King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 907: Like a little rocket

Chapter 0907 Flickering Lame...

"Zagarincha, now hurry up and help me check the recent developments next door, especially the news related to the Notts County Club!"

Mr. Galliani quickly gave instructions to his assistant. The next door has never been very kind. Although everyone shares the same stadium, the relationship is really not very good.

Bald usually seldom light a cigarette, but now, he ignited one faintly, took a deep breath, and fell into contemplation.

Using Andrea Pirlo for Kaka alone, this scheme that can make the Milan club invincible seems to be impossible.

If the Notts County Club disagrees with this plan, can it be done by adding some cash to the Milan Club?

If not, everyone can discuss some other solutions. However, the Notts County Club has now started to drag the word.

"Fak squid!"

Bald smashed his ashtray, a pure English came out of his mouth, and the assistants outside the door popped their heads to see what was wrong with the boss.

"It's okay, you guys keep doing things!"

Mr. Galliani shook his head. He didn't know what to do next.

Mr. Galliani, who has always been self-proclaimed and resourceful, suddenly fell into contemplation, contemplation for no reason.

The work of Andrea Pirlo has long been done by the Milan club, and the players are said to have been in contact with the Notts County club and have a very happy conversation.

To a certain extent, the players have no intention of staying at the Milan club. If they can’t be sold in the end, isn’t it finished?

Nothing to say, time waits for no one!

I can't keep my club's pocketbook.

The Milan club thinks that Andrea Pirlo's move to Notts County is a sure thing.

So much so that they even contacted the alternatives. As for the price, it was almost done.

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the wind is owed. As long as the Notts County Club puts Andrea Pirlo's transfer fee to the Milan club's account, Milan City will usher in a new midfielder.

Many fans of the Milan club have already been on the tree, but they don't know which player will win Milan City.


After Giuseppe Marotta finished the phone call with Mr. Galliani, he immediately ventilated with his colleagues, and Wei Xun didn't care what the bald man thought.

"Giuseppe, isn't all this matter already entrusted to you? Whatever you ask me to do, I will do whatever you want. It's up to you to arrange it."

Someone curled his lips in embarrassment, but he had already scolded both Giuseppe Marotta and Jorge Mendes in his heart.

"You two unscrupulous guys, don't tell me such a big thing. Thanks to me, I've been very peaceful lately and didn't go to any entertainment venues."

Teacher Huang sat on the edge and stared at him. How could Wei Xun dare to make some discordant noises?

Notts County Club President Wei Xun, and Inter Milan Club President Moratti, the meeting in Milan was all directed by Giuseppe Marotta and Jorge Mendes.

The Inter Milan club took a fancy to some of the players of the Notts County Club. At the same time, Mr. Moratti also had a keen interest in Jose Mourinho, the coach of Magpie Sports.

As Mr. Galliani expected, this was not an accidental encounter. As for the man in black who provided him with the news, he was bought by the Notts County Club a long time ago.

Take money at both ends of the standard.

Not only helped the Notts County Club, but also completed the tasks assigned by Mr. Galliani, and made a lot of money.

"Wei, this summer, Stamford Bridge did not bring in any powerful players, Wesley Ned is already the biggest signing."

Jorge Mendes vaguely expressed his thoughts to Wei Xun.

Jose Mourinho is a coach who is eager to make contributions. He has proven himself in the UEFA Champions League, the Premier League and the Portuguese League.

Chelsea will have large-scale signings every year, and Weslis Ned is also considered a giant, but Abramovich has changed the habit of buying forwards this year, which is already very surprising.

With tight hands, it's impossible.

There is only one possibility left. The Russian local tyrant has reduced his investment in the Chelsea club. In other words, he is quite satisfied with Chelsea's current lineup.

The coach has not changed, and the tactics have not changed. If you have to say something, the team's tactical level will have a certain improvement.

But the team did not win the Champions League and the league title. Doesn't this indicate a certain problem?

It's not that the team is not strong enough, but that Chelsea's opponents are too strong. In this case, shouldn't the team's shortcomings be strengthened this summer?

Abramović, who has always been accustomed to his mastery, chose to cut down on food and clothing this summer.

Although Wesley Ned's transfer to Chelsea cost a lot of transfer fees, but the Chelsea club's book funds have not lost too much.

Mr. Galliani also discovered that a lot of money has flowed out of the books of the Notts County club, and all this money has gone to the Chelsea club scene.

Wei Xun did not ask Mr. Abramovich to borrow money to buy people before, and to trade Wes Lies Ned, for the Notts County Club, it was a change in numbers.

It not only filled the vacancy in the fiscal fairness policy, but also paid back the money owed to the local tyrants in Russia. It was originally a matter of killing two birds with one stone, but now it has been cast a layer of mystery.

But right? Giuseppe Marotta and Zhao Tai's two-person show operation has deceived all veterans like Mr. Galliani.

The Italian really doesn't understand what the money on the books of the Notts County Club is for, but if he doesn't understand this, he dare not act rashly.

The people he sent out did not get the information he wanted, and the Inter Milan club was calm.

Next door is the Notts County Club, and reached a few transfers of young players, but such a transfer, it is necessary for the chairman of the two clubs to personally play?

As more and more news was placed in front of Mr. Galliani, his suspicion deepened.

When Giuseppe Marotta faxed the official transfer document of Andrea Pirlo to the Milan club general manager's office, Mr. Galliani had no idea how to respond.

The Notts County Club finally provided three options.

The first two are what they discussed before.

28 million euros, one price, both money and money.

34 million euros, paid in installments, a total of four installments. If the payment cannot be made on time, there will be a certain percentage of liquidated damages.

The third option is something that most people in the Milan club did not think of, but it is also one of the methods used by Mr. Galliani.

First rent Andrea Pirlo for half a season. The loan fee is 5 million euros. The players’ salaries are fully borne by the Notts County Club. The Notts County Club will pay a buyout fee of 23 million after the end of the season. EUR.

Similarly, if the Notts County Club violates the above agreement, they will pay a certain percentage of liquidated damages.

It seems that the Milan club is not losing money, but this one is already in crisis.

………………Dividing line………………

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