King’s Landing in Nottingham

Vol 1100 Chapter 901: Nonsense

Item 0901

In this world, not every friendly army can continue to support their actions, at least Wei Xun is reluctant to participate in such negotiations.

He watched Lao Zhu and Lao Ma fighting fiercely with Jia Bald there. Several people said that they were dry, and he was indifferent.

But it's not that Wei Xun has no conscience. It's just that the topic is too technical. If there is any problem with the posture of his insertion, it may backfire.

As we all know, Andrea Pirlo is the son of the big boss of steel, and they don't play football for money.

What Mr. Galliani said about the details of the player contract is pure nonsense.

The current level of the Notts County club may not be enough, otherwise, Andrea Pirlo himself should take the initiative to submit a transfer application to the Milan club.

Do not believe?

Then you can change the Notts County Club to Real Madrid and try it.


"Father, don't close your eyes and rest your mind, how can you Italians talk so much? Giuseppe and Jorge are almost overwhelmed."

Looking at Andrea Pirlo’s transfer fee, he was talked about 30 million euros. Although this price is in line with the expectations of the Notts County Club, it is good for the Notts County Club to spend a penny less. of.

"What's wrong? According to you, isn't Giuseppe Italian anymore?"

Elder Mo Ji still didn't open his eyes, so he just chatted with Wei Xun, and he was not afraid that these younger generations would say that he closed his eyes and talked nonsense.

"Hey, father, Giuseppe has already applied for an English passport. Strictly speaking, he holds dual citizenship of Italy and England."

Hum, Wei Xun has a smug look on his face.

Only a few people knew about Giuseppe Marotta's entry into English nationality, and they relied on it to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with the old man.

In the original time and space, the Milan club won the UEFA Champions League and Serie A consecutively. As the core of the team's midfield, Andre Pirlo will reach the peak of his career worth of 38 million euros next winter.

But this has a prerequisite, Andrea Pirlo renewed his contract with the Milan club.

Now, the Italians have only one year left in their contract with the club, and the Milan club has not won the European Cup.

The so-called positive and negative negatives are positive, and the two conditions are set here, and Andrea Pirlo's worth can't go up anymore.

"Father, the price of thirty million euros is the highest, right? You say he is always considered a profiteer!"

When saying this, Wei Xun cautiously ran to Mo Ji's side and said in a whisper, for fear that Mr. Galliani would hear him.

Mo Ji was upset. You said Galliani was a profiteer, didn't you even scold my old man?

Don’t you Chinese have a common saying, what is called gathering of things by kind, and people by group. I know this guy like Galliani so well, I can’t separate it anyway.

The old Italian man turned his eyes up and didn't want to talk to Wei Xun for a moment. Someone asked himself to be boring, and swam to Giuseppe Marotta and Jorge Mendes.

"Mr. Chairman, I remember that a few years ago, you told me that Andrea Pirlo is a player you like very much."

When Mr. Galliani looked at the clubs of both sides, he was deadlocked at the price of 30 million euros, and instantly thought of what Wei Xun had said a few years ago.

Drag Wei Xun in at this time, there will be some turning points, this guy has always been outspoken and can't hide things.

"Well, I really hope he can reveal the reserve price of the Notts County Club..."

At this time, Mr. Galliani's eyes were rolling, and he had already begun to figure it out.

Jorge Mendes is also good at this. He has already stuck to Wei Xun's ear and exhorted:

"Wei, he's already a little bit emotional now. Don't let it go. No matter what he says, don't talk to him too much. Use your nonsense skills and just talk to him."

If ordinary people hear Mendes' words, they will definitely think that Jorge Mendes' words are a bit hurtful, and we can't do anything with Wei Xun, except for nonsense.

But in Wei Xun's eyes, these words revealed the deep trust of his friends!

"Jorge has given me such a difficult task. I must do a good job and try to get Galliani into the ditch for him!"

Having made up his mind, Wei Xun ran to Mr. Galliani cautiously, holding on to the wall of the swimming pool.

Although Wei Xun likes to take a bath, he really can't swim. Several times Teacher Huang wanted to teach him that the swimsuit and lifebuoy were ready, but Wei Xun didn't dare to go down.

"Mr. Galliani, because Andrea, Pirlo is a player I like very much, that's why we sincerely invite him to join."

Wei Xun's words are well received. In European football, like the Manchester United club, the bad guys who always raise their hands are rare. Most clubs still know the rules very well.

Almost all those who are willing to bargain with you really want to buy. If he doesn't want to buy, he won't waste time with you here.

Galliani was also thinking about what he should say next. Wei Xun seemed a bit accurate today. No matter what he said, he just didn't talk about the topics Galliani wanted to know.

"Mr. Galliani, the core transfer of the team is such an important matter. I think you should also listen to the opinions of the head coach and Mr. Chairman. You can bring back our Notts County offer. I hope you and the Milan club can See the sincerity of the Notts County Club."

For a while, this matter could not be resolved, but at any rate the price was almost negotiated.

With an offer of 30 million euros, the Notts County Club and the Milan Club actually have the meaning of a deal, but they are all waiting, one side wants to make more money, and the other side wants to give a little less.

Andrea Pirlo's transfer to the Notts County club will hardly change much. After all, the players themselves have already negotiated.

Ma squint has already secretly contacted the players, promised the No. 21 jersey and core position, and at the same time revealed the plans and plans of the Notts County club in the new season.

Sleeping Pi has already been tempted. The strength of the Notts County Club is obvious to all, and the club chairman is even more famous.

I heard that this summer, the Notts County Club still has several goals to win.

The lineup of the People's Club is already very good, but it still maintains such a strength of signings, which is much better than the Milan club.

Only such a club can realize its ambitions!

"Okay, okay, with my old man present, I also know that you can't let go, you can discuss it by yourself tomorrow, and come here first today."

Father Mo Ji, who had been soaking in the water for a long time, finally reached the point where he couldn't support it. When he spoke, everyone came up on the ground.

………………Dividing line………………

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