Kneel to Me

Chapter 110:

The elevator went up and reached the 4th floor. Lin Weiqi walked out of the elevator excitedly and went to 401, but he didn't expect that the ward was empty.

"Where are the patients here?" Lin Weiqi asked the nurse at the opposite nurse's station.

All the staff of this nursing home, no one would know Lin Weiqi and the patients in this room, which girl would not be touched by such a handsome, wealthy and dedicated man?

So when she saw Lin Weiqi at this time, the female nurse who was questioned was moved in her heart, showing pity and distress in her eyes, and told him what happened not long ago.

The woman has been sent to the emergency room, but depending on the situation, I am afraid it will be difficult to rescue her. Vegetative people have poor immunity and physical fitness. She has been lying in bed for ten years. Absolutely toxic...

Lin Weiqi felt dizzy, his mind went blank for a moment, and despair and pain surged up in an instant, so that his heart ached.

His body shook, and the things he held in his arms fell to the ground. The ordinary knife hit the clean floor. in the brain.

His mind suddenly came to his senses, he clenched the elixir in his hand, and rushed to the emergency room, there is still a chance, there is still a chance, today he had an adventure, God will definitely not treat him like this...

"Open the door and let me in!"

He banged on the door hard. The nurse stood aside, with red eyes, full of guilt, wanting to go forward but not daring to do so.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, the patient is being rescued..." The emergency room opened, and a male nurse came out.

Lin Weiqi's eyes were red, clutching the Huizhen Pill tightly, he pushed the male nurse away and rushed into the emergency room.

In the emergency room, the doctor stopped. Before he had time to operate, she had already lost the signs of life, and the electrocardiogram showed a long straight line.

They couldn't help feeling depressed when they thought of the importance of this patient to Lin Weiqi, and even to the families of other victims.

At this time, they heard the movement and turned their heads to see Lin Weiqi barging in.

"Mr. Lin..."

Panting, Lin Weiqi looked at the electrocardiogram, eyes full of unwillingness, rushed to push the doctor away, pinched the woman's mouth, and stuffed the medicine into it. Realizing that she couldn't swallow, she quickly took a bottle of water beside her and poured it roughly.

Come alive for me, come alive!

I don't know if it was poured in, a lot of water flowed out from the woman's mouth, and the woman's entire face and hair were wet.

The people in the operating room looked at each other, hesitating whether to step forward to stop, the female nurse couldn't take it anymore, she covered her mouth and shed tears, it's so pitiful...

The bottle of water had already been poured, and Lin Weiqi gasped heavily, staring straight at the woman's face, the long straight line of the electrocardiogram in his ear was still making harsh long and harsh sounds.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Nothing happened.

"Mr. Lin..." a doctor called out cautiously, reaching out to touch his shoulder.

Lin Weiqi ignored it.

Six seconds...nine seconds...ten seconds...

Still nothing.

Do not…

Lin Weiqi's eyes turned red, and he slowly sat down on the ground with his head in his arms, crying bitterly.

The others in the operating room didn't know what to do. No one could empathize with his pain, so how could he say such meaningless words as "it's okay"?

Suddenly, the straight line of the electrocardiogram flicked.

The doctor was very sensitive to this sound, and turned his head to look at the electrocardiogram.

The line jumped slightly, jumped again, and then began to tend to the normal curve of a living person.

"Oh my god..." they made a shocked voice.

Not only was the electrocardiogram normal, but this vegetative person who had been lying in bed for ten years slowly opened his eyes...

Song Juyao looked at the man in front of him.

Hai Yuchen glanced at the extra things on the table, it must have been drawn out by grandpa who didn't know how much money he spent, and thinking that this person actually used his brother's most caring and painful things to trick him, he felt that Dazed with anger.

Of course, he is not really in a daze, after all, he is the person in power of the Changhai Group, and he has a strong ability to control his emotions. So he suppressed his anger and didn't seem to show it at all.

"Is it okay? Didn't Lin Weiqi draw it just now?" Hai Yuchen said. Regardless of the warnings and reminders from the family members winking.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha another one]

【Wait for the truth hahahahaha】

[Get ready to tremble, World View! 】

[Oh heh heh heh I'm getting excited again, it's so interesting to watch people draw cards, Song Juyao is so smart and so interesting! 】

[Twitch, let him twitch, let his calm handsome face crack! 】

Song Juyao: "Of course, it's just that your core cards didn't appear in my draw pool, so the chance of winning is very low."

"What is a core card?" Hai Yuchen wanted to see how ingenious the card-drawing trick designed by this scammer was, and it was able to deceive so many people.

Song Juyao: "A person has a strong and extreme desire in his heart, which is transformed into energy. The cards born in my card draw pool are the core cards."

"Really? Then you must have the core cards of half of the world's people in your card draw pool." He sarcastically said. There are so many people's core cards, but they have picked up their wool several times in a row. Thank you for your care. I don't even think about whether this setting is reasonable or not.

"People within my activity range will produce cards in my card draw pool." Song Juyao still said with a good temper.

