Knock Down That Tower

Chapter 262 Upheaval

Daweibull Province, Golden Flower City.

Different from the prosperous and prosperous in the past, today's Golden Flower City is full of cries and fights.

Teams of cavalrymen in armor, masks on their faces, armed with knight spears, riding iron horses, trampled into the Golden Flower City.

Each of them exudes fluctuations of extraordinary power.

Inside the manor of the Earl of Rumbar.

"Lord Earl! You can't stay any longer, you must transfer immediately and leave the Golden Flower City!"

Standing in front of Count Rumbar was Kirk.

At this time, Kirk, holding a weapon, looked anxious.

Just half a day ago, the information that the powerful cavalry of the Principality of Vata was preparing for the current Golden Flower City suddenly came from the front.

In the intelligence, the cavalry of the invaders was described very horribly.

Each of them is like a killing machine, and each of them is an extraordinary existence. They gallop and fight all the way, and all the barriers and lines of defense they face are vulnerable to them.

Their appearance is like out of thin air, rolling all the way from the border to here.

The Golden Flower City was a long way from the border, and it took them less than a day and a night to completely conquer it.

The speed was so fast that the letter soldiers who delivered the message failed to deliver the message in the first time.

It wasn't until half a day ago that the news was delivered to Golden Flower City.

Count Lumbar, who received this news, immediately arranged the family's back path. He handed all his minor heirs to his cronies, and asked them to take their descendants to a remote place far away from Golden Flower City to raise them. big.

As for his adult children, Earl Lumbar arranged for them to go to the territory near the Golden Flower City.

"Kirke, let's go too."

Count Rumbar looked quite calm.

In fact, when he received the news in the morning, he seemed to have expected this to happen, and he was so calm that it was confusing.

"What about you? Your Count?"

Kirk's tone was very anxious.

The concern for Count Rumbar came from the bottom of his heart.

Kirk still doesn't understand why the count is so calm to the enemy's intruder.

Even if the enemy is terrible, as long as you flee immediately, even if the Golden Flower City is occupied today, there is still a chance to fight back in the future.

But the current Earl of Rumbar seems to have completely accepted his fate for the enemy's attack.


Earl Rumbar smiled slightly: "I will wait here until the last moment."

"Last minute?"

Kirk's pupils shrank, and the earl's tone gave him a very bad feeling.

"Kirke, today, whether I escape or not, the outcome is death."

Kirk was shocked by what Earl Rumbar said. The earl stood up and walked in front of him: "Just last night, Your Excellency Fideli of the Knights of the Holy Light brought me a message."

"Lord Fidley?"

Kirk frowned.

Fiedley is the middle and high-level existence of the Knights of Light in the Southeast Continent. Although he belongs to the neutral camp, he has a good personal relationship with Count Rumbar.

"Yes." Earl Rumbar nodded. "Just last night, the Principality of Langton, the beloved Grand Duke, my lord, died."

"The royal family of the Principality of Langton... has been destroyed."


Kirk's head roared, and his body trembled dizzily.

"This news is still blocked in the royal city, but Fideley told me the news." Count Rumbar ignored the numb Kirk, but continued, "Because of personal friendship, he also said some things that should not have been the words said."

"For example, Golden Flower City will become the first provincial central city to be targeted by the enemy, and I, Lumbar's head, will be their must-have item."

Count Rumbar seems to be talking about something that has nothing to do with him.

"Lord Count..."

Kirk didn't know what to say anymore.

"Listen, Kirk." Earl Rumbar suddenly put him on Kirk's shoulder. "No one knows how fate will decide, just like I didn't expect this ending."

"Relax, look back on your life, and what changed the important trajectory of your life was never planned, was it?"

Earl Rumbar smiled suddenly: "Kirke, let's go, take my young son Wich, get out of here, stay away from the Principality of Langton, and escape to the open sea."

"You may not know that under my command, there is a special elite guard."

Earl Rumbar continued to say to Kirk: "That was the special guard set up by my great-grandfather, the first Earl of Davible Province. They have their own talent training system, which is led by each generation of Earls. Now this guard is Among them, there are two high-level great knights, and dozens of extraordinary, you take them along with Wei Qi."

"Unless the Principality of Langton can be restored, it will never come back."

After Count Rumbar said this, he sighed softly, but at the same time, he seemed to let go of something.

"Lord Count..."

At this time, Kirk's eyes were red, and his body was still a little trembling.

"I will definitely protect the safety of Mr. Wedge, even with my life."

Kirk suddenly knelt down on one knee and performed standard knight etiquette to Count Rumbar.

"Come on, Kirk, they are waiting for you at the back door of the manor."

Count Rumbar turned around and stopped looking at Kirk.

Kirk stared at the back of Count Rumbar, as if he wanted to remember this scene completely.

"Subordinates retire."

Kirk's voice was hoarse, the words fell, and Kirk left the room.

Only Count Rumbar was left in the empty room.

"The glory also came to an end. The lord died. I am loyal to the lord. It doesn't seem to be a pity."

Count Rumbar whispered to himself.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The originally silent Earl's Manor suddenly heard riots and fighting.

"Are you coming..."

Count Rumbar stood up and tidied up the placket and cuffs of his shirt.

After confirming that his clothes were neat, he picked up a swift sword for decoration.

He put the Swift Sword beside him, and then walked into the house.


White Bear Town.

"Tomorrow is Big Brother's wedding, why are you still working?"

Veria, dressed in a white dress, pushed open the door of Willy's study and complained to Willy in front of the desk.

"My eldest brother is getting married tomorrow, but he's still handling government affairs at the Guards Office."

Willy retorted to Veria.


Veria grimaced at Willy, and then stepped forward: "Willi, why can't I be the flower girl at my elder brother's wedding tomorrow?"

Willy glanced at Veria, the little girl came to find her, and she really had other purposes.

In the wedding customs of this world, there are also flower girls.

Veria is very fond of being a flower girl. She follows the beautiful bride with a flower basket in her hand, as if she is also a bride.

Almost every little girl of this age has this unrealistic idea.

"You should ask your mother this question, not me."

Willy flicked at Veria's head: "You are too old, according to the mother, the age of the flower girl should be under six years old, but you, Veria, you are eight years old. "


Veria still wanted to defend something, but she was directly driven by Willy: "Leave my study, don't delay my work, or I'll tell my mother to let you spend your only one day off each week studying culture. "


Veria made a fierce expression, but seeing Willy's serious look, she shook her head helplessly: "Goodbye!"

However, just when Veria was about to open the door, a guard with a letter suddenly broke in.

"Lord Baron, urgent information."

The guard quickly handed the letter to Willy.


Willie frowned and took it.

When he opened the letter and browsed, his face changed drastically.

( = )

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