of us."

Strike Jiulang loudly reminded.

In fact, it is not worthy of reminding that everyone who hosted the team, pays attention to Ye Xiaotian's actions.

They consciously accelerate speed, tightly followed the leaves of Ye Xiaotian.

After two or three landings, the older team originally the top of the team suddenly slowed down.

As he slowed down, the other three people naturally followed the speed.

"what happened?"

Wu Yu asked directly.

"No! Take the other party's secret, he can't know, even if he speeds up, it can't. Next, it is the competition of endurance."

"The guys are very good, and his Chakra should be more than we everyone."

Wu Yurong really said.

As early as sandy, the Chakra repair speed of the wood wind is very amazing, and he seems to have special talent in this regard.

When the joint is in the joint, the wood wind has exploded an amazing power in this area.

He took the brute force and broke the shadow.

Better than endurance is equivalent to the quantity of Chakra, in this respect, they really fight.

Including the masters of the dark part, they are afraid no one.

"No, no!"

The deer fell shook his head denied.

The analysis of Jilang and Wu Yu, sounds the legacy, and the other party completely reason to use this way to get rid of them.

But the Jiiro, but negligent a very important issue.

That is, they search for the team.

It doesn't say that the original people who have seedched the team have not gathered, and this also includes, the two villages are ready to send.

Escape the wood style, can now be said to be four sides. Simply relying on Chakra's quantity, I want to escape from their eyes, it is impossible.

They only have to keep up with a short time.

Wait until time, their Chakra consumes almost the same, it can be replaced with people.

In contrast, it is the wood style that escaped in front of him.

He has only one person, and there is no absolute speed advantage. In the end, he will definitely be chased in no matter how far he can run out.

Lu Pong thought here, instant heart god will.


The deer pill is big, and the first time has been withdrawn from a distance.

Other people, although some are unknown, but they have followed their actions. Then they watched around, and they will ask the eyes and look at the deer.

The eyes of the deer will stare at the figure that is getting farther away from them.

At the beginning, the speed of the figure was very fast. When they stopped, the figure gradually started, slow down.

"Pay attention around the guard."

Lu Pill felt cold sweat on your forehead and didn't stop.

so close!

A little bit, they have the opponent's circle.

Once they have the opponent's circle, I want to get rid of it, I am afraid it is not so easy.

It is necessary to know that they are chasing them, but they are not ordinary ninja, but they will trap this trick, play a high degree.

If the other party wants to arrange the trap, it may be a thought.

They striped up, there is absolutely no good results.

"what happened?"

Not everyone is like a deer, the brain is so fantastic, and the Jiu Lang is convinced.

"The one running in front is not what we are chasing people. It is just a embarrassment. The other's body must be hidden around, waiting for us."

Deer pill is affirmative.

"how do you know?"

Strong asked Jiulang's doubt.

He has always thought that his own brain, although it is not intelligent, but it is much better than the average person.

Ordinary counseling, it is absolutely hidden.

But with the youth of this boy, the Sagiro suddenly found that his brain cells seem to be a bit less than enough.

"Look at the people in front!"

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