Kneel to Me

Chapter 167:

The cabinet knew that Feng Linxia had deceived their people, the elders were so angry that they blew their beards and stared, their old faces were flushed and furious,

"Eating inside and outside! It's too much to eat inside and outside!"

"Quickly stop scolding, if the person Feng Linya leads is a fake queen, what about the real queen? Have you already seen the heart?"

This possibility made the faces of the elders look ugly.

The internal affairs officer walked in, and the elders said angrily: "What are you doing smiling? Is there any good news?"


"Could it be...?"

"Your Majesty has recovered the heart."


The surprise came suddenly, and the cabinet elders were so happy that they jumped up. It seems to have seen the scene of the king and queen getting married, and a little master may even be born in the future. Thinking about this, they were so moved that they were about to cry.

Countless thoughts flashed through Song Juyao's mind, what is Jiang Baiqi's identity? What leverage does she have to negotiate with the king and want to leave Jiang Baiqi?

The car stopped at the square outside the palace, and there were still so many people walking, walking their dogs, and worshiping in the square. When the cavaliers patrolled by on horseback, the girls screamed excitedly.

"very handsome!"

"The temperament of my palace men's team is really good at it."

"I suspect that when the royal palace selects knights, they all look at their faces. Otherwise, why are they all so good-looking? I don't know when they will be distributed to the majority of single young women..."


There were too many people, but Song Juyao couldn't wait for a moment. She took out the mask and sunglasses from the car, put them on, opened the door and got out of the car.

Ordinary people can't approach the Cavaliers and the army casually, otherwise they will be treated as enemies, and there are so many people watching. So Song Juyao went to the palace application center again, and was taken aback for a moment.

She saw a guy in the job center.

Wearing glasses with short hair, wearing a maid uniform, a perfect formulaic smile, and a hint of shrewdness in the eyes when you nudge the glasses, it is Yi Meng in the fifth issue.

Yi Meng was also taken aback when she saw Song Juyao, then walked over, raised her skirt respectfully, "Wang...Miss Song."

Song Juyao had a bad premonition in her heart, she took off her sunglasses and mask, and tried to speak: "I want to see His Majesty the King."

The staff of the application center stared wide-eyed, first because they recognized Song Juyao, the most famous woman in the empire today, and second because of her bold words. See the king? Even if Song Juyao is loved by the people of the empire now, he is not qualified to meet the king. The point is, Song Juyao is not such an arrogant and rude character.

It's over, Yi Meng is going to scold someone.

However, Yi Meng did not open her mouth to curse. She seemed a little embarrassed, but hesitated for a while, then said: "Please wait a moment."

Yi Meng stepped aside, contacted someone, said a few words, and after a while, came over again.

"Please come with me, Miss Song."

Yi Meng asked Song Juyao to get in the car, but she didn't follow, but waited respectfully outside the car for the car to leave.

Song Juyao watched her figure go away in the rearview mirror, lowered her eyes, and clenched her fists on her thighs.

The palace was very lively.

This should be the most leisurely time, but the maids and servants are rushing to work overtime.

"Hurry up, the petals must not have a trace of withering! Let the garden send the freshest!"

The elders of the cabinet have already been lying down to sleep with their old bones. When they heard that Song Juyao was coming, they immediately got up and changed their pajamas, and took out their most formal official uniforms. Will definitely meet them.

Song Juyao got off the car in front of the main hall, and the king's internal affairs officer who came out to greet her looked different from the one in the virtual world. This made her feel a little confused for a while, as if the reality and the virtual were mixed together, making her a little dazed for a while. She shook her head vigorously, trying to wake herself up.

The internal affairs officer was nervous and excited, and led Song Juyao in. He knew what Song Juyao was here for. She came to find Jiang Baiqi, but Jiang Baiqi had already returned to the king's body, becoming one with the king. When she was looking for Jiang Baiqi, she was looking for the king.

The line of sight passes through the gorgeous corridor and enters the suddenly bright hall. Above the hall, the owner of the land sitting on the throne is reflected in Song Juyao's pupils.

Even though Song Juyao was already mentally prepared, when she saw that face that was the same as Jiang Baiqi's, her heart couldn't help jumping and she clenched her fingers.

Song Juyao lowered her eyelids: "Your Majesty the King."

The king looked at her, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, and he even felt a pulling pain. He couldn't tell whether it was his own feeling or Jiang Baiqi's.


"No need." Song Juyao went straight to the point, "Please forgive me for my previous disrespect. I didn't mean to offend, but I just recognized the wrong person. And this person is also the reason why I came here. I think you must have known .”

The king looked at Song Juyao, pursed his thin lips tightly, and didn't speak for a while.

The internal affairs officer was anxious, and immediately stood up and said, "Miss Song, put this matter aside for now, there is one thing you need to know more."

"Please tell me." Song Juyao endured the anxiety in her heart and asked calmly.

"Maybe as smart as you, you have already guessed."

"Please speak up."

"You are His Majesty's, the destined one."

Song Juyao took a deep breath, she really guessed it, everything is so obvious, the king in the virtual world, Yi Meng in the real world, everything is telling her, even if she can't believe it, she finds it extremely absurd. But then, without hesitation, she said, "I can release the contract immediately."

The internal affairs officer's facial muscles stiffened a little. He felt that the temperature in the hall had dropped sharply. He didn't dare to look at the face of His Majesty the King. He said with a dry smile, "Miss Song, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

Song Juyao looked at him, and the internal affairs officer felt a bit murderous.