Hai Yuchen: "Okay, I'd like to see what I can pull out."

Let's see how she dances, since she dares to come into Hai's house, don't even think about going out casually, the only place she can go is the police station.

Song Juyao did as he wished, with a slight movement of the small wooden stick, the light ball appeared.

Hai Yuchen was calmer than Lin Weiqi, he groaned coldly in his heart, and concluded that Song Juyao must have hidden the projector somewhere. He also thought that the cards flying out of the light ball were some kind of trick, even if it happened right under his nose and he could touch it, he didn't believe it.

Can't a powerful magician also perform similar magic tricks under the noses of people? The audience was amazed again and again, but it was all just a pre-designed cover-up.

He reached out and flipped the card over.

The first card is empty. The card disappeared in his hand, he was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't take it seriously.

The second card is also empty.

The third card is empty again.

The fourth card, the fifth card, the sixth card...the ninth card are all empty cards.

Hai Yuchen was even more convinced that Song Juyao was a liar, he must have used up all the props, and there was not much to lie to him.

And his family members showed expressions of disbelief towards him, even grandpa showed expressions of pity and disgust. It turns out that there is no worst thing, only worse, Hai Yuchen, their son is an African! God, he's African! Absolutely don't let him help draw cards, even if you kill him!

It was the last one, Hai Yuchen turned it over calmly.

Finally, there are mysterious patterns and words on the transparent card.

Song Juyao: "Congratulations, you have drawn an SR card, a dog-changing card copy card, a one-time item, and can become a **** dog with a sense of smell that is a thousand times more sensitive than ordinary dogs. The time limit is 60 minutes."

Hai Yuchen:? ? ?

Hai Yuchen's face changed slightly, feeling that Song Juyao was humiliating him, but in the next second, the card turned into white light and shot into his body.

In an instant, Hai Yuchen's whole body became hot like a fire, and his eyes became blurred. When it became clear again, his perspective completely changed. His family members were standing on top of him, looking down at him with strange expressions.

He froze, lowered his head, and saw his little fluffy feet. What was even more frightening was that he saw a blurry dog's head reflected on the smooth seemed to be Corgi.

...W-what? Hallucination? That's right, it must be an illusion, it can't be real.

"What's going on here?" Corgi spoke out, his voice was low and cold, and it sounded like a cool and handsome man's voice. If you don't listen carefully, it's hard to hear the shaking and panic hidden in it.

The next second, he was lifted up, and his mother Wen Xi looked at him with bright eyes, "Son, you are so cute!"

It's much cuter than him who matured precociously at a young age and never acted like a baby with her!

At this time, the Hai family, who had completely trusted Song Juyao's cards, didn't care about the fact that their boy turned into a dog, anyway, it only took an hour.

Wen Xi hugged him into his arms, Hai Yuchen's whole body...ah no, the whole dog's scalp felt numb and its fur exploded.

"Let go of me!" He struggled violently.

"My son is so cute, let mom hug him!"

"Let go of me, let me go!" The calm mood gradually collapsed.

However, something happened that made his hair stand on end and his whole body was going to collapse. Other family members gathered around, stretched out their hands to caress his fur and knead his feet with great interest, and his father Hai Chao wanted to scratch his chin.

Hai Yuchen's whole body collapsed to the point of spiraling up to heaven.

While Hai Yuchen was struggling violently, he saw Song Juyao. That unknown creature was standing there, wrapped in a black robe, mysterious and unfathomable. Only a little outline of the face under the shadow could be seen vaguely, as if it was looking at him. The portrait is like a fog, an abyss.

Suddenly his heart beat faster, and a sense of fear emerged from the soles of his feet. He realized that all of this is true, there are no liars, no tricks! TA is not a creature he can provoke. Did he really draw this dog-changing card? Or is it his punishment?

[Hahahahahahaha I seem to hear Hai Yuchen's inner scream]

【It’s a shame like a public execution hahahahaha】

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I can see life without love from a dog's face】

[Hahahaha Yaoyao is so cute! Good or bad! I love it! 】

[Let him not believe it, our Master Song is not really so good-tempered! 】

Hai Yuchen struggled so much like a cat driven into a desperate situation, with great strength, Wen Xi finally missed him and let him break free from his hands. As soon as Hai Yuchen landed on the ground, he stepped on his four short legs and twisted The fluffy **** **** ran away and hid under the coffee table. The alert ears are pricked up, and the big eyes are extremely vigilant.

At this time, in the pile of clothes that fell on the ground because he turned into a dog, there was a sound, it was the sound of his mobile phone.

Hai Chao bent down to help his son take out the phone, and said, "It's Xiao Wei."

Hai Chao picked up the phone, amplified the sound, and immediately heard the voice from inside. Lin Weiqi was so excited that he cried, "Achen, Achen, that woman woke up! She woke up! God is still here!" Is there? Thank you, thank you very much!"

In Lin Weiqi's heart, regardless of whether Song Juyao is a demon, a **** of death, or something else, from today onwards, she is his god, his belief! When he was in despair, no gods and ghosts responded to him, only her!

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