Knock Down That Tower

Chapter 258 The calm before the storm

The midsummer of White Bear Town is here again.

The hot temperature swept the earth again.

Fortunately, Baixiong Town is a coastal town. Because it is close to the sea, the temperature is not unbearable.

If you are close to the coast, the sea breeze is blowing on your face, and you can enjoy the cool body feeling. This is also the most charming and comfortable place in coastal towns.

Willy stood in the study, looking at the seascape in the distance through the window, with a sighed expression on his face.

It has been two full years since I came to this world.

Willy still remembers the first time he and Veria went to pick sweet fruit, and also remember the difficult chewing feeling when he took the first bite of Mrs. Shawin's meal, and it was two years in a blink of an eye. .

In the past two years, with the help of the title attribute panel, he has grown from a farmer's son to a noble baron in the eyes of commoners. The complicated and ups and downs of experience made Willy almost forget that his current body seems to be half a year away from adulthood. time.

Of course, this age is not considered a child in this world, and ordinary civilians may have married and have children around the age of fourteen. It's just that Willy, as a baron, does not need to cultivate future labor by increasing the population of his family. So still alone.

On the other hand, his eldest brother, who is already married, is the daughter of one of the deputy mayors of White Bear Town.

The deputy mayor used to be the recorder of the town office in the Blue Whale Town era. Because the White Bear Town era needed to innovate the old officials, he took the opportunity to get to his current position step by step.

His daughter's name is Letoun. She is a generous, gentle and considerate woman. She is eighteen years old this year, four years younger than Willy's eldest brother Thorpes, and she is a good match for her age.

The two met at a cocktail party a year ago, and now they get along to the point of forming a family.

In Willy's view, this marriage is quite satisfactory. Although it is not a perfect match, it is still acceptable.

Generally speaking, with Willy, a powerful baron who surpasses most viscount conditions, his relatives need to consider more external factors. Such as the combination of interests of the big family, and other considerations.

In fact, even Baron Kells next door had considered marrying his niece to Thorpes.

But in the face of all this,

Willy declined. Although he has always followed the rhythm of this world, he still hopes to be simple and pure in the life-long affairs of his relatives, and not be overly disturbed by his own existence.

Whether it was Thorps or Veria who grew up in the future, Willy did not intend to interfere in their marriage.

You only need to play the role of a brother well, that's enough.

Thorps naturally understood this, so he was relieved and grateful for what his brother had done.

In half a month, Thorps and Letoun will have their wedding, and Willy will attend in person at that time to send the most sincere blessings to the two.

Although there is still half a month before the wedding, the etiquette officer in the manor has already started to prepare the specifics of the wedding.

Hundreds of invitations for the wedding have been sent out, and all the invitations are officials and big businessmen from White Bear Town and the surrounding territories.

As for the lords of those territories, they will definitely not come to participate. At most, they will only ask their subordinates to come with a gift. After all, it is only Baron Willy's brother who is married, not Baron Willy himself.

Willie likes to do the review work for an hour a day as usual.

It's not that Willy is lazy. In White Bear Town, he only needs to take care of the general direction of affairs. As for other aspects, Sandor and others will handle it very well.

"Lord Baron, this is the document presented to you by Lord Dahn."

Willy was looking at the security briefing reported by the Guards Department when a Guardsman suddenly knocked on the door and brought up a tightly sealed document.

After Willy took it, he nodded slightly, then waved his hand to signal the soldiers to go down.

"Has the initial connection with the Kara Coral Tribe been completed..."

Before opening the file, Willy had already guessed a little.

Considering the date agreed with the Kara Coral Tribe at that time, the current Kara Coral Tribe should have digested all the population and resources of the Charin Sea Star Tribe, and had already migrated some people to the offshore area of ​​Baixiong Town as planned.

Regarding the task with the Kara Coral Tribe, Willy handed it over to the coastal defense team, and Dahn led the matter. After all, they are the closest to the ocean and are most familiar with the situation at sea.


When Willy opened the file and browsed it from beginning to end, things were pretty much what he had guessed.

The Kara Coral Tribe has now found a certain seabed ore in a certain area of ​​​​the coastal waters of White Bear Town. While migrating the tribe, Sharil brought a lot of slaves from the Chalin Starfish Tribe to mine, and Transport to White Bear Town.

On the sea surface of the seabed ore, it happens to be an uninhabited island. Dahn has begun to dispatch some people to build a transfer station on the isolated island to realize the transportation of seabed ore to White Bear Town.

"It seems that everything is on track..."

Willy put the document down, stood up, and stretched his body.

"Next, more energy should be placed on the cultivation of one's own strength..."

Willie thought for a moment.

The complicated affairs have come to an end recently, and I need to pick up my old practice again.

Although he is now a junior high knight, and he is also the Hanged Man at the same time, for Willy, this is far from enough.

Judging from the recent news, it seems that there is a strange calm and stalemate between the Principality of Langton, the Principality of Vata and the Principality of Sosun.

The fighting between the two sides has decreased significantly, but at the same time, what is confusing is that the diplomatic rhetoric of the two sides has become more and more sharp, which gives Willy a very bad feeling.

To this end, Willi Lai wrote a letter to Kirk, who was far away in the Golden Flower City, to ask him for his views on the matter. After all, he is in the center of Daweibull Province, and he must know more things than himself. many.

Soon after Willie's envelope was sent, Kirk wrote Willie's back.

He didn't say it very clearly, but he reminded Willy on the side that the current royal family of the Duke of Langton, as well as the large provinces including the Daweibull province, have raised the defense level of the central city to the highest level.

In this regard, Willy also has a mind.

The calm before the storm seems to be about to be broken. The current self must strengthen the assumption of White Bear Town, and at the same time improve his strength again, so as to provide White Bear Town with a more reliable extraordinary guarantee.

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