"..." It's so difficult for me. He pushed his glasses covertly, knowing that it would be difficult for the king to say it himself, so he said for him: "You want to find Jiang Baiqi, Jiang Baiqi is actually your destined person, Your Majesty the King."

"...What?" Song Juyao suspected that she had auditory hallucinations.

"Jiang Baiqi is His Majesty the King."

"A majestic king's internal affairs officer, are you talking nonsense in the hall, are you kidding me?" Song Juyao's face darkened, and her gentle tone became severe, with obvious signs of rejection.

The temperature in the hall dropped again, and the internal affairs officer almost felt the coldness piercing his bones.

"Miss Song, can't you feel it? There is a special similarity between Jiang Baiqi and His Majesty, haven't you considered why?" The internal affairs officer felt a little confused, he didn't understand why Song Juyao Why should there be such a big reaction and such repulsion. Isn't this the best of both worlds? Getting Jiang Baiqi also got the king.

"It's similar, but it's not exactly the same." Song Juyao resolutely looked at the king and said, "You can't be Jiang Baiqi."

"Jiang Baiqi, it's my heart." The king finally spoke.

There is no need for a king to tell such a lie, and Song Juyao does not think that he is so charming that he would tell such a lie.

The world was silent, and Song Juyao's mind was blank, unable to think at all. Immediately, a lot of the past came to mind, Jiang Baiqi's inferiority complex, he found it hard to believe that she would love her, even if he is so good, he is always worrying about gains and losses, there is a hidden worry and fragility that one day he will be abandoned by her... So that's it , everything has the answer.

Because he knows that there is a difficult person to deal with is his competitor, maybe even he is the real destined person for her, and he feels that he just sneaked in and stole part of her feelings, so he will So uneasy, I dare not rest assured to enjoy the happiness of falling in love with her.

In Song Juyao's world, the withered branches have already sprouted new shoots, and the dry and barren land has some new greenery, but all of them are suddenly withered again. She was on the single-plank bridge above the cliff, and her whole body was precarious.

The internal affairs officer saw that her face was as white as paper, as if she had suffered a huge blow, and even the king's complexion became extremely bad, and quickly said: "Miss Song, you don't have to be so sad, Your Majesty and Jiang Baiqi are the same person..."

Song Juyao: "Not the same one."

"Why not? Can a person's heart and body not be one?"

"If Jiang Baiqi is your heart, it proves one thing. You abandoned him because you hated me." Song Juyao murmured: "The discarded heart came to me alone. Loved me, loved me, gave everything for me. And you, knowing what I'm going through, sit on the watchtower, like those who judge me, judge my every move, judge my soul, watch me Are you qualified to be your destined person?"

She looked up at the king, her eyes were flushed, "Really? Your Majesty the King?"

The king almost crushed the armrest, his heart was pierced like a knife, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he had done in the past, "Do you fall in love with someone for no reason? The world says love is unreasonable, but there is always a reason why This kind of relationship happened, either because of your appearance, or because of your personality or character. Before the fourth issue, I didn't know you at all."

Song Juyao smiled, "It seems that you are tempted by me. It is a great honor, Your Majesty. But you are the same as those people. The reason why you are tempted by me is because I let you see what you want to see. .”

Song Juyao's anger and sadness are so strong that even the internal affairs officer can see it with the naked eye, let alone the king who can feel her emotions.

The internal affairs officer did not expect such a result at all. Shouldn't Song Juyao know that Jiang Baiqi is the king's heart, and immediately treat the two as one person and accept it happily? Even if it is unacceptable in a short period of time, shouldn't you be so angry, just because the king didn't make a move in time? But His Majesty's reason is also human nature!

"Miss Song, can imagine that Your Majesty and Jiang Baiqi have split personalities. Even if they have different personalities, they are still the same..."

"Shut up!" Song Juyao yelled angrily, shaking even more violently, she could already deduce the general situation, the cat died, because the king caught Jiang Baiqi out and put it back into his body inside.

She has almost forgotten many memories of her previous life, even how painful it was. However, at this moment, those memories rushed into my heart crazily, so clear and profound, the pain seemed to come from the bones.

Could it be that Jiang Baiqi only appeared in this life? Could it be that her destined person status was suddenly possessed in this life? Certainly not, then that is to say, this His Majesty the King, her so-called destined person, in her previous life, sat idly by and stood by, until she died, he never made a move, even if he only needed to move his fingers, no matter what. , he even needs only one sentence to change her fate.

He may have his reasons, whether it is rebellion, rebellion against fate, or indifference to the life and death of strangers, no matter how many reasons there are, what does it matter to her? Why should she forgive?

Since I chose to ignore it at the beginning, why can't I ignore it to the end? Just be two strangers? Why take Jiang Baiqi away? Just because she was redeemed because of Jiang Baiqi? Just because she was reborn, she made all kinds of calculations in the trial show, and packaged herself as a person who will always emerge from the mud and not stained. In her previous life, because the exposed face was too ugly and cowardly, she was not as strong as a diamond. So he ignored it.

How ridiculous, how ridiculous!

"How do you cancel the contract?" Song Juyao asked coldly. When she thought that her mood had been watched by such a person all this time, she felt disgusted. If you find it annoying, why don't you ask her to relieve it? Maybe it's because I'm afraid she won't let her go, what a pretentious king. Then she must fulfill his wish, and there is no need for any connection between them.

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