“I’m sorry Naruto-sama, it’s Itachi who impulsed! I’ll teach him a good lesson when I go back! ”

A drop of cold sweat broke down Fugaku’s forehead and bowed to the ape flying sun to apologize.

Damn, what the hell are the weasels doing!

How dare he!

In front of the Hokage, as well as the patriarchs of other families and many Shangnin, they brazenly exuded killing intent against the human pillar force, and even made a move!

As the head of a clan, he did not have such courage!

Do you love your brother so much?

Don’t even want reason for him ?!

Didn’t this put the Uchiha family on the fire and roast it?

Even if he knew that Itachi would not really kill the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli, he just wanted to teach him a lesson.

After all, don’t talk about Itachi, even Fugaku himself wants to beat Naruto hard!

It’s infuriating!

Uchiha’s reputation loss was all caused by him!

But it’s a pity that the nine-tailed man pillar power, not everyone can beat.

Especially they Uchiha can’t!

Even when they saw him, they had to take a long detour and avoid it early, for fear of causing everyone’s misunderstanding and causing a misunderstanding of the Hokage series.

At that time, the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the big Sharingan eye in the eyes of the Nine Tails, had already made it difficult for Uchiha to ride a tiger, and he carried a big black cauldron in plain white, and even forced to move, far away from the center of Konoha, and was strictly guarded by Hokage and Danzo, and has been secretly monitored for so many years.

In particular, the genius of their clan, Yu Zhibo, may be rebelled, and the people in the clan have long been panicked and their minds are floating.

And today, the sudden move of the weasel also gave the ape flying sun an excuse.

Fugaku also didn’t know how much he would have to pay to stabilize the situation.

Bastards, two sons, none of them worry-free!

“Just so you know, forget it this time, after all, Sasuke is still a child, Naruto he… It’s a bit heavy, and I don’t have to understand it. ”

Sarutobi said in a cautious wording.

Really, he kind of wants to laugh!

Moreover, although Itachi’s actions had violated Konoha’s interests, it was excusable, and he believed that Itachi would definitely not kill Naruto.

How important Naruto was to Konoha, he didn’t believe Itachi didn’t know.

Because he is a genius who has been deeply influenced by the Will of Fire since he was a child!

It is a Uchiha outlier who regards the village more important than the family, and it is also the talent that he Sarutobi wants to strive for.

Now that Uchiha and Konoha are on the same page, with Itachi around, he will be able to learn about their plans in time to prevent them from mutiny.

“Thank you Naruto-sama for your understanding.”

“Okay, the matter is over, everyone go back, it’s time to pick up the children, it’s time to do the task, disperse.”

Ape Fei Sun waved his hand and beckoned everyone to leave.

“Kakashi, come on.”

At the end of the competition, he remembered the question that Naruto would Kakashi ninjutsu, and if he didn’t ask clearly, he couldn’t sleep!

However, he still believed that Kakashi would not touch Naruto in private, firstly, the dark part looked very closely, except for the person who dared to plant the root to blur his vision, the rest of the people did not have this ability.

Then there was the fact that Kakashi had been on a mission in the dark part, right in front of his eyes, and all movements could not be concealed from his eyes.

Therefore, as for the source of ninjutsu, perhaps ask the inventor of ninjutsu and you will know faster.

“Yes! Naruto-sama! ”

Kakashi quickly followed.

He didn’t have time to ask why Naruto would kill for a thousand years.


“Whew, it’s finally over.”

Naruto stretched, as if he was tired.

Obviously he didn’t do anything.

“Shikamaru, we’re home.”

The three little pigs and deer butterflies came over.


Shikamaru nodded in response, then looked at Naruto with a complicated expression.

“Well, I’ll just say I can also ninjutsu.”

Naruto winked and laughed.

“Do you mean the fire, or the one… Ahem, what physical surgery? ”

Shikamaru looked at him with her head tilted back.

It seems that he is extremely disgusted and does not want to go close.

Lu Jiu was slightly surprised on the side, this is only the first day they made friends?

It seems that the relationship is still very close.

Shikamaru, this kid, a guy who is troublesome everywhere, has he changed his sex?

Shikahisa looked at Ino and Dingji and found that their attitudes towards Naruto were similar.

Especially Ino seemed to have some kind of light in his eyes.

Shikaku was stunned, and turned to look at Haichi, who was smiling at his daughter.

Haichi noticed it and turned his head to look.

“What are you looking at?”

“Ahem, nothing, nothing.”

Lujiu laughed secretly, you daughter slave, your daughter’s heart is going to run away with others, haven’t you found it yet?

But he didn’t care too much, after all, a six-year-old child didn’t need to worry too early.

Besides, it’s not my daughter, what do I worry about.


“It’s all the same, it’s the same.”

Naruto said that whether it was fire or a thousand years of killing, it was a ninjutsu that he had already mastered, and there was more than one, and there was nothing to be surprised about.

“So, Huo Duan, you really learned it now?”

Shikamaru’s problem also attracted the attention of Shikaku, Haichi, and Dingza.

They also wanted to know if Naruto was a genius after all.

“Of course! What kind of person do you think I am, any ninjutsu in Saint Seiya… Ahem, no, it’s only one action in front of me! ”


I believe in your ghosts!

Shikamaru said that in just one day, he was used to Naruto bragging casually.

“That’s awesome!”


I’m afraid that only Ino, who was blinded by Naruto, and the simple Dingji would believe it.

The three parents smiled bitterly.

This kid’s troublesome personality is evident.

“Gone, Shikamaru, home.”



“Then let’s go back first, see you tomorrow!”

Naruto said goodbye to several people, put his hands in his pockets, and also walked towards the outside of the school.

The reward for going to school today was not bad, and Naruto said that he was very satisfied.

I just don’t know what happened to Sasuke.


Hospital, Sasuke is still in a coma.

“Doctor, my brother he…”

The ferret looked worried.

“Don’t worry, he’s tired, just rest well, you can take him home.”

“What about his… Ahem, it’s just that there’s nothing behind, right? ”

Sasuke’s injuries are a little difficult to talk about even Itachi!

You can imagine how much of a blow Sasuke will suffer when he wakes up.

The picture at that time brought no less impact to Itachi than his companion died in front of him, forcing him to open the Sharingan.

At that moment, the ferret even felt his three-hook jade chakra eyes, and his pupil power continued to increase, as if there was a power that was faintly about to burst out.

But that feeling quickly disappeared.

This also made the ferret wonder, could it be that what he just felt was actually what Shuishui said, opening the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?

“Behind? Oh, don’t worry, it’s okay, this little injury has just been cured, but the damage caused by his overdrawn Chakra in his body is much more serious, and he can’t recover in a few days. ”

“A six-year-old kid actually made himself like this, and the way of learning in the ninja school has changed so much?”

The doctor shook his head and turned away.

Itachi looked at the sleeping Sasuke and sighed in relief, it was okay that it didn’t hurt much.

“Alas, I just hope that Sasuke will be able to accept this fact when he wakes up.”


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