When she woke up at night, she couldn't see Dao Zhi. Zhou Meichen got up. There was no light in the study. She turned around and saw Dao Zhi standing naked in the darkness, quietly looking out the window at the distant street, the cold night, feeling nothing. Feel. Zhou Meichen didn't find it weird to be naked late at night. Noticing Zhou Meichen coming out, Dao Zhi turned around. Zhou Meichen also came to the window and stood beside him.

In the dark night, people don't actually need clothes to decorate. On the contrary, they sometimes become unnecessary hiding. Disguise is also a kind of hiding. Hiding is more often deceiving. Hiding is sometimes an art. People have the attribute of pursuing the essence, but most of the time in life, they have to suppress this nature. Whether it is called civilization or considered as recuperation, at this moment, perhaps it can only be obtained in this way. Only with true magnanimity can you open your heart and experience the world

"What is the ending of the novel?"

Looking at Zhou Meichen, Dao Zhi looked sad:"I wrote the beginning, but I couldn't write the ending."

Zhou Meichen knows how much Dao Zhi has invested during this period. He seems to have integrated into the character. Zhou Meichen can understand that the case has not yet been resolved. He cannot give a desired ending. There are many things that they cannot control and cannot foresee, even in novels. , he is also pursuing the truth. In fact, the case is no longer important to Daozhi. The sadness in his eyes is not because of the case.

The two stood silently in front of the window, each thinking about something. The evil in the darkness Hiding is redundant


The boyfriend spent all his energy on solving the case. He took a bunch of information and said excitedly as soon as he entered the door:"You don't know if you don't check it. There are a lot of questions after checking it. I accepted the transfer of 1 yuan from Zhang Guo's account." That financial company is incredible"

"Why is it so serious?"Father Zhou took a look and continued to eat.

As soon as he received the investigation results from Liu Jingsheng, his boyfriend came over. They happened to be having dinner. At the table, while eating, the boyfriend introduced:"This is a 'routine loan' The criminal company uses a special mobile phone software. The software has two sides: A is that life seems normal, but it is actually used to attract attention, and B is for loans. They first use interest rates that are slightly lower than other online loans to attract customers. , when repayment is approaching, they will cause technical failures in the software of those customers who repay on time. Anyway, they will use all means to prevent them from repaying, forcing them to overdue, so that they can charge high overdue fees. Once they are unable to repay, they will use pop-up windows, text messages, customer service calls, or even send people to visit to recommend another software they developed to borrow again and repay the previous period. This is their real purpose. Not only will the amount of the loan increase, but the interest will also be very high. Because of the urgency, almost all people will borrow again, and then continue like this. There are more than 10 similar mobile software, and the victim's debt will get bigger and bigger, until the debt is too high, and then They use assets to offset it, and of course the value of the assets will be seriously underestimated. Now their mobile software has more than 200,000 users, more than 100,000 contracts have been signed, and the contract value is more than 1 billion."

"Where does the capital for property companies’ loans come from?"Father Zhou

"In addition to bank loans, some also come from investment companies affiliated to some companies. Zhang Guo's company also has similar investment companies."

"Are all companies doing this now?"Mother Zhou

"Just do whatever it takes to make money."Boy friend

"How many victims are there?"Father Zhou

"40,000 people were used to collect debts through soft violence. A large number of indecent photos and videos of girls were found on their computers. More than 10 people committed suicide due to being overwhelmed. 53 people have been arrested and are still under further investigation. Their clients cover a wide range of places, and detailed investigation is difficult. We have victims here."

"I have one here too?"Mother Zhou

"He still has some connections with the treatment plant. He is their retired employee. His two daughters have borrowed money. One has paid off and the other is still in arrears.

Zhou Meichen asked:"What's his last name?""

"My surname is Meng, and I have been retired for several years."

Zhou Meichen immediately thought that the girl Liu Jingsheng came to see last time was also named Meng. After eating, she called her and learned that both sisters Meng Lili and Meng Meimei had borrowed money. Later, Meng Lili suddenly paid back all the money. , Liu Jingsheng didn’t know the specific situation, and they all found it strange.

Seeing that Zhou Meichen was also interested in the survey results, her boyfriend was very proud. Zhou Meichen likes to travel, and goes out for a walk almost every year during vacation, sometimes with her best friends, sometimes alone, Her boyfriend wanted to go on a trip together, but every time she found some reason to refuse. After helping Zhou's mother clear the table, everyone was in a good mood, so her boyfriend took the opportunity to suggest:"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this year has been busy enough. Don’t be on duty during the Spring Festival this year. Let’s go out and relax."

Zhou Meichen was thinking about something but didn't seem to hear it. Mother Zhou quickly said:"Young people, it's time to go out and relax, not just work."


According to legend, in ancient times, there was a monster called"Nian". It had a ferocious face, ugly appearance, ferocious nature, and was domineering and fed on all living beings. Birds in the sky, animals on the ground, scales in the water, insect eggs in the soil, all are spared, and they must be done day by day. Everyone in the sky and on the earth is afraid of it, and they will avoid it if they see it. Human beings are naturally the food of 'Nian', and human flesh is extremely delicious to it.

In the long and arduous process of human beings fighting against it, we gradually figured out its habits. It hates red and prefers dark, is afraid of loud noises, and is accustomed to moving at night. We also summarized its cannibalism rules. Every time it enters the Yin month, the yin and yang forward , when the yang energy is first born, people are eaten only when all things are about to revive. Whenever a monster wants to eat people, everyone will gather at home to resist the disaster together, and hang red peach trees at the door with spells to protect the family and drive away monsters. Later, firecrackers were invented to scare the monsters, but even so, they still It is difficult to determine the good or bad, so people have no choice but to worship their ancestors and pray for their blessings. This night is like passing the test of life and death, so everyone calls it the"New Year" or the"New Year" test. As long as you survive this night, people will temporarily avoid this monster at dawn the next day. Early in the morning, everyone will wear bright clothes and happily welcome the new day. After meeting, everyone congratulates each other and enters a new cycle safely. , everything is renewed, and there are New Year greetings, so a cycle of monsters coming to eat people is also called a year.

Folklore has gradually evolved into a tradition over time. Every year during the New Year, every household will gather at home to remove the old and bring in the new, worship gods and ancestors, ward off evil spirits and ward off disasters, receive blessings and pray for good luck, set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve, and eat New Year's Eve dinner together, but the peach charms turn red. Couplets on red lanterns are a custom that continues to this day.

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