It's been a while since I went back to see my parents. Zhou Meichen came to her parents' house on the weekend. The house was deserted. Zhou's mother had been staying shut for a while, feeling embarrassed to see people.

"mom……"Zhou Meichen shouted, and Zhou's mother gave her a lukewarm look before entering the bedroom. Zhou Meichen poured a glass of water, but Zhou's father was still watching the news. Zhou Meichen cleaned the house, then cooked. After making dinner, she went to her mother's room:"Mom, it's time to eat."

"I will not eat"

"Mom, I just learned to cook"

"I won’t eat what I just learned."

"mom……"Zhou Meichen shouted again sadly.

Seeing this, Zhou's father came over to the rescue and said,"Your mother had lunch late, let's go eat first."

In the past, my father was busy with work and often traveled on business. From childhood to adulthood, my mother had always taken good care of herself and managed the family, working hard and without complaint. I have no complaints. I remember that my mother often took me to work during the holidays when I was a child. In fact, my mother had more influence on me when I chose this career. My grades have been very good along the way, and I have always been the pride of my mother. This time I made my mother sad, and Zhou Meichen felt very uncomfortable when she thought about it.

Zhou Meichen and her father were sitting at the table. The table suddenly became deserted without her mother. After taking a few bites of food, Zhou Meichen asked,"Are you busy at work recently?"

"I'm not busy. The deputy director asked me to sort out the case files in the office. I'm currently sorting out the missing persons case files."Zhou Meichen

"That's good, at least you don't have to run around. Your mother used to be in charge of population. If you don't understand anything, you can ask her."

Zhou Meichen looked back at the corridor leading to her mother's bedroom:"Leave some food for mom."

"Well, find some plates."

After clearing the dining table, Zhou Meichen came to the balcony and noticed that the Clivia had not been watered for a while. Seeing Zhou Meichen watering the flowers, Zhou's father was touched and moved the flowers inside:"At this time every year, your mother will move the flowers inside. Come inside, the weather is hot now, Clivia cannot tolerate high temperatures, and it should bloom soon."

Zhou Meichen moved the Clivia to the living room with her father. Her mother always took good care of these flowers. She felt that the flower language of Clivia was like her father's character and the character of the family. She saw the long yellow leaves and the dust on the green leaves. , Zhou Meichen looked sad. This time, her mother was really angry. Before leaving, Zhou Meichen glanced at her mother lying on the bed again, and said softly:

"Mom, I'm back!"

"Go back, your mother will figure it out."Father Zhou sent him out.


The classmate sent a message saying that she would be delayed for a while because of the traffic jam, so the girl found a stool in the mall and sat down to wait. She took a sip of the cold drink and looked around. The clothes hanging in the glass window didn't look classy at all compared to the skirts given by her mother. The smell emanating from the perfume shop was not her taste either. Bags, shoes, jewelry, Cosmetics... are all dazzling, and she is never short of them. Each store uses decorations to highlight their high-end. Among the men and women in the shopping mall, they are in their prime, blooming with youth, and charming. There is no doubt that the girl is the most eye-catching rose among them, a pink rose. Both men and women passing by will inadvertently glance at the pink girl standing alone. They went in full of hope and came out with laughter and big bags. There is no doubt that they are addicted to luxury. The difference is that the pink girls have no interest in these things. Maybe they are not the same type at all.

The pink girl put the cold drink next to another cup. The end of high school made her feel empty. She was about to go to college, and she was still confused. At this age, a beautiful age, their bodies are maturing and their psychology is changing. They begin to have a different understanding of everything around them, and they must be confused at the turning point of their growth.




06. Do whatever you want


It is said that the eunuchs in the feudal dynasty would secretly raise some women outside the palace. Eunuchs were a low-status profession. Some ambitious eunuchs would keep the young and beautiful women they raised pure, and privately hire people to teach them the six arts of a gentleman, and various skills from an early age. This kind of tactic of competing for favor and acting coquettishly aims at hoping that one day they can become the emperor's bed partner to consolidate their status.

There are also some women who will raise older women who are not beautiful but know how to repay their kindness, and regard them as goddaughters, so that they can have someone to take care of them and die after they leave the palace. These are normal. In contrast, there is a third category, who secretly build houses and start families outside. Although the eunuchs are physically disabled, they still want to maintain the dignity of men in mind and will. They stick to the traditional concept of marrying wives and concubines. Since they have lost their function in reality, they use other ways to satisfy their unhealthy psychology and compensate for their animalistic desires. Slowly, they become more and more perverted, and the more perverted they become, the more twisted their hearts become. You can imagine how miserable these women will be.


There will be conflicts wherever people gather. The larger the group size, the higher the probability of various conflicts. This is the nature of animals and cannot be avoided. In a conflict, one party will always be in a weak position, whether absolutely or relatively. The so-called weakness is just a manifestation of power under a certain situation at a certain time and place. The power can be one's own. It can also be external. Weakness and strength seem to be opposites, but in fact they are interdependent and even exist alternately. What is weakness without strength? What is strength without weakness? It is strong for you, but it may be weak when facing him. You are strong at this moment and strong at the next moment. Maybe he is weak, who knows. Real strength is the norm recognized and accepted by people. The power of people's hearts is the most powerful.

The serial number is a bit confusing, please correct it.

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