“You have no value in killing… Stupid brother… Words that want to kill me… Hate it! Hate it! And then live ugly! ”

“Run away, run away… Then let’s live in secret! ”


Sasuke lost consciousness and threw himself to the ground.

“That’s ruthless, ferret.”

“Shut up.”

The ferret, who was already in a bad mood, was even more upset when he saw this annoying guy.

“Time to go, do you need me to give you a ride?” The road is quite far. ”

Obito stretched out his hand and said to them.

“Itachi, what do you say?”

Naruto turned to look at Itachi.

“Leave as soon as possible, the people from the dark department are coming.”

Itachi said and used the Shadow Doppelganger Technique to separate a doppelganger.

After leaving, he still had to warn Hokage so that they wouldn’t believe what they said.

The three turned into a whirlpool and disappeared into Uchiha Street, leaving only Sasuke, the only one still alive “823”.


“What about people, why haven’t they come back yet?! Get inside and take a look! ”

Outside the Uchiha clan, Tuan Zang saw that the roots he sent out to pick up his eyes had actually not returned for a while, and he was a little anxious.

His Sharingan inventory is gone!

If he doesn’t get it together tonight, then when the specially customized arm arrives, he won’t be able to use it!!

“Danzo-sama! Not good! ”

Two cloaked and masked roots returned.

“What’s wrong?!”

“The people sent in are dead! One does not stay!! ”

“What! Uchiha Itachi!! ”

Tuan Zang, who got this news, was instantly angry!

Now it’s okay, the Uchiha family is finished, his wish is fulfilled, but he doesn’t get anything he wants!

In vain!!

He couldn’t sleep again tonight.

[The anti-routine is successful, and the psychic beast Dream Tapir is obtained (channeling out the legendary dream eater dream tapir, which can open its mouth to suck the object in front of it and devour it). ] 】

The weasel disguised as a root next to him: What are you scolding me for? I didn’t do anything… Oh, it’s the guy with the broken mouth.

“Tuan Zang.”


Tuan Zang turned his head, this guy is dead? Dare to call me by my first name?

“I will keep an eye on you in the future, and if you dare to hurt Sasuke, I will leak all the secrets of the village to the enemy country.”

Itachi’s kaleidoscopic chakra eyes glowed red, staring at Tuanzo tightly.

“Uchiha Itachi! You…… Whatever you want. ”

Tuan Zang instinctively gritted his teeth, but when he thought of his current situation, he instantly felt that it didn’t matter.

You love it.


The weasel was stunned, and he was confused by Tuan Zang’s indifferent attitude.

Don’t you care that the secrets of the village will be leaked? It’s not like you at all!

“Danzo, if you dare to attack Sasuke, I will send all the tapes that Hokage ordered to collect and destroy to the other Shinobi Village powers, so that they can also see the good deeds you have done!”

Itachi threatened Tuan Zang in a different way, and sure enough, when he heard Tuan Zang on the videotape, his face changed greatly.

“You dare!!”

Why, if you bastard dares to do this, I will dig your brother’s chakra eyes!” Even if I don’t open my eyes, I want it!!

Tuanzo knows that his reputation has been completely ruined in the village, and he will be spread by some spies in the village who inquire about the news, and be ridiculed by other ninja villages, but this does not mean that he hopes that his ugly things will be filmed on video and then spread wildly! ! !

Fortunately, although the ape flying sun chop is not a person, he also gave an order that the villagers were not allowed to watch it privately and collect the videotapes.

Fortunately, everyone still listened to Hokage’s orders, and the content in this video tape was too disgusting, resulting in a lot of work received in just half a day, and then all were destroyed.

The roots of Tuanzang were not idle, and they also received an order to completely put an end to the spread of videotapes and prevent leakage!

Therefore, the secret group of the village said that you can say whatever you want, but this is definitely not okay!!

Moreover, he knew that the ferret loved the village, otherwise he would not have done anything to the Hand Blade Clan.

As for Sasuke, the Sharingan is not open, he is too lazy to care, but if the Sharingan is opened, then let’s talk about it.

“You see if I dare, remember, Tuan Zang.”

The body of the weasel turned into a flock of crows and disappeared into the night.

At the same time, Sarutobi also met with Itachi alone.

And learned from Itachi’s mouth the existence of Obito and Naruto, the two helpers, as well as the daimyo of the Xiao Organization.

“I will stay with those two people in case they break their promise. In addition, for the sake of Sasuke’s life, can you ask Sandaime to make a promise. ”

“Your younger brother will continue to maintain the status quo, go to school like other children, and become a ninja of Konoha, I can guarantee that he will have a worry-free life.”

“That’s best, leave.”

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Outside Konoha Village……….

“What else are you up to?”

Obito appeared with the two and looked at Naruto impatiently.

“Ah, I forgot that there is another person to come with, you should not mind the organization adding one more person.”

“I just promised to take you alone.” Obito said dissatisfied.

What do you think of our organization? Amusement park? Nursery?

Then when Obito saw the people who came out, he changed his mind, and it was not impossible to go together.

“Izumi!?” Itachi looked at Izumi in amazement.

No wonder he didn’t see her when he just started, Itachi thought that Danzo had called Izumi away in advance, but he didn’t expect her to appear here.

“You little brat… Is this type you like? ”

Obito looked at Naruto and then at Izumi.

The sour smell in the air is really unpleasant!

Also, Naruto, this little ghost is only six years old, right? Although he also took a fancy to Lin when he was six years old, Lin was the same age as him!

Izumi is several years older than Naruto!!

Obito sighed, this kid is indeed much more mature than ordinary children, not only in his style, but also in this one.

The ferret looked puzzled, looked at this, looked at that, did not understand what the relationship between them was.

And, little brat? Does it mean my wife Shanyi? He’s really young.

“Less nonsense, Yu Zhibo, who opened a kaleidoscope, is also a rare talent for the Xiao Organization, isn’t it?”

Naruto didn’t care about Obito’s taunt and beckoned Izumi over.

Izumi blushed and approached.

She hadn’t recovered from her previous frankness, and she couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and shy when she saw Naruto.

This bastard, fortunately, is still young, otherwise … However, when he grows up, some will wait.

“Hmph, let’s go together.”

Naruto is right, Uchiha with a kaleidoscope and Uchiha with Sangoyu, one in the sky and one in the ground.

Moreover, Quan is still very young, and there is a lot of room for development in strength.

In addition, she, like Itachi, was brought into the Xiao Organization by him, and she can also be regarded as his lineage, and the nature of Itachi is unknown, not necessarily a sincere rebellion against the village, so perhaps Izumi can trust more than Itachi.

At least Obito knows Naruto’s identity, and this identity cannot be easily exposed, which is equivalent to having a handle in his hand, and there is no need to worry about Naruto stabbing him in the back.

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